Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving to All.            GO WARRIORS!!!!!

And now some helpful hints for a successful meal. Please add your
If your turkey is not thawed by now put it in a sink full of cold water.
Allow the turkey to rest about 30 min. before carving.
Remember if you have other things cooking in the oven with the turkey it may take longer than anticipated.
One question I have - does the fluoride boil out of the water??? If not hope all of you are cooking with bottled water. hee-hee-hee

Have a wonderful and save Thanksgiving Day!!!!!


  1. I am thankful for two outstanding Selectmen, Julie and Jeff. I am thankful for all the people who aren't afraid to speak up and ask questions, Bev, Pauly, Tom J, Dave S,
    I am thankful for a smart and hardworking Advisory Board!
    I am thankful for Jeff Ritter!
    I am thankful I have well water!

  2. I am thankful my kids are home for Thanksgiving. Jess brought her dog to visit. It's nice having a dog in the house even though she rolled around in something.

    My secret to a successful Thanksgiving dinner is to get invited to some else's house.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone no matter where you are!
