Wednesday, November 21, 2012

a Blog from Tom Jeleniewski

From: Tom Jeleniewski
Considering the fiscal condition we find ourselves in, you would think that each and every department would be anxious to cooperate with the other departments. Especially when there is an opportunity to recover tens of thousands of dollars in arrears.  In October the Sewer Department Supt. at the request of the commissioners made a formal request to the Water Department to reconsider its refusal to terminate water service to those customers who were seriously in arrears and who did not enter into a payment agreement.  Below is the response from the Water department Supt. He turned the request around into an attack on the Sewer Department. Had he done is homework he would have realized that there is on file legal opinion stating that it is in fact permissible to discontinue water service for sewer arrears. The Sewer department has also place liens on the customer’s properties. There is little other recourse available. Instead of asking what the Water Dept. do to help, the Supt. and Water commissioners have taken the stance;  “WE ARE NOT GOING TO HELP AND YOU CAN’T MAKE US”  I think the Water department supt. and commissioners live in a parallel universe. They absolutely do not care about the fiscal health of Templeton. If  these people are not working for the benefit of the town, then who are they working for?  Also keep in mind that one commissioner is also on the BOS, and another stood up at town meeting and proclaimed (regarding the fluoride issue) that he “didn’t care what the town voted, they weren’t going to stop fluoride”.   (I personally don’t care about fluoride one way or the other).  This shows the level of arrogance displayed the crowd on Bridge Street. Mr. Driscoll seems very adept at quoting verse and page of the statutes.  How about some cooperation  for the good of the town.

Here is the Letter from John Driscoll to the Sewer Commission


  1. It was very clear to me after last weeks water and light meeting, that there was not or will ever be, any help from the people in these departments. Sorry guys at the sewer dept, didn't you feel the bus, when it ran over you and your department? I could not miss it, and I don't think I was alone. This is a very bad state of affairs. As a town we are in very bad shape, but these guys do not have a clue. They are over there getting fat and happy. Pain, what pain?? They do not feel any, and I am afraid they will not make any changes to help the town, unless they are forced to. This is what it will take! Action, by the towns select board, and the Advisory board, needs to be taken to make changes to this department. They are as much a department of the Town of Templeton as any one else. They have conned the towns' people for long enough. Don't think any change is going to come easy. Bart and I have been bashed for speaking up. That is ok, I will be dammed if I am going to stay home, because some body got their feelings hurt!! Suck it up, the town is in trouble! That means everyone and every department helps. That is the way it should be. My opinion, Bev.

  2. I wonder how much some lawyer was paid to think about and then write this letter from Mr. Driscoll? It would be hard to believe that he wrote this himself. Also in section 2 the letter mentions that the Water Dept cannot cooperate it the matter. Well it is not that they cannot help, it is that they CHOOSE to not help. There is a difference.

    1. Does L&W Dept have to use the same attorney as the rest of the town depts. or do they use their own?

    2. By the way...How many of you are aware that Driscoll is not shy about requesting the Treatment Plant to spool up their generator to supply the town with extra power when the Light dept is short of power?

  3. Municipal liens are not what gets the water bills paid, it is shutting off the water that makes people pay. A Lien is only good if people are selling or trying to refinance their home. I did not realize how much of an idiot Driscoll is.

  4. Tom Thanks for the tid bit!
    Thats what we need when the question fly at tmlwp meetings.
    Come with me and c4t members to see the show!
    Should be a interesting thing,the last one had so many things to look forward to! When they were asked about the water being shut off they only had one thing to say.Why should we loose business over their bad bills!
    Shorten our income,thats bare bones now.We can't afford to!
    Fact is their broke. A audit needs to be done and that will be a shock to the town!
    They have the idea thats your problem tough shit!
    It has taken us 4 meetings + to get the meeting and agenda for their meetings posted on the town web site, only because we wouldn't shut up about it! The tmlwp web site is another project that is mission impossible also!If there are not some movement in those departments,or commission then I think the town will need to check it options! There is alot of support for a major change in the formation and function of our Templeton "Municipal" Light Water Plant.
    The wind turbine audit is due 18,000. dollar cost!
    That will shed a light on the management,oversite and reasons for the changes needed so badly.Tom and others PLEASE join us and ask question and watch the faces the "chairman" Blaise make and his comments to the people they get paid by. He bosts about the 16 years on the board. I guess he's been the problem for some time than!
    Shows lack of respect and arrogance if they don't cooperate with the town officals and public, policys are unlike other muni light depts. I will love to ask any questions you or others don't want to ask! I would like the records of the spool up requests,To do a stool request! Must be the only way to make up for the power production failures they are having! Well still looking forward to the audit copy.
    As requested by the chairman Blaise
    singned with "balls"and "brains"
    Dave Smart
    1 of many "shareholders"
    Board changes are needed for the good of Templeton

