Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why I signed the original petition that enacted Chapter 93 Acts of 2000

By Julie Farrell

Julie & Pauly- I see that you both signed the citizen's petition to make the Water dept with the Light Dept. Can you tell me why you supported it back then?

I signed the citizen petition back in 1999, probably in December. I recall that I was approached by someone I trusted to sign the petition. I didn’t do any research, nor did I ask many questions.

Back in December 1999, the Light department was located at 2 School St. The Light department was just completing the garage project at 2 School St. Town Offices were located on Main St in Otter River. Chris Ryan was the town coordinator. Gerald Skelton was the manager of the Light department. The longtime commissioners Michael Kwasny, then Stanley Dymek had passed away. Looking back, I believe these “old-time” commissioners kept Jerry Skelton in check. Those commissioners were looking out for the best interest of the ratepayers. The Light Commissioners at the time of the Chapter 93 citizen petition were Dana Blais, Sean Hamilton and Gregg Edwards.

In December of 1999, all three of our kids were in school; playing sports and involved in many activities. I was a member of the Narragansett Regional School Committee and had just started full-time employment in the Athol Regional School District. I spent most of my non-work time running around like a nut. My neighbor told me once that I had made 16 trips in one day. Having three kids within four-year time span will do that.

I attended town meetings regularly. Still do. I don’t think I attended the Special Town meeting in March 2000 where the warrant article for special legislation creating Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 passed. I know I was concerned about the water system. It seemed like every year there was an article to repair the water storage tanks and every year the article failed. I think people felt Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 would improve the water system by having the Light department control the water department.

Many improvements have been made to the water system. Those improvements cost a lot of money. I decided to run for Light & Water commissioner in 2009 to try to bring more accountability and look for ways to cut costs. I created a spreadsheet from my personal water bills to which I referred in my candidate speech.  During my tenure as a Light and Water Commissioner, I tried to advocate for ways to reduce costs. I believe the huge debt burden of the water department is unsustainable. Please review updated Financial Information.

Why I believe we should retain the Light department

If successful, the latest citizen petition would place the Light and water department under the control of the Board of Selectmen. I signed the petition because I feel we need to change the way we operate our water department. I believe this petition is the quickest, and least expensive option to create that change. I believe it is in the best interest of the town and the ratepayers to combine the water and sewer departments. After that, I think more discussion needs to take place about forming a DPW.

Are there other ways to accomplish combining the water and sewer departments? Yes. Recall campaigns are time consuming, expensive and divisive.

Is there a better option, than placing control of light and water under the direction of the BOS? I can’t think of another option at this time.

Should ratepayers/shareholders do nothing? Maintain the status quo? I believe doing nothing will push the town closer to receivership. I think we should do everything we can to prevent receivership and get our fiscal house in order. If the town goes under, the light department will be sold off.

I believe Templeton is fortunate to have a municipal light department. I was a member of the BOS when the Ice Storm hit. It took all of the towns departments working together to get power back, especially the light department. Templeton does not have a hospital. It does not have a lot of industry. When an event like the Ice Storm hits, we are on our own. Templeton would not be a priority community for Unitil or NGrid.

Most people in Templeton had power restored within 2-3 days. There were some people who had to wait 2 weeks to get their power restored. Assembling the crews and equipment to handle an event like the Ice Storm doesn’t just happen. Maybe Templeton Municipal Light made it “look easy”. It was anything but.

Is operating a municipal light department expensive? Yes.

Are there pension/retirement liabilities? Yes, but there are for all municipal employees. That is one huge issue that is beginning to be addressed. Please read “OPEB commission issues report” 

What I would like the Light and Water citizen petition to do is place the Light department under the direction of the BOS so that a PILOT payment can be formalized and Water department can be separated from Light. I don’t see any of that happening with the current set up.

Once those two actions are taken, I believe the creation of an appointed Light Authority may be a better solution than an elected Light Commission.

