Thursday, October 25, 2012

the Old Hearthside

This letter was dropped off to me today. Does anyone know anything about this? this is the old Hearthside rest home / the old Stuart  House on Baldwinville Rd.

My question as I read this is the "2 year" statement - hearthside has been gone since 2009 am I right?

Thanks My opinion- Pauly


  1. that place was taken by the bank, should be easy enough to pinpoint the date it stopped being.

  2. I have some knowledge about the program that Mclean may want to put there, or at the very least what they have done in Ashburnham, and Princeston. In those other communities, they have programs to treat substance abuse. This site may be used to treat people, after they have gone through detox. These programs are well run, from what I have been told, and they are co-ed. This peogram will bring money into the community, hopefully along with some jobs. From what I gather, this is not a program for sex offenders. I guess if anyone wanted more information, they could give Mcleans, a call. Bev.

  3. In all reality most substance abusers do not suceed the first time which means many "recovering" but ready to go back, drug addicts running around baldwinville

  4. So, what's the solution? Do nothing? Guess your family is the only one that hasn't been affected by substance abuse or addiction.

  5. I personally HAVE been thru the system and have seen 1st hand how manipulative people can act when they are where they "have" to be. as soon as you give them a little slack, they are back to their old ways and the town they are in suffers. (Keep in mind, this house would not be full of local people, they are filled with people who have no connections or care of local people or businesses)

    1. I doube if these people will stick around, if they decide to relapse. Some people don't make it when they go into treatment, but a lot do. I do not think this treatment facillity will have a large inpact on the town at all. I know of a treatment program where the clients actually work at the senior center, and some get jobs in town. Remember, they have gone to detox, and are working to get controll of their lives. this is my opinion, Bev.

    2. do your research before you say no the play place in princeton and ashburnham are street level addicates cost lots of money to go to either place and not much paid by insurance

  6. Okay then how about in your neighborhood? anyone who knows this area knows there is a daycare just 2 houses away and a bus stop right there at the corner and an elementary school in the area. Also let's not forget these places are usually tax exempt like the group homes we have in town.

  7. NOT IN MY BACK YARD !!!lmao!!!!!
