Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shedding Some Light…water main breaks?? Again?

Stop the presses! Can it be true? It is true! The agendas for The Light and Water meeting are POSTED on the Town website! Hallelujah! Glory be!


Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Ask questions under “Customer Comments and Questions”…. Like about the water main break on Baldwinville Rd last night (Dec 7th). Yes, that Baldwinville Rd…the one that is scheduled for repair and reconstruction for about $3,500,000 in the spring. Yup, yup, the same road.


I have made another public record request addressed to the manager of the Light and Water department, John Driscoll. The response I received is less than forthcoming; it could even be considered deliberately obtuse. Maybe the posted executive session is to discuss suing the Farrells or the town?


I’m not sure what the next step will be to have a department like the Templeton MUNICIPAL Light and Water department comply with Mass general law and fulfill public record requests. One option may be a power play. Stayed tuned!


My opinion…supported by FACTS ! ! !


Julie Farrell


  1. okay so Mr D doesn't have any info on the wind turbide and only a partial 25 page report on the water dept. so my next question would be, exactly what do we pay Mr Driscoll the big bucks to do? and if he thinks that a letter from a ratepayer asking for information under the public records request law is a reason to sue, well it really is time for him to go. and stop wasting the ratepayers money on legal. do we know what the L&W legal expense is. I heard that he even had to go to them for advise on the advisory boards request for info.

  2. This could be a Christmas miracle indeed. Johnny should have someone proofread his letters before he sends them out on official letterhead. How about we all bring a friend to the meeting on Tuesday?

  3. Commissioner Tom, if you are checking the blog, I hope you will be going to the TMLWP meeting! Should be a blast.Lots of good stuff to discuss and try to get answers to, deliberatly obtuse ones that is. Anyway drop by and we can see what can get up our sleeve's! Hows the water boys?
    Talk to you later.
    Dave Smart

  4. Looking at an old annual town report and town election warrant, 2004 was the year that Gerald Skelton retired from manager of Templeton Light & Water. Any report or study started or completed in 2003 was under the supervision of Gerald Skelton. Retired in 2004, a month or so before his wife was hired to be town secretary, voted on by water dept employee and selectman Randy Brown, that was Templeton quilt weaving at its best.

  5. Wow even a blind person can see the conflict there. Was that a conflict that you can see chris stewart?Or is that only for the chairman to use as a reason to not sign?
    One mor equestion to put a chairman
    "Dana" on the spot with!
    Thanks Jeff,It's starting to add up why Brown has the stance he does when I've spoken to him!The weaving was done and now it's our turn to do the unweaving and get things done correctly!May have been a good raise year for the water dept.!
    Dave Smart

  6. hey remember when Harry Aldrich ran water, highway & sewer and he did it well

    1. Harry did it all and it cost us a hell of alot less! Atleast when he did the job, he knew what he was doing. Bev

    2. Johnny's bullshit meter is cranked up to 11. Time to rid ourselves of the MFIC