As Albert Einstein once said: ”We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. I am not in favor of seperating the water from the light dept. the reason being that the dept. is doing a very good job, But I am in favor of more cooperation from them,and also the billing should be combined with sewer so monies can be collected so my rate as a user won't have to go up

  2. This move of seperation is the best thing we as a town can do . first of all ,the pay scale is so out of balance with all the other town employees it makes me SICK . you cant and wont convince me that the office personel at light and water are worth more than the other personel in town that in my opinion WORK A LOT HARDER for there money . WAKE UP PEOPLE ,ITS YOUR MONEY .

  3. You name it and it's out of control.
    Templeton needs to get control or it will control Templeton!

  4. Julie, As the author of the original question, I want to say thank you. You have made some excellent points, put into concise and clear answers. You make a good argument for all of these changes. I can certainly understand how the uninformed can be swayed. I voted for 252. The sales pitch was good, if you didn’t look at how the money was being handled. Lesson learned.

    As the pieces of this Templeton puzzle start to fit together, seeing familiar names, understanding more backstory, it becomes apparent that a bunch of dummies were running the show. You Julie are no dummy.

  5. I would not go so far as to call the people running "the show" dummies, I would not cal Gerald Skelton a dummy. On the contrary I think he is smart and organized. His motives are what I would question. As on commercial for a retirement fund stated, it is not what you make, it's what you keep. I think Templeton was mismanaged or perhaps more correctly was managed in a way to benefit a few while trying to sink the ship. After all, financial receivership does not end the pension and medical benefits that the town is on the hook for. State wide and for many other states, pension and health insurance is one of the biggest unfunded entitlements out there. This was done, in my opinion to bring pay up to the standard in the private sector in an attempt to attract better people. There were more rules, regulations and more challenges and the public sector was trying to attract more candidates. This has led to out of control salary, pension and health insurance costs and obligations. It did not really work in my opinion. Look at the education item for police officers. The idea was to attract better educated officers by paying them extra for education and while it may have done this somewhat, if you look real hard, you can find online "colleges" and brick n mortar schools offering quite a few "law enforcement and criminal justice" degrees and programs that research has shown are not really worth the paper printed on. It is a piece of paper to get more money from officers. This again sounded like a good idea and it may have worked to an extent, but again, a little research will show two things, it is not sustainable and it did not work. Now those benefits are subject of union negotiations, they want to keep that. Watch the news and take a look at state house news sometime, the push back from unions when anyone tries to cut those, I believe not so long ago there was court case here in massachusetts about cutting that and the legislature got involved and how much it costs taxpayers who simply cannot afford that anymore. One of those not in my backyard issues. Trust me when I say i know the education issue and longevity pay are hot issues in union contract talks. So not to pick on police officers, but that is another issue facing taxpayers and selectmen etc; what to cut, how much to cut and who is "to big to cut" I believe it is a different management style needed. I believe Templeton needs to look at hightschool and college internship for summer help, the sheriffs office for work crews in summer rather than the town hiring seasonal temp workers. I believe union talks have to now include the words, "do you want to keep all people working or do you want layoffs to keep your benefits"? This is one of the reasons I support very much Templeton approaching Gardner and partnering up with them for dispatch and lockup. They have the new station coming, Gardner taxpayers need help just like Templeton does and just maybe we can work with the Worcester county sherrifs office to staff the jail on weekends to avoid overtime for all and save some monies. We will not solve our problems by thinking or doing things the same ole way, not gonna work. By trying a new approach, I don't think we can screw it up anymore or be worse off than we already are. If we can get a couple new people in May and try some new ideas, perhaps Templeton will be on the front page for the right reasons. Just some rambling from Afghanistan.

