Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Selectman on active duty stays in touch.......

If anyone looks at the financial statements concerning Templeton, you will see that Templeton has long and short term debt beyond our debt limit. According to the rules, a municipalities debt limit or borrowing power comes from state law or statue that is set by the state legislature. There is assessment value involved which basically is an assessed taxable amount based on a percentage of market value. I read that as a town's borrowing power is directly proportionate to its assessment of local property value. I am sure a visit to the assessors office can make that clearer. My concern is how was Templeton able to do this, that is get so far above our debt limit unless perhaps someone at the DOR and Templeton accountant were doing some shady cyphering with a little help from a selectmen or two and perhaps town counsel. These are facts being found and brought forward by the "new" Templeton financial team of Advisory, Fred Aponte, town accountant, Dan Keeney, Treasurer and town coordinator Jeff Ritter. Who and how it was accomplished is probably subject for discussion but the fact remains, Templeton is in above its head financially and you can look at who was at the helm while this happened. While there is much talk on the blog about what to do, how to do it and different things to get us out of debt, I think it is important for all to see just how we got in the mess and why it will take everything we can do to dig out from it. My theory on how and why is for later. I just wanted people to see the information for themselves and then form questions and opinions such as should we publish delinquent taxpayers names. I believe this information just adds to the list of questionable practices that were in place and perhaps is part of the reason for many political plays in Templeton as of late. The big to do about letting carol skelton go, the big recall push and the things that happened after the recall, firing of town counsel, firing of Jeff Ritter, bring back K&P and bring back temporary carol skelton then the all out blitz to try and keep her. Her parting shot was to claim 1.985 hours worked to take the last dime out of the coordinator salary account. Contrary, Jeff Ritter came back to work off the money he was given "to resign" yeah right!!!! Take a look at the financial information and go ask the selectmen your questions. Perhaps there are more financial situations at light and water and this is why Julie Farrell had such a hard time getting information when she was a commissioner. The information is there, the indicators that something was wrong has always been there, it just took a while to crack the door open. As it has turned out, it was a good thing in the long run that they never answered Pauly's questions about the con com agents pay, the mishandling of Tammy Collers complaint and a resume of the former con com agent. Those are the things that got me to run for selectmen. I can not take credit and will not for the events that have happened since I was elected, but i do feel I have made a difference in some small way. I was "there" to see people stand-up and demand answers and to be heard. I think some people should re-watch a dvd of a selectmen meeting when Virginia Wilder told a police officer that she wanted that whole section of taxpayers tossed out of a selectmen meeting. Then perhaps take a moment or two to think about making a difference and run for selectmen. Will Spring has shown you can make a difference, just raise your hand and volunteer. my opinion from Afghanistan, Jeff Bennett

Statement of indebtedness

Trial Balance



  1. I was saying the recall was the "worst thing that had happen in Templetons 250 years". I had really felt that for a long time until Bart said I was wrong, "It was the best thing that had ever happened" After sitting back and taking a longer look, at what we and the town has gone through, I know he was right. As a result ot this recall, the things that were hidden, came to the surface. It is did not take me long, to feel there was a dam good reason that they fought tooth and nail, to keep their gang in charge, and keep Julie's people out. I think once we dig deep enough, we will find where bodies buried, and the truth will come out. This is what is happening now. I am afraid what we are going to uncover will not be a pretty picture. We can blame our selves for some of the problems we have, but others, there is no way we would have seen this coming. The bottom line is we are in deep, over our heads, and I just pray we can find the right trail out. It is going to be very interesting to see how bad the books were cooked, or if they were. I guess that gives you a good idea why Scott ran for the door as soon as he knew the Echo Hill gang was not there to cover his ass. I know it took us a long time to straighten out the articles for the Annual Town Meeting after Mrs. S. changed them. I guess it did not matter to her, that they had already been voted on. Oh well, whats one more mess, for us to deal with. Hang on to your seat, the ride to a healthy Templeton is going to be a long, rough ride. Bev.

  2. Jeff,you are so right with your facts even though you are in the desert far away from Templeton. You explained our debt exactly as it is. Hopefully, all the people that read the blog will give this message to other taxpayers in town. I don't think that even with the Light Co. money we won't be able to stop receivership. Thankfully, the Treasurer, Accountant, Town Coordinator and Mr. Spring are looking into this BIG problem. Jeff, can't wait for you to be home from Afghanistan and give us even more information. We do miss you and your knowledge. Stay safe. Merry Christmas!

  3. Is it possible that the old accountant Scott never ever received a 1099 from the town? Was there a loop hole that Scott took advantage of that a municipality did not need to give any record of payment to the State and Fed when you are paid through an incorporated business? Did he ever pay taxes on the money he made over the years in Templeton? The town books may or may not have been cooked but if he did not pay his taxes on his payments that would be tens of thousands that the State and Feds are owed by him. Who knows?

    1. I would not want to be in the shoes of anyone with the IRS after them. They are relentless, when it comes to getting their money. What is that old saying? "You play, you pay!" Bev.

  4. How did Templeton get so far above the debt limit, as a town's borrowing power is directly proportionate to its assessment of local property value? It is s a great question, Jeff. Did someone at the DOR and Templeton’s old accountant, Scott, create some magic with a little help from past and/or present selectmen and perhaps old town counsel K&P? The voted on investigation hopefully will shed some light on this matter. But it sure does seem like there was a plot at hand that a few would gain from, not the entire town. Who at the DOR would be a likely cohort and has town ties? Any ideas?