  5. I nominate Dave Smart to run for L&W.

  6. Back when K&P was town council.. I quote part of a memo from Atty Katharine Doyle sent to Carol Skelton dated January 5, 2009.
    ".....Pursuant to G.L. c 40 Sect42A-42F (TJ note:the town has accepted)...the town has the explicit authority to turn off water of property owner's (sic) who are delinquent on their water bills, therefore it is my opinion that if shutting off water is explicitly allowed for collecting unpaid water charges, it is a legal means which the town could undertake for collecting unpaid sewer use charges. Furthermore, it is my opinion that shutting off water is a legal means for collecting unpaid sewer charges because another government entity, the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority , explicitly allows this remedy by regulation for unpaid sewer use charges by any person or entity that uses the sewer system. 360 CMR 10.103. Therefore it is my opinion that the Town has the authority to shut off water service if a property owner fails to pay the sewer use charges...." There is other verbage describing the procedures that need to take place, but the above quote is the "meat" of it.

    It is no ones intention to "screw" people who are genuinely facing hard times. However, there are many people who are simply ignoring their obligations, and it is not fair for the rest of the rate payers and taxpayers to pay for those who refuse to pay.
    To my knowledge, Neither Driscoll nor the commissioners have provided any reason as to why they won't help the town.
    Is that correct Dana Blais? Is that correct Selectman/Commissioner Stewart? Is that correct Stealth commissioner?

  7. "Mark my words". Now that I have poked the bear in the eye with a stick, I predict the next communication from the water department to the sewer department will be the termination of them supplying the sewer department with the water meter readings necessary for sewer bill calculations, or at the very least and exorbitant increase in the fees for those meter readings. Anyone care to make a wager?

    1. Tom,
      If they use the threat of not giving the sewer dept. the water meter readings, look into EDU's. Some people like EDU's , some people hate EDU's . The one bonus, a BIG bonus with EDUs, is you can do your billing w/o anything from the water department. Why do you think you get the meter readings AFTER the water they can get their bills out first!

      With EDU's , The Sewer department makes the call when to send out the quarterly bills.

      Just a thought...

  8. Thanks Tom for bringing this to our attention. I appreciate what you're trying to do as a Sewer Commissioner. There must be a way to force their hands on this issue. If the TMLW meetings were televised, I think public opinion would change very quickly. The outcry against Dana and Chris in particular would be very negative.

  9. I have been looking at the "upside down" organization pyramid over at the water and light department. I was in error when using the term "Superintendent" I should be referring to the GENERAL MANAGER.....for now. It also amazes me how the Sewer department gets all their office work done with one clerk level person, while the water/light department quite the staff to do "not much more" work.

  10. The last thing citizens in Templeton should do is get in to the habit of name calling. That being said and with history as our guide Mr. Driscoll is a round brown asshole.

    1. I would recommend that we keep the name calling to a minimum or at least a bit more civilized. :)

  11. Tom - you are a great addition to the sewer commission thank you for your town service. I made that statement at an advisory Board meeting - why is it that the Sewer Dept clerk can do all the billing and collecting and all the administrative work for the Sewer dept for about half the pay of any one of the l&w office staff. and why is it that the Highway and Sewer guys belong to the same union as water but don't get the same benefits. and why doesn't the selectmen negotiate with the water dept fr union contracts????

  12. The main question that we need to bring forward is do we get answers to our questions or the run around.If they dare keep up the run around ,without any resultstheir doomed!
    Time will tell if the meetings are fuller and more people join in the problem solving quest were on!
    In their minds Quote" the customers think things are fine,It's just the few that come and aren't happy"
    JD-I give him credit at least he isn't making "faces" at the customers and elected officials like dana b. does!
    again with balls and brains dana
    Dave Smart
    Your thorn from now on!
    Dana we only need to see your back when you walk out, not the faces your making at us!

  13. Can someone explain why there is a General Manager overseeing two superintendents (water and light). Should'nt one of those positions be eliminated? Looks to me like the General Manager is redundant. Each one of those supers should be able to manage their own respective department. If not, why do we need them?

  14. That's a really good question. Before the merger or "hostile takeover" the general manager was the only managerial position at the light department. I believe Harry A. was the Highway superintendent as well as the water superintendent . The sewer treatment plant was operated by the paper mill...for the paper mill even though there were sewer commissioners. Harry was in charge of the sewer lines under the roads as well. There were foremen in each department.

    Upside down doesn't begin to cover the rapid growth of managerial staff at TMLWP...unsustainable. That's why your water bills have increased over 500% since the hostile takeover.

  15. They need the extra help to fill the water tanks to the top to save electricty costs and repair the main that can't handle the extra pressure,It's hard to keep up to the problems with so much management manageing managers!
    Thats why the office help is there to keep track of the mess!