  6. I have a question for everyone. I have lived in town for a long time now and never can I ever remember (especially with the town budgets as bad as they are) the town doing any type of real snow removal. We have had larger snow storms and accumulation totals in years past and never did any type of removal so I ask why are we wasting time and fuel and taxpayers money now. The highway dept is already getting the ot due to early morning and late night sanding and plowing so why waste extra time picking the snow up and dumping in another area in town. It is one thing if there is not a place to pile the snow but we not have gotten that much as it is. Let keep the OT and fuel cost down!

  7. Its because the highway is led by a person that does not know how to do the things a highway dept does. Sweeps the roads in March, does bulk snow removal when we only have a foot of snow, runs a Grader to plow an inch of snow and doesnt use it to GRADE our dirt roads, is now a general contractor for site work, sands roads when there is three inches of snow then goes back and puts the plows on to plow off the sand that was just spread! Wtf! You wanna talk wasteing money, lets get a proffesional over there!

  8. A650 You make it almost sound good! Fact is there would be a countable amount of dead people if done your way!
    There are reasons for treatment of road surfaces,it helps to keep the ice from forming and makes us able to scrape it to the tar,no treatment and you lost the tar and will have a hard time getting it back down! Driveing the sanders up grey road would not be possible if the surface is not treated! Trust me i climb the hills with one of the towns antique macks!
    The town starts plowing as the storms creat 4"+ with more on the way 14 pieces of equipment are then called into service to handle 76 miles of poor roads. The thought that all equipment gets back and still can be ready to operate is due to the crew and management that care about Templeton and the safety of the people that try to use the roads during the storms! Fire,ambulance,police,light,water,you,every one needs roads that are possible to drive over.
    Don't be to quick to run down and change the way highway works show us a better way and were sure to consider it!
    The people i meet up with stuck on grey road are glad we are there to sand and can get home after we do!
    The multiple cars stuck on dudley rd hill,barre rd are also greatful when i spin sand under their tires to get them going again. Would you tell them to leave the car and snowshoe home or just stay where you are? The highway dept does very well for the people in Templeton and we get compliments often, the fact is there are very few people getting hurt and roads are in good shape compaired with other towns. A650 needs to WTF "think"! Can you? Sign! No need to explain to an A that would'nt understand it anyway.

    Dedicated highway driver/laborer
    Dave Smart

  9. Let me speak on something I know about, if you have concerns about snow operations or how your tax dollars are spent, take them (concerns/complaints) to the selectmen at a meeting. They can and should give direction to the highway dept. Fact is sand has zero deicing ability, it only provides traction and grab while it is on top of the snow/ice. as soon as it is ground below the surface, it becomes useless. it also clogs drain basins which equals more costs in the spring to remove it. The cheapest and most effective deicer is salt. But it comes with baggage, it will contaminate ground water and kill vegetation. drive down route 2 sometime and notice all the dead trees along the highway. use of salt requires education, use too much and you waste money and do damage to the environment, less is better, pretreat the road before the storm comes so you have less hardpack build up and this aids in removal bt plowing. spreaders can be set to discharge as much or as little as you want. pretreat the roads then let it snow then plow. There also other deicing materials such as left over mash from distileries and things like beet juice. these things cost more than salt but do little environmental damage. One thing I agree with is snow removal after only 12 inch storm is wasteful, unless snow is being piled up in the wrong place to start with which creates the need to do it. One needs to be there to ride around and see the locations. more times than not, it is the result of snow being piled up where it should not be resulting in having to move the snow again later on. keep in mind the supervisor cannot be in all the trucks at the same time. There are also weather watch programs that can be subscribed to to watch appraoching storms and there are devices that allow you to drive around and read the tempurature of the road surface. it can be above freezing air wise but if the ground temp is say 30 degrees, you will have ice and hardpack buildup so it needs pretreating and the reverse can happen as well. road surfaces need to be pretreated about 2 hours prior to the arrival of snow. There has to be a good system in place and taxpayers have to be willing to pay the cost of men coming in to pretreat the road surface without it actually snowing. there is always the chance the storm misses but with the weather technology available it does work. updating the controls of the salt spreaders to be more efficient costs money, about 7 thousand dollars per unit. It can also come down to what taxpayers want and what they will accept. will they accept the appraoach of pretreat the roadways then simply let it snow until it is done then plow the roads onetime. most likely that will not work, people will simply not stay off the roads during a storm. so perhaps people should not be so quick to judge the highway dept, they are just trying to give the taxpayers what they seem to want which in Templeton is we want everything but we don't want to pay for it. And yes there are town reports with town meeting votes to prove that statement. we cannot have better roads, we can not have better highway equipment we cannot have a better school unless we are ready to pay for it. I will again suggest that people attend selectmen meetings and perhaps volunteer to try to come up with solutions and ideas. Dave Smart is doing it and so can others. Perhaps anonymous can attend a selectmen meeting and standup and make the complaint about the highway dept in person and offer a suggestion or two. of course that would involve putting your name to something. just some more thoughts from Afghanistan

