Saturday, January 12, 2013


Ginny was over at Echo Hill this morning around 10. Looks like they're expecting others too. Feelin the heat???


  1. there was a full house there . they must be planing a hostile take over of this town ..c4t watch your backs they are gaining steam!!!!!!

  2. Bubba was over there too. I heard Lenny Kopelman was going to land a helicopter in the field and produce Martha Coakley, bound and gagged.

  3. Any truth to the rumor Scrappy has landed a job at Monty Tech?

    Was Scrappy at the meeting of the echo Hill gang?

  4. What the hell would he be doing there? Working in the metal shop?

  5. -did I get this right a volkswagon was at echo hill must be on way to scrap yard hee

  6. We need to ask Ginny and Scappy one good question. "Do you work for the voters of Templeton or do you work for the Skeltons?" I think we should ask them this at the selectmen's meeting Monday night.

  7. will O Brien come and sit up with Neil McGuirk?
    Will someone ask about the chairman "not" signing off on the roof patch materials for E.T. school roof repairs? Explain why not!

  8. wasn't our elustrious chairman stewart also on the municipal building committee the buried us under $700,000. of debt with 252 Baldwinville boodoggle?

  9. He was just "getting used to the position," and probably wasn't fully aware of his responsibilities.

    1. And several years later he still doesn't have a clue of his responsibilities

    2. I think the Echo Hill gang is pulling together, and are up to no good. Virginia is going to have to walk a fine line if she thinks she can convince anyone she is working for the tax payers and not the crew! I don't think she can pull it off, but you never know. She is playing both sides of the coin. If she tries to pull any crap, we have to call her on it. Whats with Chris not signing off on the roof repairs? Is he trying to block that too?? The washer is still running. Bev

    3. It seems Chris was the only selectman that would not sign off on the bill for the repairs to E.T. School. Will and his friend donated two hundred and fifty dollars worth of materials and time to get the building ready for winter. The roof needed to be repaired so that the water leaks did not do more damage to the building. The bill to the town was for one hundred and sixty one dollars and fourteen cents. The left over glue and cleaner is at the highway barn. Will has been working hard to try to get the building ready so that we can get out of Patriots Road, have everyone under one roof, and finally have a real Town Hall. I guess Chris's nose was out of joint, because Will did not ask him for permission!! Give me a break, it seems that Chris must have more to be upset about than that. Both of these men were at the same meetings where Will said that he planned to fix the roof. Nothing was said, so at least the roof is fixed, and we are one step closer to a Town Hall than we have ever been. Good Job Will, and Friend. Bev.

    4. You know what? Chris should have gone up on that damn roof and fixed it himself to pay the town back for the $700k debt he helped to create with the 252 Baldwinville Rd. boondoggle! And Bubba, Stupid and Skelton as well. I am so sick of this petty, childish in-fighting that has gone on way too long in this town. Chris Stewart should put his big boy pants on and do the job he said he wanted so badly. Act like a leader and rise above the games. We need a town hall. We cannot afford to have another town property fall into disrepair. Sign off on a couple of bucks and THANK the volunteers that have stepped up to help this town out. We need all the help and charity we can get. I am disgusted with the behavior of our elected officials. Put your personal ego aside and think of the greater good of the community. How about being good role models for the youth in this town rather than acting like one?!

  10. How can a town resident go purchase materials for the town without getting prior authorization from the select board then think that he was going to get reimbursed by submitting a bill, first of if any of them had gotten hurt the town would have opened themselves up for a huge lawsuit, if anyone is going to do work for the town and get paid, whether it be getting paid for material and or labor they are required to submit a proof of insurance and workmans comp before the board agrees to pay for anything thye should be required to submit that. Also shouldnt the repairs have gone out for bid and the town have hired a real contractor to do repairs how do we know that they were done correctly and after we paid if there is a problem with the repairs then we would need to hire a contractor to re repair something we already paid for to begin with. By paying a bill without aprroval all that is saying to anyone in town is to go do what you want and submit your bills and the town will pay. I thought we were trying to change this kind of ways in town.

  11. Anon 10:11 am
    Talk about way off base, Virginia.
    Will Spring has asked for permission to work on and secure ET so that it wouldn't fall into further disrepair. Let's go out to bid and wait six months through the winter before the work is done? Great concept! Right up there with shoveling the roof of the unoccupied 252 Baldwinville Rd.

    Anymore awe inspiring ideas?

  12. Not everyone is as greedy and unscrupulous as Carol Skelton, so we don't have to worry about random people suing the town anymore.
