Thursday, December 6, 2012

Between a rock and a hard place

Well, it like two of our selectmen have decided to sit tight, and not do their job. Good old Chris is fulfilling his job, for the Echo Hill Gang, by not signing the letter that he agreed to sign at a previous BOS meeting. What is wrong with this picture? Good old Virginia has also done her share to contribute to the cause. Do these people think it is ok, to just ignore what the rest of the town wants?? I guess so! Well what bothers me more that anything is if Mary Curtis had her phone on, wouldn"t that be almost the same thing as tapeing? I wish I had been aware that she was doing that. I would have said something. Virginia needs to decide what side she is on. She needs to find a better excuse for not doing her job, than Mr. Driscoll is mad! So what?? Does she really think any judge would allow a law suit to go forward, because a tax payer asks for information?? Virginia needs to do a job, without the best interests of GS and Company, guideing her every move. Tommy J. was right to confront Virginia. The same thing needs to be done to Chris. If you can not be fair, to the people that you represent, then it is time to get the hell out. If you have a good reason for voting on anything, then tell every one. The people deserve that much. If the people on the Light and Water do not smarten up, I think they will be very sorry. Time will tell. This is my opinion, Bev


  1. Just wondering what was the last L&W meeting Chris attended? He stated at the BOS meeting something about the last time he spoke to John Driscoll was back in September. Does that mean he hasn't addressed any L&W issues in over 2 months? I'm confused as to the role of a L&W Commissioner. Are they involved with the day to day decisions or do they just vote at meetings? And why are there 3 commissioners? Can anyone give a brief job description? Is this a required position?

    1. I have been to three of their meetings, and I may have missed one, (you know how they post things) Chris was not at one of the meetings I went to. One meeting, they went into executive session. That pretty much stopped the meeting, from the start. It did not take many brains to figure they did not want us there. They need a attitude change. Mr Ritter is going to meet with Driscoll in the next week or so. We will see how he makes out. What their job is, I have no idea. Maybe Julie can tell us. Bev

  2. Wish I had some light to shed on the job description of a light and water commissioner!

    The meetings are supposed to be held on the first tuesday of each month, but there are more exceptions to that practice because of commissioners schedules. When you are elected a selectman, there are all kinds of resources for training. The division of local services has trainings for new selectmen. the MMA provides a handbook for selectmen. Light & water ...nothing for training.

    There are conferences and seminars provided by NEPPA and APPA, but you need to take time off from work to attend. One bonus as a woman, is the lines for the bathroom at these conferences are short, because mostly guys attend. (Unlike libraryland conferences, which are attended mostly by women). Both NEPPA and APPA have informative websites. You can track alot of electrical information on the ISONE site.

    As a commissioner, you show up at the meeting and the informational packet for the meeting is on the table. If you show up late, you do not have time to review the minutes or the agenda, because they are not provided ahead of time. As a commissioner you vote budget and policy to run the department.

    Hope that sheds some light.


  3. I can state that the interaction at the Sewer Department is much different than has been described about Light and Water. The commissioners are welcomed as an integral part of the enterprise. There is a lot of give-and-take between the commissioners and the Supt as well as the secretary. Any random visits to the plant by the commissioners are welcomed by the staff. Information is free flowing. Kent always seeks the input of the commissioners on most matters. Anyone is welcome to attend the regular meetings. Input from the public is always encouraged. There is frequent email correspondence between staff and commissioners. Kent goes over and above to inform the public of the plant activities (as seen at the last town meeting). I assume the situation is the same at LIGHT AND WATER?