    1. Anonymous 6:50, just in case you missed it, the guys are telling you that if you want to be critical of Bud. or the rest of the men on the highway dept, you need to "man up" and sign your name or at least have the balls to go and talk to these guys face to face. I live on the end of South Rd., and I can tell you that there are many people who have to get to work early or come home late, and they make it because of the work these people do. If you do not remove the snow banks when they get high, like say in Templeton Common, someone will get hurt. Jeff has brought some useful ideas about treating the roads, but these things cost money. I went to Worcester before the last storm. On my way down the 190 was being treated with a liquid mixture from one truck, and the truck following it, was spreading salt. On my way home the snow was coming down so fast I am not sure their mixture did any good. Maybe it would have if it had rained/iced. Bart keeps telling me, that we will have dirt roads in the future. One thing about that, is you can grade dirt, get rid of the holes and ruts. It is just to costly to use black top. Anonymous 4:48P.M., so I guess you are retired, and don't have to worry about having to get to work. My sister goes in to work for midnight, and other people have to leave home early in the A.M., try 4:30 Or 5:00 A.M. So the way you think, the roads should not be plowed until 10:00A.M.?? Years ago the snow storm got ahead of the Highway Dept. They had to hire Walter Lawrence's bulldozer to open the road. Guess what they did not save a dime. Bev.

  10. Why isn't there a BOS meeting this week? Why wait until the 14th?

    1. Because the BOS Chair does not take his position as a priority. Crap leadership.

  11. I say plow the roads half as much and buy a 4x4! Both my wife and I have had them our whole lives. We live in New England people! Deal with it! Then we could shed some highway salaries and save a few bucks! Every other dept is pretty lean with their employees why cant the highway be the same? Just my opinion of course.

    1. That's the problem with municipal can never please everyone. If the highway dept didn't remove the large snow banks or plow the sidewalks and someone was killed walking in the street, everyone would blame the highway dept. If they remove snow and plow the sidewalks, the highway dept is blamed for wasting money. In my opinion, the highway dept does a great job with the equipment and funding they have. Templeton roads are ALWAYS in better shape after a storm than all the surrounding towns. You can notice it as soon as you cross the town line. Same can be said for all of the town depts...they all provide a good service and work very hard for little credit. If your comment is simply to look at the financials, then look for where the money is actually being wasted. If appointed positions are still making money where others have given up their pay during the financial crisis, then that's where our focus should be. Don't forget that the Municipal Building Committee wasted over $700k of taxpayer money in the past couple of years. Or maybe the Elementary School Building Committee who wasted several hundred thousand dollars in feasibility study money. Even more importantly, if you want to point fingers at a dept wasting money, lets look at the BOS. They wasted how much money on attorney fees trying to recall two selectmen as well as fire, hire, fire, re-hire town coordinator. Such a major and unnecessary waste of our money. Its far more of a point to make than pointing the finger at the highway dept. And one more waste of money...paying rent for town offices. How about the BOS put some of their energy into getting out of 690 Pats Rd. and look seriously into converting ET school into a town hall? Did the BOS pay overtime to all the officers that attended the BOS meetings last March and April? That was simply unnecessary. Interesting that there has been no need for them since BC was kicked out. I thought it was a "rule" that an officer had to be at the school if a meeting was held there. Well, I went to numerous meetings there since May and no officers to be seen.

