Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dust in the Wind

I read on the blog about an organization called WindAction. I decided to google it up. Lots of interesting information on wind turbines.

Did anyone catch this article in the Worcester telegram today? Imagine…doing a study BEFORE a project begins. Wonder if it will catch on. The article doesn’t include the costs of decommissioning the turbine once it is built. A payback period of 35 to 39 years. I wonder what the payback period is for our turbine? Oh yeah. Still waiting on the audit…after the fact!

How is that “avoided cost” working out for you? All we are is dust in the wind.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. You are right, "all we are as dust in the wind" we will be long gone but that turbine will be standing long after we are gone. That does not mean it will be serving purpose. It will cost alot to take down. Bev

  2. This is another boondoggle. Green energy is the right idea, but the turbine was the wrong execution. Not cost effective. We need to take the same approach as 252 Baldwinville Road, and sell now for whatever we can get and stop the train going further off the tracks.

  3. If we move the turbine to the meeting room at TMLWP the thing will spin at a record speed when the MFIC starts with his pie hole!

  4. Hahaha too funny. When that man starts talking, nobody's got a clue as to where he's going with his rambles. He reminds me of the chubby kid who got picked on in school and never had much success at anything. Until he got a job in Templeton for over 100k and now he's an expert on everything.

  5. Our turbine was estimated at 3.1 million. At the commissioning ceremony it was cited as 3.8 million. Without the audit or cost certification we won't know the actual cost of the turbine. We won't know how to calculate the depreciation schedule or plan maintenance for it. I think $30,000/yr in maintenance is too low.

    The turbine in the article was estimated to cost 4.1 million and its payback period was 35-39 years. Our wind is slightly better than the wind cited in the article. Might be a good thing to ask at the next TMLWP meeting.

    What is taking the audit so long?

    1. I think Mr. Driscoll said the repairs to the gear box cost $33,000. Then he mentioned the guys checking the oil, and other things that they do to keep this baby running. Mr. Driscoll mentioned that in the future the turbine, has to have a couple of guys check the blades for cracks. They do this hanging from ropes. I do think this is going to cost alot more than the $30,000/ yr in maintenance they are forcasting. When the gear box broke the warrentee was long gone. It was for two years and it started when the thing was on the ground. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. The guarentee is gone almost before it is running. This baby is going to take alot of TLC. If I am wrong about my figures, maybe Dana can correct me. Well we own it, so we have to see if it costs us money, or we loose. Time will tell. Bev.


    Check this out. Someone fell off a wind turbine. At least we haven't had to deal with this...

  7. Bev, The 32,000. or 31,000. driscoll was not sure was for generator bearings that arced do to flipping the brushes to save the money the the new ones cost. kind of like filling the water tanks on "off peak electric hours" to save on the electric bills! That info is in the 2010 + 2011 town report.
    How's that working out for the town? Did we have a increase in water main problems? Gear box repairs would be 500,000. like others have had ,that problem starts in the bearings also. Who knows how long it will last, we are on the hook for it no matter what. Ask princton light dept why they want to sell theirs, The rates are the highest in the state and not going down ever. Templeton is part of 11 windturbines and the puts our light dept at a very high rate of failure for sure! We have seen this and will see it again! We can not fix things on them, we sub that out too!
    You know like step 2 the "billing" that gets sub out too.
    Dave Smart
    There are "problems" Paul Q and we need to fix it.
    Shareholders rule!
    Dave Smart

  8. Please please please shut your dumbass mouth Dave when you have not a clue what our talking about! Funny how you THiNk you know so much when you couldnt even make your own buisness work.. PLEASE get your stuff straight! Damn man!

    1. Wow I think Dave hit a nerve. So Anonymous 6:11pm why don't you enlighten us?

  9. I'm sure he can't!He sounds scared about something!
    Don't trust the A 611!
    Dave Smart
    C4T founding member
    Petition to abolish light and water commission has met the goal and will spread the word about it!
    Sign the petition and take back Templeton at annual meeting
    I look forward to speek about it at that time!
    Hope you 611 A will try to defend you position!

  10. Oh Dave what a boring life you must lead! Do what you must but try not to ruin anymore vehicles at town barn because remember Templeton is BROKE! Cant afford novice mistakes like that anymore! And cannot afford to be BROKE in more ways than 1! Ha. Right back at ya!

  11. Boring! At least I sign what i post!
    You must have a BROKE spine!
    I've repaired more than i could ever wreck!
    You should help with the efforts in town not continue to be the problem!
    Sign the petition and feel better about yourself!
    Joint the team sign now!
    Dave Smart

    Dave Smart
