Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brief Update on 1/14/13 BOS Meeting

For a meeting with a long agenda, last night’s well-attended BOS meeting went smoothly.

The lead off hitter was Neil McGuirk and Dennis O’Brien to discuss Veteran’s Services. Questions arose about the $27,500 requested increase for January. The Town will be reimbursed 75% of the costs for veteran’s services …a year later.

I asked about historical data on the number of veterans served per/year for a number of years, preferably back to 2005 when our arrangement with regional veterans services began. The reaction from the veteran’s agent was such that I thought I was attending a Light & Water meeting. “No information for you!” “Need a vote by the veterans board” Are you kidding me? Three months into this fiscal year, and you send along a bill for an additional $27,500 and you don’t think we should have any questions? Maybe it’s time to look into a part-time veteran’s agent for the Town of Templeton.

The CDBG grant is moving along. The new (2013) grant application is due by February 15th. The 2013 CDBG grant, if awarded, will repair Memorial St and an Outreach worker for the Seniors. The contract for Phase V of the Back Bay project was awarded last night to GEG Construction Inc. for a bid price of $444,799.50 to repair Fisher St. Construction should begin in the spring.

A contract was awarded for the inside carpentry work for the Senior Center to Moulton Construction. One bid was submitted.

Code Red – Chief Whitaker gave an update on the progress of Code Red. Code Red will replace reverse 911 which no longer functions. Code Red is an emergency notification system that works with cell phones, landlines and has texting capabilities. There is an “opt-out” feature if you do not wish to receive the messages. It should be launched within two weeks. Test messages will be sent out.

Tomb restoration- Alan Mayo will apply for an additional tomb restoration grant. The cemetery department will use $2,500 of their money to pay for engineering plans. The engineering plans are needed to apply for the CPC application. This will be a matching grant with CPC money and the Mass Historical Commission grant money.

Chairman of the Advisory Board, Will Spring presented a detailed analysis of the East Templeton Elementary School.  After much discussion, the BOS voted to support the CPC grant application for converting ET elementary school into town offices. The town should give a great big thank you to Will and his volunteers for their dedication to helping out the town. ET will make a great town hall. It wouldn’t have happened if the building had been allowed to fall into disrepair.

Old Business
The close out report from the 250th Anniversary Committee was received.

The Municibid sale of the 1986-bucket truck generated over $3,000 for the town. God bless the Internet.

Special Enactments 2012-

Town Meeting Warrants – changes the number of signatures needed for a citizen petition (at annual town meeting) back to 10.

New Business –
The BOS appointed Wilfred Dennis to fill the vacancy on the Board of Assessors. Mr. Dennis emphasized the importance of the assessor’s role in town government.

After some initial confusion, the BOS voted two SUNDAY Live entertainment licenses. The state should update this form instead of providing an explanation (in a separate letter).

RFP for performance contracting-
The BOS voted to issue an RFP for performance contracting for ET elementary school. This is “Plan B” in case the CPC application to update ET for town offices is unsuccessful.

No date for STM- No date was set for the STM. The STM will be discussed at the January 28, 2013 BOS meeting. At that meeting there should be a date, a draft warrant, and a better idea of how to proceed with FY 13’s budget shortfall.

Discussion occurred about consolidating town offices for the rest of this fiscal year. Possibilities include moving the conservation and town clerk to 690 Patriots rd. and/or the Assessor’s office/BOH/ Building department in order to save on the expense of operating those buildings. More discussion on this topic at the 1/28/13 BOS meeting.

The process of selling 252 Baldwinville Rd. was briefly discussed. Anyone interested in the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd. should contact the Templeton BOS Office.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Thanks for the update Julie. It all sounds pretty interesting. I hope it was taped so I can see it for myself. Glad to hear it was well attended. I'm sure the next one will be as well.

    1. One interesting part of the meeting when Will Spring was explaining the updates to the East Templeton School,D. O'Brien tried to appear intelligent and asked some dumb questions about the school which he probably was instructed to ask by the Echo Hill Gang. After all he visited them on last Saturday with a few other. Some day maybe he will understand what he has done to the Town by signing 252 Baldwinville purchase. My opinion.