      How about the BOS finishing up on so many of the things they've supposedly promised? Whatever happened to the "letter" to the Light Dept? Whatever happened to that? Why have they not demanded the Water Dept come to a BOS meeting and give a report on the numerous water main breaks over 2012? I could list off at least ten other issues the BOS has dragged their feet on but I think you get the point.

      And honestly, if you think a solution for someone is to buy a new car to deal with less paved snowy roads, I suspect you can afford that solution whereas the majority of the citizens that live here cannot. I''d love a new car. Don't have the money for it. So, I have to keep driving my 16 yr old car and hope and pray I make it to work and home safely during the winter. For me, I'm thankful for the highway dept's hard work and would rather my tax money be used for snow removal than for purchasing boondoggles all over town.

    2. I am on your side but when driving out of templeton after a storm the roads are ALWAYS better as soon as you cross into gardner/hubb./winch. etc. Dont fool yourself.

    3. I have to agree with A 5:51 on this. The roads in Templeton are much better in the winter. Gardner is not much fun to drive in during or after a storm.

    4. A6:49pm. Not true. Especially going from Templeton to Winchendon. Winchendon roads are HORRIBLE after (and several days after) a storm. I drive through that town to get to work every day. Have observed this for years. And, in fact, the roads are even worse crossing over into NH. Templeton is and has always been better plowed than surrounding towns. Its a FACT. And I'm thankful for that. Again, I'd rather have my taxes go to highway budget than wasted on crap real estate deals.

    5. Anonymous 5:51, There are departments that are running on a shoe string. If you want to ride someone about getting paid, when they are could well afford to go without their stipend, go talk to the Light Commissioners. They just don't get it! Our hourly people have had to do with less and it does not phase these people one bit. The light could help the town out, but they are not going to. This is not their problem! When you speak of the BOS, I hope you know most the people who wasted money on the recall are not in office any longer. Virginia and Scrappy are left overs. In a way the recall was a good thing, otherwise we would still be in the dark, about our financial problems. Just so you know, Will Spring has been working on moving the town departments to E.T., as soon as we can. We need to get some work done before we move. If you would like to donate help or money, he will gladly accept both. If the Police that were at the selectmans' meeting last spring in the school got paid or not, you should ask the Chief or ask Bubba. I doubt that they would get all dressed up for nothing, but you never know. You know the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink." Well "the letter" did not get sent, because Chris and Virginia would not sign it. I am not sure about Scrappy, so Mr Ritta went to talk with Mr. Driscoll. Chris is also a Light Commissioner, so I feel that is where his loyalty is, as he is now a part of the good old boys club. We need a by-law created so that selectman can not be on more than one board. It just does not work, in my opinion. Do not expect anything from the Light and Water Departments, the way things stand now. From what I understand Mr. Driscoll can not understand why the towns' people are upset with the Light Management. It could be when he said "they would not give us more money for our Pilot, and if they did, He would charge us more!" That kind of hit me wrong. I do not feel the way the Light Co. was set up. was to benefit the Light Co. I know Mr. Dymbek ant the older men never treated it that way. This is my opinion, Bev

    6. Who put Will Spring in charge of the school building / town building project ? Just looking for the answer ? I dont recall this ever being addressed at any meeting .

    7. He isn't "in charge" of the school building. He stepped up and volunteered to work on the possibility of using the building as a town hall along with several other citizens in town. If you're interested in helping out, please volunteer! Its up to the citizens to make some of these things happen around here.

