Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Shedding Some Light…Litigation Anyone?

At the October 22, 2012 selectmen’s meeting, the board discussed and voted to send two letters to the Templeton Municipal Light and Water commissioners. The letter that I proposed for discussion is a request for information regarding the multiple water main breaks which occurred on July 14, 2012 and the overall condition of the water system.

The draft minutes from the October 22nd meeting indicate that the Light and Water department feels like they are being targeted. I made the motion to send two letters to the Light and Water Commissioners; Virginia seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes and one abstention.

The town coordinator drafted two letters from my original letter. These draft letters have sat in a folder at the selectmen’s office unsigned for over a month. One letter outlines a list of questions regarding the condition of the water system in Templeton. The other letter is a request for detailed financial information about each phase and improvement of the water system, including the 40-year USDA loan for these improvements.  

I feel these information requests are imperative. The town of Templeton is in a financial crisis. In order to avert a major catastrophe…oh like bankruptcy or receivership, the TOWN needs this information from the Light and Water department. According to Chapter 93 Acts of 2000, the Board of Selectmen may make requests for reports and information from the Light and Water department through their commissioners. That is why I keep bringing these letters up for discussion. I can make these requests for information as a “shareholder/citizen/ratepayer” or as an individual selectman and the Light and Water Commissioners can disregard it…they have!

At the selectman’s meeting on December 3rd, Virginia Wilder stated that she would not sign the letters because Mr. Driscoll (TMLWP) manager is thinking about litigation against the Farrells (Pete and I). Virginia doesn’t want the town to get entangled in the potential, hypothetical lawsuit. I’m not sure how a request for information will get the town sued. This is the first time I have been informed of a lawsuit against my husband and I by a board member. Must be a new way of litigating. I’ll keep the blog informed of any and all litigation against the Farrells.

I have made a request for the DVD of this meeting and will convert and upload it as soon as possible.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Another example of the freakshow Wilder straddling the fence again. It is the OBLIGATION of the whole selectboard to request items that can help the town. There is NO explainable reason not to sign that letter. (former skeleton supporter who opened their eyes)

  2. Hey GInny - why weren't you worried about the town being sued when you dumped our old law firm in the spring to bring back K and P? Why weren't you afraid of litigation when you broke town bylaws, fired Jeff Ritter, and brought back old lady skelton who actually WAS suing the town? This one ranks right up there with Ginny being afraid of Len Kopelman badmouthing the town. It just keeps on getting better and better with that one...

  3. Whether he sues someone or not, he is still required to submit the requested information. No court that exists in reality will overturn that issue. To me, the fact that he is trying to turn attention to a lawsuit and away from the real issue on the table (providing requested information in a timely manner) makes it seem as if he is stalling and has something to hide. If he has conducted business properly and by the law, then there should be no issue providing requested information. I am concerned that the majority of the BOS has not publicly commented on the fact that Mr. Driscoll submitted the same financial report for two years in a row. That is a major red flag in my opinion! This would be grounds for dismissal in the corporate world. But here in Templeton, not only does he keep his job, the BOS overlooks this "mistake" and drags their feet on addressing any issue regarding the L&W dept. Its like we're living in Bizarro World here. Any normal town that had over two major water main breaks would demand a report and solution to the problem. Here in Bizarro World, lets act like it never happened. How many water main breaks did we have in the last 6 months? Isn't it like 12-15? Mr. Driscoll should realize that if he starts a lawsuit, his entire job history will also be on trial and all of these oversights and mis steps will be listed. In any normal town, a list like this will negate any claims of harassment. It is not harassment to voice your concerns over a manager's job performance especially when the exact same financial report was submitted 2 years in a row, has not addressed multiple water main breaks, has been rude to customers who attend open l&w meetings, does not make any effort to answer their questions, does not post public meetings the same way the rest of the town depts do, and is not forthcoming with ANY information that is detrimental to the town's essential operations and its financial state. I read the Farrell's letter to Mr. Driscoll and it states nothing of a personal matter. It is all based on his professional performance. When a person accepts a municipal position, they are subject to public scrutiny. If a person is sensitive to criticism, then they may be better off taking a position at a private company where there are more filters from the customers. Town citizens and customers have a right to voice their opinion on the job performance of any town employee. Simple as that. Its not like the people who are unhappy are running around town with his arrest records or taking out full page ads in the newspaper airing personal baggage. We'll leave those actions to the Gang who thinks they can operate above the law. I am also concerned that the majority of the BOS shows zero concern for the fact that another project is about to get underway and they are not looking forward to avoid yet another disaster and waste of money. I'm talking about repaving Baldwinville Road. The state wants to repave only, not address any of the infrastructure-drainage. And if there have been multiple water main breaks on that road, is it a responsible move to ignore the water main problems and go ahead and pave the road only to have to rip it up later to fix the water pipes? Is this the type of leadership you voted for? So, requesting a report on the water main breaks is the only reasonable and responsible thing to do. If Mr. Driscoll cannot understand that fact, then I'm afraid he is in for more disappointments in his professional career. I doubt other towns or private electric companies will view his actions here in Templeton as responsible leadership.

