Monday, December 17, 2012

Light and Water Links

Here is a list of useful links to websites concerning municipal light departments and water systems.

Municipal Light:
MMWEC – Mass Municipal Wholesale Electric Company

MEAM – Municipal Electric Association of Massachusetts

NEPPA -Northeast Public Power Association

ISO-NE- Regional Transmission Operator in New England Control Area

NEPOOL – New England Power Pool

APPA- American Public Power Association
Executive Summary

Public power systems provide a direct benefit to their communities in the form of payments and contributions to state and local government. The total value of the contributions made by the publicly owned utilities often comes in many forms and is not always easily recognized. In addition to payments such as property-like taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, and transfers to the general funds, many of the utilities make other contributions in the form of free or reduced cost services provided to states and cities. APPA calculated net payments and contributions for 284 public power systems in the most current data year of 2010 and determined that the median amount contributed was 5.2 percent of electric operating revenues.

In 2010, investor-owned utilities paid a median of 3.9 percent of electric operating revenues in taxes and fees to state and local governments.

FERC – Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission

Industrial Wind Action – information on wind turbines

Water Systems

NEWEA – New England Water Environment Association

AWWA – American Water Works Association

WEF – Water Environment Federation


  1. Ah! I have my homework in front of me now. This is a GREAT list of links! Thank you do much for providing this. The more we know about all these things, the better we can vote and/or demand better operations in our town.

  2. Did anyone know that the HELPS program was available in Templeton? I didn't. Until reading through all of these links. Its very "enlightening" to see how other muni light depts have so many programs that involve and benefit the community it is owned by. Rebates, education, charitable giving, scholarships...and the best is how so many general managers specifically discuss actions taken to reduce rate for their community and are proud of it! I also saw photos of Driscoll and Hamilton sitting at ribbon cutting ceremonies together. Maybe if Driscoll spent less time doing that he'd have more time to find all the requested info from the town. How about finishing that website? How about setting up informational meetings about how to make our homes energy efficient? How about promoting incentive programs for conserving energy? I believe all we heard from them is if you use more electricity, your rates go down.

  3. i think Templeton's HELPS program was for G Skelton to help himself! Didn't Dana help himself to a few trips. Retirement parties, Golf tournaments. Oh yeah and they had some program for the seniors were they gave out about 10 flash lights and talked about how to use and extention cord properly, like us seniors don't how to!