  12. Let's talk about the possible merger between Templeton/Phillipston Dispatch with Gardner Dispatch. This is not a good thing for Templeton/Phillipston and in fact the only community that benefits is Gardner. The merger of the two animal control departments was one thing, they both operated alike, with no major differences. Merging T/P Dispatch with Gardner would just be wrong, because the two dispatch centers do not operate anything alike. Gardner is a handoff center that handles only police calls and hands off everything else. T/P Dispatch is a full service center that handles all departments within both communitites. The communities of Templeton and Phillipston would lose the services that we are accustom too and deserve. We would be better off trying to entice additional towns to join with T/P Dispatch to increase our grant funding. Now let's talk financially. Gardner is the only community that benefits, it would stand to gain considerable grant money from 911. Whereas, Templeton would lose a substantail amount of grant money that has been used to level the budget, pay salaries, buy equipment and upgrade the deplorable building that houses our police and dipatch center in the past. There's the additional fact that this merger will end up costing the communities of Templeton and Phillipston additional funding in the future, because additionals employees will have to be hired in order to simply answer the phones. Just because the dispatch center moves does not mean that our calls will stop, someone has to answer the basic phone calls. Also, not to mention that once your community loses it's PSAP console you never get it back, it's gone for go, there's no one to reverse the decision. This merger looks good to the uneducated individual at first as a cost savings, but realistically only the City of Gardner benefits from this merger. One last note, some day a new building will have to be built or obtained to house the dispatch/police station and should this merger go thru the town would stand to lose any claim to 911 funding to help in the construction/moving cost for this project.

    1. Would the Templeton chief lose his job cuz it would be Gardner chief overseeing officers in Templeton or is it just combining dispatch? Would police patrolling Templeton have to come from headquarters in Gardner or would they still have a base in Templeton? I'm all for regionalizing services if they are win-win situations for all involved. But if there is a degrade in service, then I am not for that. Too bad the town wasted $700,000 on a failed town hall project. I would have rather seen that money go to a new police station at the 252 Baldwinville location than a town hall. It would be nice if the BOS would make a priority list for the new year and make every attempt to get things done on it. I'd like to know more on what they intend to do about a new police station or a regional agreement. Something needs to be done soon. They can't ignore that issue forever.

    2. It probably won't happen for at least 10 years it's not a priority. Would have to cut some officers and find savings somewhere.

  13. Oh boy Chris Stewart is at it again today in the paper..."People should leave light and water alone" spoken by someone who wants to retain his stipend!!! I would like to know how he thinks they're doing a good job

    1. Please do tell more. What article was this? I don't get that rag anymore but would love to know what the article said.

    2. Haranas wrote about the citizen petition to do away with light and water commissioners. Chris Stewart was doing his usual you people need to leave it alone act. He said that light and water are doing a good job managing themselves.

    3. Thank you. I wonder if Horrendous interviewed anyone that is for the petition? Seems like its business as usual at TGN. Wondering when Ms.Bell will realize she'll make more money with better reporting and stop the bias BS.

      If they're doing such a good job, how come so much debt accrued? If they're doing such a good job, how come they're not forthcoming with reports of numerous water main breaks? I'm assuming Stewart thinks he's going a good job as BOS Chair as well. And he thinks he's doing a good job as a l&w commissioner. Is it good job to not go to any meetings or act on any issues concerning the l&w dept?

    4. OK, I have read and re-read the Gardner News and cannot find any article where Stewart was quoted, I have the online version, is it different then the printed version. Nowhere does it mention the petition.

  14. How would he know if "they" are doing a good job? How many meetings has he attended?

    1. I thought he said he doesn't act on any l&w issues cuz he thinks its conflict of interest. And as a BOS member he doesn't act on any l&w issues cuz its a conflict of interest. So, he's really not doing a good service being a commissioner or a BOS member. Way to go buddy! Keep drinking the kool aid at family gatherings.