    1. I could not have expressed it better !. Certain selectmen need to do their damn job. DO NOT back down from lawsuit threats. Driscoll needs to be FIRED....PERIOD! If he thinks light and water are being targeted, he is correct. His arrogant and uncooperative attitude is *unacceptable*. If this was a private business he *would* have been fired long ago. If the commissioners had a set, it would have already happened. These are my opinions as a tax/rate payer.

    2. Well spoken Mr. J. I hope you are not now put on the list to be sued by Mr. Driscoll. I wonder if he will be using Light Department funds for the litigation of his customers?

    3. Why do we have to put up with this crap from L&W ? Aren't they still employees of the town ? Doesn't the town own light and water ? Can't this all be put to a town meeting vote ? Bring control back to the town ?

  4. When are the Friends of Echo Hill going to realize they have been led down the wrong path? Did they not learn from watching Columbus, O'Brien, Grimley, Hamilton, Fulton and several others I can't think of at the moment? Every person that has aligned themselves with Echo Hill has failed. Acting above the law, being a bully, and feeding your ego in an unhealthy way only leads to being shown the door by the citizens of Templeton. I guess they need a few more examples. I'm willing to bet Mullins will be shown the door in May and Wilder thereafter. And this is all because they backed the wrong horse.

  5. Wow, I'm guess I am going to have to get an updated copy of "Robert's Rules of Order - The Templeton Edition"

    I didn't realize that a motion made, seconded, voted on, and passed at a Selectmen's meeting could be brought up again for disscussion 6 weeks later.

    It sounds to me like Mrs. Wilder is a bit out of line by doing this. She is in fact refusing to do her job, which is to represent the town and the Board of Selectman.

    At this point she doesn't really have the right to decide if she wants to sign the letters or not. She made her decision in October when she seconded, and then voted for the motion.

    I can't believe that grown men and women in this town are resorting to these stupid reindeer games.

    1. VW told me at the end of the Advisory meeting (12/3) that she did not sign the letter because it was too rude, and she does not want to alienate the water dept. LOL. She said the letter is being re-written in a toned down manner (by who?) and Ritter is planning to meet personally with Driscoll about the matter. Sounds like a line to me. btw, I read the letter that JF posted and I didn't find it offensive at all. You want offensive?....then just get in *my* crosshairs.

  6. Isn't selectman Stewart on the L&W commission? Why isn't he putting pressure on the general manager? Oh, never mind "why can't we all just get along?" LOL

    1. Anonymous 5:31, The reason Chris ran for the job of Light and Water Commissioner, was to push Julie out, because she asked to many questions, they did not want answered. His job is not to put pressure on anyone> His job is to run interfearence, so the people at the Light and Water do not have to deal with any of the questions, we have been asking. We could get along just fine, if the people who are responsable for budgets, and the running of the departments, would figure that it is in their best interest to help the town, and be more open about their books. Time will tell, Bev

    2. The reason Chris Stewart ran for light and water was the paycheck

  7. When will the people of this town run the operation like a business and stop pampering certain employees and board members. If you don't like your job or if you can't do your job...GET OUT or selectman GET THEM OUT. Would you run your household the way you're running the town? If you did you'd probably have your name posted on the website! Come on. Hold people accountable...citizens, employees and fellow board members. While we're at it, is there a review/job performance form for selectman and board members?

  8. Selectmen revisiting something or changing their minds on an issue after the fact is not new, a few years ago, the selectmen voted to pay a bill then a few weeks later they voted to not pay it. This does not make it right or wrong nor does this mean I agree, it just means there is a precedent for doing this. It is strange that if you vote to request records or for explanations or just plain old information, you would suddenly not want that information, unless that information may make a friend look bad, you want to delay it or take focus away from something else by creating controversey so all attention is on someone changing their minds, now we will spend one or two more selectmen meetings on this subject. Did the L&W commissioners violate any MGL by failing to provide financial accounting for a certain year by sending for inclusion on town report a repeat of the previous years report. I believe there is a requirement for the Light dept to report it finances by a certain time frame. Intentional or not, if the commission and or manager violated the law, well lets see who takes who to court. If the light commission allows the manager to file suit because he feels picked on for failing to answer some questions or provide information, then I say recall all of the commissioners for failing to do their jobs and fire Driscoll for the same then let him sue away. You will have more than enough information and records to justify both of those moves. Templeton is a business and the shareholders have not been getting a good return on their investment, get a new ceo. Also remember the people have the power of the dollar when it comes to water department. Simply cut their budget, and no it is not a simple thing but it is not complicated, just takes a little time and work, as usual, this is my opinion.
