Tuesday, December 18, 2012

As Templeton Turns …December 17, 2012

As Templeton Turns …December 17, 2012

The BOS meeting was rather short last night. After approval of the minutes, there was discussion about the ambulance billing service. The board agreed to abate the “Over 180 Days” outstanding amounts that have accrued to over $101,000 as uncollectible. The $101,000 has accumulated over the years…about six year. Going forward the BOS will review the “hardship” cases every six months for abatement. Coastal billing will provide information on submitting a letter of hardship along with the bill for ambulance service.

Dennis O’Brien attended the meeting to explain the request for an increase of $27,500 from the $35,000 budgeted for veterans services. There was an e-mail thread from Veteran’s agent Neil McGuirk to Dennis about this issue in September. “The additional $27,500 increase in funds will be required beginning January 2013.”  Simply put, Templeton does not have the $27,500. We have cut hours and positions. The Advisory Board asked the veterans agent for the figure to budget for FY 13 and was informed that $35,000 was the figure. Dennis suggested that the veterans’ agent should attend the next meeting to give a more detailed explanation.

The tax classification hearing was held. There will be one rate for all classes in FY 13. The tax rate has not yet been determined. Hopefully soon.

Under New Business – resident Cindy Butts, discussed some concerns with the McLean project on Baldwinville Rd. She has raised concern over the lack of a CORI check for potential clients., concerns about parking, lighting, and traffic impact on the neighborhood. The plans are under peer review. The next planning board meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2013. I believe Cindy would like the BOS to enforce the Dover Amendment to ensure this facility fits the criteria.

It was voted and the chairman signed the contract amendment with SBS for the elementary school project. A copy of this contract amendment will be posted with the next Templeton elementary school building update.

Pete Kasper asked when the town would have the mandatory training on “Harassment” for all town employees, which is required every two years. The training will take place in the near future.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. In my opinion, The "Harassment" training should be expanded to, not only learning how to treat Town employees with respect, but also being taught how to be respectful to the average citizen who expresses concerns for questionable practices of ANY dept. procedures that do not seem right, asking about the increase in pays without due process or authorization beyond their own "walls", seeing that reconciling payments are done immediately to avert undue hardship for those who may be erroneously named as a non-payer, or in general being attuned to what the taxpayers, rate payers or any other resident has to say about anything, if it is done according to policy. Even if it is not done to every dotted i & crossed T, issues with merit need to be addressed with courtesy & professionalism. Also, if someone (who still has a few strings to pull) does not like what a resident has to say there should be stiff penalties for "going after" that resident with "scare tactics" just because that someone (who thinks they are better than everyone else)has the "power" to still make those unlawful bullying tactics be played out to try and shut another person up simply because they don't like what they have to say!! I have seen this happen way too many times in Templeton. It is extremely harmful & egregious!! Plus it is morally, & ethically outrageous that this has been, not only allowed but encouraged, to go on. It was a very different town when I grew up here many years ago. I, too, have seen major changes that have taken place within the last 10 years at a rapid rate that has lead to Templeton's decline. The bad decisions (to put it mildly) that have brought us to a very dangerous fiscal cliff are mostly due to Arrogance, Greed, Self-Entitlement & Abuse of power from those few who seem to be tied to almost every (if a not all) of the adverse issues that plague this town. I believe, this is part of what is in the bundle of "bad practices" that made Pauly start this Blog site, among many other heavy laden problems that need hard scrutiny to get us back on the right path to prosperity. Please let's get that investigation under way before it's too late. As usual these are my thoughts & opinions based on what I have experienced & observed as a life-long resident. Thanks, as always, to those who are working hard to fix the nightmare that these few greedy self-centered individuals have caused us. May God, Peace & Safety continue to be with these brave determined souls as they continue to sort through this mess!!

  2. Harrassment training, is that just for employees/ because they are not the problem. How about for selectmen (woman)who else is being harrassed?
    My next question is about Templeton's veterans' liason. Our Veterans (and our town) deserve someone better than DOB. He gets notice in September and doesn't let anyone know until December. come on!
    I agree with C Butts, there should be CORI checks done on all clients in all the halfway houses/group homes in Templeton. we have a level 3 living in the one on Baldwinville Rd. Why don't we sell mclean 252 Baldwinville Rd. Much bigger lot, right off the highway, no daycares or schools near by.

