Friday, December 7, 2012

what is an enterprise fund?

I did as Jeff B suggested and I googled Massachusetts Enterprise Funds on item that came up was from the DOR when you have time read through it and read  it again and again - some is about the accounting of the enterprise fund but some is in laymans language that even me with my 8th grade education i get. hee-hee-hee Pay close attention to page 34 number 7

Can an enterprise fund operate independently or under its own procedures?

No. An enterprise fund is an accounting/budgeting method. It does not grant additional powers to the department providing the service. An enterprise is still a municipal department that is subject to ordinary municipal finance procedures. The rate setting process is established by statute or local

charter. Any enterprise fund property/asset is owned by the municipality and may only be acquired, leased or disposed of by vote of the legislative body. At no time can these conditions be altered through the adoption of an enterprise fund.

so read this through and sent your comments.
thanks for reading. Pauly



    1. Pauly, gimme a break. don't you realize that the people on Bridge street are above the law? And they operate in a parallel universe. They have their own set of rules. Driscoll was down at the assessor's office a few months ago and informed them that "what I say goes". Get with the program Pauly heee heee

    2. Nice work. The head of TMLP could certainly learn a civics lesson from you.

    3. To Mr. Driscoll: If you do read this blog then by now you are wishing that you got the hint.As I stated clearly in the letter I sent to your,your leadership and management are in question and if not fully legal the citizens of Templeton can remove you from employment! The answers need to be at the next meeting as I think there are more than a few of us.You will soon find this out!
      Dave Smart

      1. Guess what? Another water main break in front of the high school. It is now 6:45 p.m. on Friday night. Maybe Mr. Davan will have to go to work tonight.

      2. Hoo boy as Pauly would say! There was a function at the school with a packed parking lot too! Ginny Wilder is gonna be out there with coffee and donuts for the crew. Don't want Johnny Driscoll and his boys getting upset or feeling harassed that they have to work on Friday night!!! LET"S JUST PAVE OVER THE FRICKEN ROAD IT"S FINE NO PROBLEMS.

      3. So how many share to you own Dave?

    4. He'll get overtime!

      1. A little bird told me the water main breaks were because, the water dept fills the tanks at night, and the old water mains can not hold the pressure. Oh my, want some O.T. with Christmas coming, "just crank up the pressure boys!" Does Mr. Davan get O.T., I am pretty sure he does. It seems the general feeling that if you were on the good side of the Echo Hill gang, you were special, and treated very well, as long as you stayed in line you had nothing to loose. The only thing wrong with this way of thinking is, they put their pants on one leg at a time, work no harder that anyone else in town, but are treated special, for no justifiable reason. I think when you have a spoiled little kid, and he gets everything he wants, he thinks every one is treated the same way. When the same kid becomes older, it is a hope that they learn that the rest of the people not treated special. The adult should know that there is some thing wrong, and have a problem with this "special behavior", especially whem their employer (the town) is in a very bad way. This I am sorry to say is not the way all people think. It would be so much nicer if the Light and Water, could do the right thing and work with the town. So I guess the fairy tale will have to come to a sad ending for the Light and Water Depts., now that truth is out and the tax payers can write their own ending to the story. I think it is time for the tax payers to think about the way this story should end. Bev.

      2. Just drove by the high school at 11:45pm and they were working on the water main. Fire hydrant wide open guys in the hole.

    5. Anyone without water this morning?

    6. It is quite strange where every break occurs after 5 or on the weekend. I do not recall any breaks being worked on during regular hours.

    7. What is Templeton's water source and why do they fill the pipes at night? Cheaper electricity? There must be a reason someone could explain. Thanks.

      1. It saves no money filling the tanks to get cheaper electricity, if they blow out the pipes in the process!! I think we should ask Mr. Driscoll why we are having the problems we are, on off hours. Julie has brought up the question of the bad pipes, or the saneness of repaving of Baldwinville Rd, because it will be dug up as soon as it is paved. I think once they pave the road it is not supposed to be touched for something like ten years! Fat chance with that! Julie asked the question at a selectmans meeting, but did not get much of a response from any one else. It could be that Mr. Driscoll does not know what to do about the water problems. Didn't he come from the same town, or company GS came from? If he did, wasn't his specialty the Electric Co? If that is the case, what would he know about the Water Dept? Just because you give a person a job, it does not mean he knows what he is doing!! This may be part of the problems we keep having. This is our money he is spending, wether he likes it or not. This man and his departments are earning very good pays. I do not think it is unreasonable to expect answers from this man, I feel he should be open to questions from tax payers, and if he can't do this, he may need to find a job more fitting to his temperment. My opinion, Bev.