  2. If we the people don't ask for accountability we certainly are not going to get it. Time to wake up and smell the coffee!!

  3. I just want to know why Ginny and Dennis and Chris didn't have all these questions when 252 Baldwinville Rd was purchased. and next time Dennis please stay home or wear a mask instead of coughing all over everyone.

  4. Regarding Dennis I still think he owes the town $2000. When he had 252 bald. Rd
    Roof. Snow blown off for what!

    1. Mr. O'Brien may have to take up a collection after the Atty.General's office is through with him. I think the fine is up around $25,000. for ethics violations. I'm sure the rest of the stooges will stand by him. The only problem is, they are as bad if not worse than him. I hope the people at the A.G.office can see through them all. I am sure if the DOR people have any input, it will not help any ones cause. There are some people you should not offend, because it may come back to bite you. The Town of Templeton does not have a good image because of Bubba and GS. I am glad Julie asked questions last night. With things the way they are in town, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this guy giving the selectmen information. If I was Julie, I would go over this guys head and ask his boss why this man won't answer simple questions, and what this money is needed for. Trust anyone just because they need, or want?? Sorry bud, NO MORE!! Bev

  5. i like the comment at the top of paulys web site,historys that is forgotten is doomed to repeat itself,i guess nobody remembers how much money the town put into the old otter river school and ended up with nothing but an old building and a ton of money spent,just to move out.

    1. Yep that was another FALSE alarm with cry babies complaining of mold. There was no good reason to move out. Sounds like another gerry s. deal. cry foul and lets build something else

  6. "FOIA" Just to get the trends over time are a part of his job, he stated that to us just prior. I could see the double take and frustration as Julie asked about it, and received that answer. He almost make my buddy Driscoll seem ---- "I can't say it"
    Thank you Mr+Mrs. Wilber
    Dave Smart

    1. The old Otter River School was fine. We had the Board of Health office there the last couple of years I was on the board. No building is good, if you don't take care of it. I have a feeling that some people think, if things get run down enough the tax payers will get fed up and build a new one. I am very worried about the economic situation of the people living in this state, and in our town after hearing the Governor, talk about needing more revenue to replace bridges and fix roads. This could mean another chunk of change out of peoples pockets. I think we have been very lucky to get the grants, we have had to fix up back bay roads. I doubt we will see many grants in the future. I would love to see some industry come in our door, but until that happens, we will do with what we have. It seems no one looked to hard to see who burned the Otter River School down. Why do you think that was?? Bev.

    2. David, you couldn't mean "smart"?? LOL, No, thats' not what you mean!! Bev.

    3. Your right Bev about the Governor wanting more money for the States Transit Athourity . And if some people don`t know he is thinking about putting a 2 1/2 cent tax on the miles you drive a year. ( Go figure ) The milage is allready stated on your inspection sticker each year. Very easy to calculate. Say you travel 12,000 miles a year. The tax you pay to drive those miles to work would be $300. Also he wants to raise the gas tax 31 cents to a little over .50 cents a gallon. That would make Mass the leader in gas tax per gallon. I wonder how many people woud move out of this state if that goes through. TAXACHUSSETS will really live up to it`s nickname.
      I`m getting real close to retirement and a fix income. Makes me really think if I want to stay in this state.
      Hope my new shiner business will at least pay the new taxes I will have to dish out, or I could always sell my veicles and get a skateboard or rollerskates.
      A worried Mass. resident.

  7. Steve,
    You should be worried. It's going to take a combination of cuts to services and tax increases to draft a balanced budget. Much will change over the coming months with the budget.

    I attended a Legislative breakfast last Friday. The tax increases were discussed at the end of the meeting. I think there will be increase in regionalization to cut costs and eliminate duplication of services. There will have to be an increase in taxes as well.

    At least on the local level, you have a chance to participate in the allocation of your tax dollars. I asked our Director of Veteran's Services, Neil McGuirk, some questions about the number of veterans served and the cost to try to figure out the cost/ benefit of Templeton's membership in the Northeast Quabbin District. I would like to know if there is a more cost effective way to provide our veterans with the services they deserve and need. All I got was the run around. I'll blog more on this later.

