Saturday, January 12, 2013

Agendas for Town Meetings


  1. How come no item for special town meeting on BOS agenda?

    1. Ok minimum 14 day for the warrant to be open then 14 days for it to be posted. we need to know when the school will be available. and don't forget even if the vote is reversed the state isn't going to approve a tax rate on the spot, right after TM. time to get the bills to the company that prints them and mails them to have them postmarked by April 1. a lot of ducks to get in a row. lets get moving selectmen. Maybe they don't want the issue brought up because they (Ginny, Scappy and Stewart) were on the board then. (Not Julie and no one would listen to Bennett) and of course lets not forget ginny's dear friends Bubba Columbus was Chairman of the Selectmen, Carol Skelton was Town Coordinator and K&P were the town's attorneys. I would say that they are avoiding the subject of their WRONGDOINGS!!!!!

    2. How is that "working for the town"? Honestly, this behavior is getting sooo old. They may have been able to get away with acts like that in the past. But, we're in deep doo doo and we ALL have to act professionally and do the responsible thing from here on out. Wouldn't it just be easier to discuss it and get it over with than have to be on the defensive and answer the question "why is the special town meeting not a priority at this meeting?" Are they stalling because they need more time to make a game plan to prevent other citizen petitions from being included at the STM? How long is this childish leadership going to continue?

  2. Let's hope it will be discussed under New Business. If the setting of date needs to wait until 1/28 then an explanation should be provided.

  3. I bet BOS Chairman Stewart wishes that the one committee he wants to be on paid like the L&W commission. He really should just be on the Rec. Committee. It is obvious that that is all he really cares about. Heaven forbid he took a stand on anything else. If he only would realize that his kids and all the kids he helps there are future tax/rate payers, maybe then he would stop listening to echo hill, and do something to fix the problems that he helped create.

  4. bos meeting,,,, WHERE????

    1. As far as I know it will be at Patriots Road, the conference room. This discussion needs to be in a public forum. The tax payers in this town need to learn from the Selectmens Office, that the town is still having problems, and the blame needs to be put where it belongs, back to our previous administration. I think people are getting sick of this constant mess we are in. They need to understand that there are forces working as hard as they can, to rite the ship. We C4T can not look like the bad guys. What has come out with the petition with the Light Co., makes us look a little bit like we are out to destroy the town. We have to make the message clear, if the Light and Water would do their share, the burden on the tax payer, would be easier to handle. I agree with the petition. It would take to long to vote the commissioners out one by one. It has to be clear that any change is going to be temporary, until good people can be found to run the Light for the benefit of the whole town. Bev.

  5. I am too sick to go to the meeting. Will someone please give a recap afterwards? I would love to know the reason the SPecial Town Meeting is not on the agenda. Thank you.

  6. when is the election for selectmen this year.

  7. The election is in May. Papers for running as a candidate need to be taken out in Feb/March. Town Clerk would know.

  8. What happened last night?
