Sunday, December 9, 2012


Don't forget there is a Light & Water Meeting Tuesday December 11th 6:00PM the agenda is here


  1. not listed on the agenda, but perhaps a question for the light commissioners is since as of June 30, 2012, Templeton has long term debt outside the limit of about $6.8 million dollars, of which $780,000.00 is for light building and a bit over 4 million dollars long term debt outside the limit belongs to the water department, and since under the guide of enterprise funds under the DOR page, it states it is improper for one town dept to charge another, why does the water dept have expenses listed as paying rent in amount of thirty thousand dollars to Templeton light? Is that a good way to manage a department that is in over its head with long term debt, no money and infrastructur that is barely hanging on. One may wish to break out an old town report and see whos name was listed as manager of Templeton light & water when all this debt was taken on. But why would one continue to drain resources off of a department that is strapped for cash? Light & water is a tangled mess that needs to be untangled, reorganized and be competently managed. Taxpayers deserve to beable to ask questions and to have their questions answered. And it starts with public record information being made availabe to them, it is good business it is morally right and it is the law. And remember Mr. Driscoll, your paycheck comes from the TEMPLETON checkbook.

  2. If it is improper for one town department to charge another, then why does the water department charge the sewer department $.90 per meter for the water meter readings 4 times a year?

  3. let me get this right, the water dept goes out and reads the water meters and them charges the sewer dept to basically give them the info. well since the sewer dept is run so well and so open with their business perhaps we should go to town meeting with a citizens petition to join the water with sewer.

    1. "Things that make you go Hmmmmm"

    2. Bart was very upset when he realized that the water ans sewer were seperate in Templeton. He always paid the sewer bill with the water bill in Leominster. Yes it is a crazy thing to do. For one thing two departents are paying to have bills printed and sent out. Think of the money we could save just billing one time. It seems people worry more about having no water service, because they pay that bill, but some of them neglect to pay their sewer bill. That problem would be solved right off the bat! You do not pay, you do not get services! How about that!! Why in the hell should one person pay their bills, if nothing is done to those who do not? Dana said NO, they would not turn off the water to those who do not pay up! It worked pretty well when the town decided to publish the names of those who owed back taxes. The problem with that is it costs too much money to put any thing in the Snooz. It is sad that there is no support between services, so if we combined them again, that would solve that problem. It appears that the Light and water have got the cards stacked in their favor from day one. It is time for residents to take a look at the big picture, time for Light and Water to air their dirty laundry, because if we do not know where we really stand, we can not make things in our town better. For those who think they can stonewall the tax payers, It may not happen right away, but one way or the other, we will find where the bodies are buried, so either move or get run over. Tax payers have the right to know how things stand with Light and Water, the law is on our side. It would be really good if you would start playing nice, every one would benefit. My opinion, Bev.

  4. Well anonymous,please don't just think about that, get the ball rolling to do just that. The improper for one town dept to charge another town department is advice given in the DOR enterprise information. Since this is the budget season, maybe a good time to approach advisory on this and ask the selectmen, individually, about this matter.

    1. The town is running out of time to get its house in order financially.

      Get on board and help or get out of the way.

  5. As Bonnie Tyler would say, "turn around bright eyes" Driscoll! You'd better make eye contact with people in the audience on Tuesday. Better bring some extra chairs in for the shareholders.

  6. At a previous light/water meeting I asked general driscoll what the $4.00 charge is for and he told me overhead and the next meetin he said it to pay the company that does the "billing"! yes he said the billing, other question to follow at tuesday meeting and will be recorded. The question was put to him also about the rent charge. I also asked him if he would be increasing it in the furture and he didn't think so!
    After I asked him about the 4.00 charge I asked how many customers the light had about 3600 100 don't pay it because their better coustomers than the other 3500, the point after was that 3500x 4.00 is a large amount about140-150k small change to them!
    Tuesday I will ask who gets to choose a free customer and why when he always says the ngrid charges theirs 6.00/total bullshit,it 4.00 like ours!The R.E.C. amounts were not brought up at the last meetings after a post about what they were doing with it.
    No policy brought forward like edwards asked for and not any way to transfer to quote "the retirement fund". Maybe that needs a good look at and see if rates are so low due to underfundings of liabilities?
    Do the help get statements on it?
    I'm sure the general will get the info we ask for!
    I meant the next general!
    We have something in the works Jeff and it will be a eye opener long overdue! Stay safe, your one day closer to Templeton.
    Dave Smart

  7. Johnny's bullshit meter is cranked up to 11. Time to rid ourselves of the MFIC

    1. I had to google what MFIC stands for. Couldn't agree more!

    2. Can we do anything at Town Meeting to fire Driscoll and the Commissioners?

  8. Don't forget, Johnny's expertise is ELECTRICITY. It is a well known fact that electric wires run on SMOKE. We all know that when the smoke leaks out of the wires, the electricity ceases to work. He then uses said smoke to blow up our collective asses. Be prepared for the smoke screen on Tuesday.

  9. With the help of the good citizens/registered voters of Templeton, We can change the same old boys club rules. Let's have driscoll work for the "Board of Selectman".
    Help make Templeton whole again and heal the wounds from the past.Sign the Petition /Abolish the light and water commission. No more conflict of interest to hear about.
    Only place for business should be at the selectman meeting like all other departments do!
    Help save Templeton!
    SIGN the petition!
    Dave Smart

  10. We need to get rid of Scrappy Mullins and elect a Selectman with a voice and a brain. Then, we can handle the management issues at Light and Water. I bet the Advisory Board would be more than happy to help straighten out the finances - adjust salaries, assess debt, look into projects such as Baldwinville Road. Oh, and stop ripping off other departments and shareholders with bogus charges.

  11. PETITION sheets are at CO+S garage and will be at other places also.
    SIGN to help Templeton change.

    1. My husband is right when he says "Until we get at least three selectmen with a brain, that can work together and vote to make changes, we are sucking sea weed". We can start to watch what they do. It will be harder for them to run circles around the town, with every one watching. Virginia's loyalties are still at Echo Hill. Chris will not be of any help, and Scrappy is doing his time, on work release with the town. You can not count on any votes from those three. The best we can do for now is to wait for Jeff to get home, and get a good candidate, or two for May. We really are going to need some help from Water and Light, if we can try to keep the state from taking over our town. There is not much left to cut as there is. I hope some one informs the Super. of Schools, that we are broke. She has lost alot of credability with me. Cry poverty, then magically come up with money to hire more help!! If we were broke this last year, what can you call us this next year? Broker!! It will all come out in the wash, Bev

  12. Hey Dave. You let TMLP run the light co and all the positives of that dept will go down hill fast! They cant even run the town like a buisness what makes you think they will do better under control of the best dept this town has? Concerned EDUCATED citizen!

  13. Strike that! The selectman run the light co. Sorry for the typo!

  14. You are the typo, after the board is changed and the recallers finalized/finished with the havoc they caused!
    The select board will be able to do just as good /alot better controling driscoll,or his "replacement". If the things don't change the whole town can go to hell in a hurry! Go to a meeting and see 1st hand! Don't take our word for it just go.Templeton light is only one big problem from bringing the town to a meltdown,Most people that I have signed are fed up with them and want change and its more than a few dana. It's about getting the word out and thats what's getting done. Selectman board can do just fine with the proper people. The most important thing is who we put in office and why we put them there. "scrappy" are you kidding me? we can do alot better in the future,and i think/know we will see that soon.
    Dave Smart