    Please wear a helmet if you are going to start skateboarding or rollerblading. They'll probably figure out a way to tax that activity as well.


  8. I never think we're lucky to get "grants".

    Leave us alone, let us spend our own money locally. Instead of taxing us to death then redistributing those taxes, plus money our kids will repay, with this government largesse.

    Governor Dukakis, I mean Patrick, never saw a tax he didn't want to increase. Let's get rid of Prevailing Wage before we talk about boondoggles for the MBTA.

    1. If we rejected grant money altogether, we would have no police, no fire dept, no quality education, no arts, no historical preservation, no paved roads...need I continue the list? This is an uneducated comment. Stop watching Fox News so much. You are not receiving quality information.

  9. i have never asked people in "greater boston" to help me with my excise tax, gas tax, insurance, registry "fees", monthly payments or maintainence costs for my car. why in hell should i have to chip in for them to ride the "t"!!!!!! if they don't want to pay for for their own " ride" like i, we do, let them #1 walk #2 join steve on the skate board !!!!!!! signed, sick of paying for boston

    1. It's a big government thing. So-called "liberals" think they know best, and what's best for the planet is "public transportation". And this public transportation must be built by the supporters of big government, namely labor unions.

      How else could anyone explain Deval Patrick getting re-elected? Self-interest, public employee unions, construction trades unions, and a smattering of moonbats. You can't blame people for voting for their self interest, but I don't think they are actually the majority.

    2. How about reinstating the tolls on the mass. pike. Right now you can travel from springfield to the n.y. boarder for nothing. Let out of staters help pay for the roads.

  10. Anon 11:27 am
    Looks like you're trying to start another Shay's Rebellion. How about Shay's Rebellion 2.0?

    1. Don't let your friend Denise Andrews hear you talking like that. Denise will vote for every tax hike Governor Patrick will propose.

    2. I have always thought that the people riding the T have no idea how good they have it. I will have a problem paying to cart their ass around. We all know how hard it is to pay for everything that goes with buying a car and running it. Mark, I have to disagree with you once in a while. If we did not get grants, nothing would have been done in Back Bay. We would not have water and sewer in many parts of town. There are things that the Town simply can not do alone!! Hell, we can't even put a budget together. Why do you think we are in so much debt? Because we tried to finance things alone. Echo Hill's way out, to pay for something for 40 years, costs us too much in the end. The Casinos are starving in Conn. Once they will come here, that may do them in. I tell my friend "They did not build that place to make you rich!" I can not see how the Light Commissioners think they will pull off, not helping the town by refusing to develop a PILOT, with the town. This is something that the DOR Report said we needed. They are not contributing their fair share, and they have no intention in doing it. Now, my friends, that should make you all angry! Bev

    3. Bev - asking the Light company for "help" is just a wrong way of thinking. We already pay the same rates as National Grid, we're the "shareholders", but we get no "dividend".

      So where would TML get more PILOT? By raising our electric rates. That's great. We can do without that kind of "help".

      Sorry, but the only way out of this mess, whereby we pay the same rate as if we were customers and not shareholders, is sell it. Then we can pay the same rate and get Tax Payments from National Grid. Of course, we won't get those "free" hand-me-down trucks anymore, but I am confident the taxes Nat Grid would pay will more than make up for it.

    4. Light Dept has profit $$. Light Dept was supposed to be paying way more money to the town in a PILOT agreement than they have. We aren't "asking" for help. We're demanding what is due to us legally.

  11. Shame on you Gov. Patrick Deval if we get any added taxes we wont have any extra $$$$$$$$$$ to spend at all your new Casinos!


  13. Just got done watching the 1-14-13 selectman's meeting. Who does Stupid O'Brien think he is. Has that man no pride. Does he not realize that even the Echo Hill Gang thinks he's dumb as a pile of rocks. If he had an ounce of "smart" he would not be Echo Hill's pawn. Someone needs to wipe that stupid grin off his face. He should not be on ANY committees. I do not think there is a person in Templeton that respects his opinion or will vote for ANYTHING that he supports. He should stay home and save himself some embarrassment. Better to be thought of as being a fool than to open his mouth and confirm the suspicion.