    1. How can DOB sit there and not answer why he waited 3 months to let the BOS know that they need to come up with $27,000 more money for the Vet program by January, 14 days away! 3 months, he sat there with this bill. He sat there with it before the Special Town meeting, and decided not to bring it up so that it could have been taken care of then, No, he waits until there is 14 days left to address the bill. He chose not to do anything with it until it is almost too late. Has he not paid any attention to the financial mess he and his buddies left this town with? The Vets deserve better than this, for sure! This dummy should not be involved in ANY town business!

    2. DOB didn't bring it up over 3 months because he probably didn't pay attention to the duties of the position. I'm sure someone had to tell him that this was an issue to address. Remember folks, this guy was the BOS Chair in 2010 when 252 Bald. Rd. was purchased. Stupid is as stupid does...

    3. Considering what happened today at the school, the BOS may want to make the harassment training a priority in the new year. With such a bullying issue in our schools, it up to us--the adults--to lead by example. And seeing there is a harassment issue in our town government, its no surprise that our kids have a problem with it too. A note to all the GS/Echo Hill supporters that are writing nasty things on this blog...if you have the need to pick on someone and call names, then go do it in a mirror. Try letting your actions be controlled by positive feelings instead of negative feelings. Honestly, when will the disrespect end? Our kids are suffering for our bad behaviors.

    4. What happened at the school? Are you referring to the school in CT?

  3. I watched the meeting on tv tonight and I didn't see the chair ask if anyone was recording the meeting. I thought he said he had to ask that at every meeting. If not, then what made that one meeting a couple of meetings ago so special?

  4. I am curious as to why there is no talk about publishing the names of those who "owe" this $101,000.

    Julie - why do you support putting the names of those who the tax collector says are in arrears, but don't broach the same treatment for those who owe for ambulance service?

    Why does hardship matter for ambulance service, but not for property taxes?

    Did you vote to abate the $101k?

    Not being a wise guy, I know you are thoughtful and well informed. I just don't understand the difference.

    1. Hi Mark,
      I had to work and then a meeting so I'm just getting to the blog. Jeff already answered the question about the ambulance service and HIPPA requirements.
      I voted to abate the $101,000 . I think I made the motion. The ambulance service abatement was for accounts the were unpaid for over 180 days. In fact most of the amounts "owed" are very old. ...like years old. The vote was in fact a "housekeeping " item to get this money off the books so it isn't held against the town.

      Going forward, the hardship applications will be reviewed by the BOS every 6 months so we don't accrue a large backlog. The reason for doing this is that most people have insurance, so even if we "forgive" the co-pay , we will still receive the insurance portion. The meeting will probably take place in executive session to protect patients rights according to HIPPA law.

      Back taxes are public record. Different issue. As I have stated before the town needs every dime it can get. If you owe back taxes, please set up a payment plan. Publishing the names of people who owe taxes is one way to get people to pay up. I believe it is one of the steps we need to take...along with many other changes ....to get our financial house in order.

  5. Mark who owes tax is public record, who owes ambulance like light water or sewer bills is not public record. Ambulance bills come under hepa laws.

  6. HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accoutability Act passed in I believe the mid 1990s covers the privacy of patients, even third party billing entities are subject to this Federal Law and Massachusetts has its own version or additions to it. State House news had something about it a while back where a billing company lost a laptop with patient info on it. So releasing names or information about billing is a no no. Same thing when property taxes are abated, as in elderly given a break because of income levels. This is done in closed door session. I have been asked to leave a meeting of the Board of Assessors while they vote on these. "Sorry Mr. Selectmen, this is discussed and voted on in executive session." One of those "situations" of public records and disclosure. One of the risks of the town being in the ambulance business. Probably a little more time and research needs to be done on this subject.

    1. It is to bad that some of the bills for the ambulance service were six years old. It could be that some of these people are not with us any longer. I guess running a department on a part time basis, is the reason the bills were let go. I am glad our new Fire Chief will be able to keep track of this type of thing. As for Anonymous 3:59, I do not let the nasty things that anyone writes on the blog bother me. I know we are getting their attention. We are affecting "them", more than they are hurting us. It is very true, that we have not done anything wrong. As far as DOB goes, I think he sat on his request, because he was afraid to come to the selectmans meeting. It was easy to call all of the tax payers in town "Stupid", when he was not facing them. Look who is stupid now!! I think he knows how the majority of the C4T feel about him. He has done his share in hurting this town. I for one, will think of "Stupid", every time I see that man, and the same goes for Mullins, AKA Scrappy. Some things are to hard to ever forgive. Bev.

  7. Thanks for the explanation, Jeff & Julie.

    I agree, Jeff, a very large bad debt is yet another reason to consider whether or not the town should be in the ambulance business.
