Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jeff Ritter's evaluations

Ok people here they are the evaluations of our town coordinator Jeff Ritter in writing.

Jeff Bennett's who took the time to do the evaluation while he is serving our country and when Julie went to read it our emergency management director interrupted her and our chairman C Stewart made her stop. Isn't it amazing that a soldier fighting for our country isn't even given his 1st amendment right to free speech in his own town.

Julie Farrell's she wasn't allowed to finish reading her's either.

Virginia Wilder evaluation woo boy what does her dear friend CS think of the glowing evaluation she gave Jeff R. what's that saying Bev says a wolf in sheep's clothing. hee hee hee and why didn't she sign it?

Chris Stewart's  

and finally Pat Mullin's please look this one over carefully. as I always say read it and read it again

So here they are in writing. come on let's get those comments going.

Thanks for reading Pauly

ps thanks Bev for the update
and thanks to the best baker in Baldwinville hee hee hee coffee cake - nice!


  1. Chris' & Pat's are not activated!!!

  2. 4 - Interaction with the Board
    Do you feel Selectman Mullins has communicated well with members of the Board in all issues concerning the town?
    X 1-Unsatisfactory

    Comments - If crossing your arms and saying nothing at meetings is "ommunicating", then Selectmsan Mullins would score an Outstanding, but he does nothing both during meetings or after..

    1. He did kill a bug at one meeting this summer.

    2. Sorry to disapoint you but THE BUG LIVED !! LOL

  3. Well, if there was ever solid proof of Mullins role as puppet, its in this evaluation! He really is an idiot. How can his eval be so far off the other 4 evals? He says Mr. Ritter needs improvement when interacting with the selectmen--yet everyone else specifically states how great Mr. Ritter's communication is with the Board. Maybe if Mullins actually did his job and showed up at the BOS office, he'd feel a little more "in the loop". I don't think that's Mr. Ritter's fault. Its Mullins fault for taking up space on the board and not really wanting the position anyway. Interesting that he hand wrote his eval while everyone else typed theirs. Anyone have a handwriting sample from GS to compare? I seriously doubt Mullins can write seeing that he can't think. One of the worst selectman ever. Why abstain from publishing back taxes? Why abstain from reading his eval in open meeting? Listen, if he has balls to write this nonsense, he should have the balls to read it in public. Coward.

  4. hey Pat do you want Jeff R to hold your hand like Jerry S does

    1. While watching the Selectmens meeting on TV did you notice M Curtis had her phone on during the meeting - was Gerry on the other end. Was she reporting to him - she did step out to speak to someone. And as for interupting Julie's reading of Jeff Bennett's evaluation who is serving in Afghanistan, that was total DISRESPECT for our armed forces. What about freedom of speech. I hope the Curtis'are prepared for when Jeff B. comes home. What about your son's graduation years ago - no one shut you down.

    2. I read Jeff Bennett's eval. There was nothing in there that was inappropriate. I do believe when one is asked their opinion on an eval they can write whatever they want. Not sure why Curtis would be offended by what was written. Does he get a review from the BOS every year? Would love to hear his eval. If Gerry was listening in on the meeting, I hope he heard loud and clear that Mr. Ritter is doing a great job and is a tremendous improvement over his wife's time in that position. Will that piss him off enough to seek more revenge against the town? Or will he finally realize he is a joke in the eyes of his fellow neighbors. Its best if he take his $2million pension and get out of town and leave us alone. He failed. Game over Gerry. Bye bye.

  5. The only criteria Mullins would be qualified to evaluate is municipal theft. He worries about the dumbest issues that really aren't important. If I were jeff Ritter, I'd find Scrappy's eval funny. What a piece of you know what!