    1. The PILOT, is what the Templeton Municipal Light should have been paying the town, for a lot of years. How they should pay it, would be to work it into their budget, so they know what to pay, and we would know what to expect, as a town. They have taken money that should have gone to us, and instead invested in very good wages for their people, the best of equipment. At this same time they have made a lot of money by charging each house hold $4.00 per month. It could be, that they would have to make changes to pay the town what it deserves. So what is wrong with that? Our hourly people lost 12% of their pay last year. I do not see how we can ask them to give up any more. It is time for these guys to work for the town. I do not think the people will stand up for these guys, when they figure out what is going on. My opinion, Bev

  15. What exactly is the role that Mr. O'Brien holds? I am not sure I understand what he does for Veteran Services. He doesn't seem to hold many answers.

    The question about how many veterans Templeton has served in this program over the past 5-7 years is a perfectly logical question to ask. Why in the world would Mr. McGirk have to get a vote from the board in order to provide that info. It is simply a tool to better estimate what money is needed for upcoming budget so we aren't asked for additional money again 3 months into a new budget. Using trends is a common business practice. And, as he stated himself, its his job to track that info. Is this man a friend of the Skeltons? I would think that he would WANT to help the town accurately estimate money needed so he doesn't have to come back with his hand out for more money.

    Now I understand why Mr. Stewart has not supported the idea of the town hall at East Templeton School. He thinks his kids got asthma from there. If that was the case, wouldn't there be teachers and students that also got asthma? And if so, wouldn't it have been brought to the attention of the school committee like over ten years ago? And wouldn't there have been tests and a study done? Seems to me his personal feelings or bias is getting in the way of his BOS responsibilities. I guess that would include being part of the Municipal Building Committee that failed to deliver a town hall yet left the town with a $700k bill to show for nothing? Sour grapes maybe?

    One more thing...THANK YOU to the Highway Dept for clearing the roads today so quickly. I appreciate your hard work.

  16. I also want to thank the highway department for doing their usual excellent job.

  17. let's not forget the sewer guys that plow too

    1. Correction: THANK YOU to ALL town employees who help during snow storms. I did not know that Sewer helps out as well. Good to know. I appreciate every town employee that keeps us safe and moving forward.

  18. Why do Public Sector workers always get thanked when they merely do their job? When will a Publuc Sector worker thank one of us for making their job possible?

    1. Any worker, public sector or not, should be thanked when they do a good job. Stop being selfish A12:54.

    2. Everyone appreciates when their boss thanks them for a job well done. It creates a positive and productive work environment. Seeing that they work for us, why not thank them when we feel moved to do so? I know that's a foreign concept here in Templeton where harassment, bullying and hostile workplace environments have been the norm for the past 10 years. Times have changed buddy. Working for the public is a tough job with little pay. A thank you can go a long way. Why don't you try spreading some positive energy A12:54pm instead of spreading negative energy? Not only will it make others feel better, it may make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside too.

  19. Thank you too all echo hill gang is that positive enough!

    1. Ya, just as I figured...the closest you can get is sarcasm. I feel sorry for you. You must live a very empty life.

    2. 1/16:1:15 thank you ! 1:16 12.16 THANK YOU !!!! 1/17 12:54 thank you !!!! many GREAT thoughts on this !!! :-)

  20. I would like to thank the BOS for putting delinquent taxpayers and amounts on the town website...but I can't because that list is still not there. Wasn't this approved by the BOS months ago?

  21. Still not listed because of dealing with the tax shortfall and setting the tax rate. Don't worry, you should see your name listed soon.

    1. Maybe around the same time the light company has their web page up and running!! What a joke. Why should such things take months? Political BS.

    2. news flash publishing the list of taxpayers who have not paid taxes in over a year (1/1/12) has nothing to do with the setting of the tax rate or the tax shortfall. anyone can get this info under a public records request. the bylaw says people can be 1 year behind. so lets list the people who have not paid in years. and any taxes collected from these people would definately help the tax shrot fall......

    3. How about the code of conduct that the BOS approved months ago that was supposed to be posted on the website? Where's that? Don't see why that's been held up.
