Thursday, December 13, 2012

the Worcester Telegram had an interesting article today

Wind turbine out after study raises doubts

MILLBURY — Selectmen voted not to pursue a wind turbine at Butler Farm last night, after hearing results of a feasibility study that showed the wind speeds were too low and the costs high.

Johanna Hall, project engineer for Weston & Sampson Inc. of Peabody, which was hired with an $85,000 grant from Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to evaluate the site for a range of turbines, concluded that the recorded long-term wind speed of 5.2 meters per second at a height of 80 meters was considered unfavorable for large wind development.

With a cost of up to $4.1 million for the largest 1,800- kilowatt turbine and a payback period of 35 to 39 years, a wind project wouldn’t make financial sense, the study demonstrated.

Environmental and site factors were favorable for a turbine, although there could be excessive noise at the property line, based on state regulations, during the highest wind.

“I’m very happy that we did a study because some towns have already installed them and they’re not working out,” said Selectman E. Bernard Plante, board chairman.


  1. So how many meters is our wind speed here?

    1. Gee, I am not sure. Maybe Mr.Driscoll can tell us. I was told, the turbine was not put in the place where the testing for wind was done. Now why would anyone do that? Bev

  2. According to the wind map on the Wind Powering America website, the average wind speed is in the 6.0 - 6.5 range.