  6. First off, if one goes into the selectmens office on a regular basis, you can and will see dailey information. I get e-mails all the time from the selectmen office, which are cc,d to all five selectmen. I get the agenda and attachments and all other pertinet information contained in the selectmen binder that is used by us at our meetings, Nancy scans and sends them to me over here (Afghanistan) so I may at least read what is being disussed. I get regular e-mail updatse as to payroll accounting from Kate which also has all five selectmen cc'd. I have not had a problem getting information since Mr. Ritter has come on board. Perhaps after Mr. Mullins, was one of the three, Mullins, Wilder & Columbus who fire/forced out Jeff Ritter and then tried every which way to bring back Carol Skelton along with K&P, feels like Mr. Ritter is ignoring him. Well I saw how Jeff Ritter acted last year when all that was going on and I can and will attest to that is not how it went. Mr. Ritter continued to acte in a professional and competent manner. Remember, Jeff Ritter was not around when last years town meeting warrant got all screwed up but Mr. Mullins was. I am still wondering about Chris Stewart not wanting my eval of Mr. Ritter read completely. Perhaps he did not like mention of how Jeff Ritter came back after he was "forced" out and worked for free. (actually it was not really free, you remember that in violation of town by-law settlement agreement that K&P was paid to write and defend. And what problem could Mr. Curtis have with my evaluation of Jeff Ritter? I have never seen or read such an incomplete, unprofessional, irresponsible evaluation or official correspondence than Pat Mullins evaluation. as the saying goes, better to be quiet and thought a fool than open mouth and confirm it. I will admit that the above comment on Pat Mullins evaluation is most uncalled for from a fellow selectmen but I am simple disgusted and dissappointed watching the action or lack there of by some members of the select board. It is hard to express how frustrating it is to be here, unable to participate and see people who have the opportunity to help thier town and not do it. Mr. Mullins stated at candidate night that he felt taxpayers needed to step up and be willing to pay more in taxes, well I feel Mr. Mullins should step up and do some work for the town or step aside. I also feel the chairman should act or step down. The people of Templeton need and deserve more. I am glad I have this blog as a way to still "talk" to/with the people of Templeton, even thos who don't like me, think I am on the take or did not vote for me, I still represent you, even here in Afghanistan.

  7. I've known Bob Sans and his family for a long time. He has done a lot for this town as a teacher, firefighter and EMT. I am embarrassed for him and his daughter to be associated with such a despicable human being. Mullins is not honorable, and he has no integrity. He should have resigned from the Select Board after the theft issues in WInchendon. In the meantime, he has done nothing but disgrace those around him. I don't know how he can hold his head up. I would imagine that even Virginia felt his evaluation was way out of left field.

  8. I think that Virginia is a Chameleon my how she has changed her colors! Let see fire mr Ritter bully him harrass him and then give him a rave review. Pauly's right she didn't sign it. will she state that she didn't write it in the future. will she acuse others of writing it.
    Pat Mullins evaluation of Mr R is a joke,first let me say how can someone who can't seem to keep a job himself right an evaluation for someone that is is a class so far above him. I am very confused by his comments, on the budgetary comment he talks about Bud's fuel account and the that he wants to see the center conpleted. What center? what the hell is he talking about? what sand and supplies are we trucking for free. is he talking about the senior center? would he rather have an outside contractor do it for big bucks. and us tax payer have to pay more and what the hell does this have to do with JR's evaluation????
    On #2 Personnel administration, Pat let me explain something to you the agenda and signing the warrants are two very different things. Pick up the phone and ask Nancy if when she sends the agenda to the clerk and the webmaster could she cc you. or you could just stop by the clerks office when you are at Paines Garage and look at the agenda. Now I know that you are not getting a weekly paycheck so this next part may confuse you. the employees of the town like to get paid every week and the vendors also like to get paid (i know you working wife probably pays all the bills) that means the warrants need to be signed weekly and because the employees get paid by the end of the week the warrants have to be signed before then. Now if you can make time to have breakfast with JS you can make time to stop at the seletmen's office and see what going on.
    Agian this comment has nothing to do with JR. I thing that the previous comments are correct about him doing it in a hurry, Pat you couldn't even take the time to do JR's eval properly.
    Well there you have it folks I feel like we are deal with one of the 3 stooges here. Bet he makes those skelton supporters proud that they put such a dummy in the seat.

    1. What is wrong with saying someone is "satisfactory"? 100% outstanding is a little hard to believe and leaves no room for growth or improvement.