  15. The paper stated that there were a pair of petitions taken out,one for the removal of l+w commissioners + one for ? One on Nov.26 + one on Dec.10 It didn't statee what the second one was for! It also stated that "superintendent" John Driscoll did not rturn messages left at his office!
    Wow I could get use to the "new title" question is can he?
    I bet he wishes he could take back comments about not working for Templeton. How much of a raise did gs get after the hostile water takeover?
    that % would be a good working number to lets say "formulate" a new wage structure, to go wih a new title!
    Just some food for thought.
    As i go around town with the petition to get the signatures needed,so far there were only 1 that said no and he thought they did a fine job at light and water!
    Just 1 tells me that,just 1!
    Dana i think the remark about only a few of you have a problem with us is changeing as i type this comment.
    Thank you gardner news for getting the comment from the BOS chairman of conflicts of interest, it shows he is also part of the problem, no ability to grasp the situation and call it what it is. He should have been able to figure it out by ow just listening to the questions asked at L+W meetings and the answers we get or don't get? why the need to spend 1000. to find out they need toprovide the info we request?
    What about the gansett windturbine audit?
    What about the watermain report letter?
    why should stewart be a commissioner and not request the info the town needs to see whats going on.I say it is the duty of the selectmen to know all town of Templeton business,to be able to protect all intrests of Templeton as they are the board that govern Templeton, How can there be a conflict of interest?
    There only needs to be one job of the selectmen and thats the one they have to do when they are elected, "SELECTMEN"
    The shareholders are speeking more than ever!
    You will hear us, more than a few!
    Sign the petition!
    Dave Smart

    1. Dave, It seems like our friend at the Gsnoos is getting his news leads from the blog. Maybe we should get a cut from this salary. Do you think he has figured it out yet, the Gsnoos backed the wrong team? I hope so, seeing you get more news here that you can get from that waste of paper and ink. Bev

  16. I'll get a copy of the today's TGN article posted as a separate blog.

    Yesterday's headlines were hysterical:

    "State deems town meeting vote improver"



  17. Hey Dave, the shareholders are about five people that go round and round on here speaking of bullshit that really is not an issue! You my friend are a poor excuse for a town employee/c4t member! Keep talking your talk and come to town meeting to get shut down by the majority of the room! Sign it! It will never happen and i hope we never lose the good things we have in this town! Stupid people like you on your high horse are a good thing for people to see and say wtf is wrong with you people! I say they fire your ass and save the 35k they pay you! God damn waste case! Thats right i didnt sign my name again! I guess im jut spineless! I know where i am do you?

    1. 5 People ??? Think again, VERY FEW in this town like what the L&W does, the employees are their only saving grace, the hard workers cover for the idiots that control the L&W and the commisioners. So you better get your fellow pot smoking friends and lions to cover your asses at STM too.

    2. A8:03am- Your insults will not bring anything positive to the conversation. Go ahead and continue thinking you are smarter and better than everyone that discusses town business here. Whatever. You're not going to change anything for the better. Really, what you are doing is further proving many points that have been made here. There is a faction of people in this town that are bullies and arrogant and have brought a ton of negative energy to the town. Thank you for proving this claim for us. Funny how everyone that is against the proposed changes in town government show the exact same bullying and arrogant behavior. Keep it up. You're only helping prove our point without even knowing it. And just to clarify...I beleive it was more than 5 people who didn't re-elect Jerry Skelton but rather voted in Jeff Bennett. I beleive it was more than 5 people who didn't re-elect Dennis O'Brien and Bob Columbus. I believe it was more than 5 people who protested rehiring Carol Skelton at the infamous BOS meeting ("the well is poisoned"). I believe it was more than 5 people who re-elected Julie Farrell. Way more than 5 people, in fact. I beleive it was more than 5 people who signed the petition asking for an investigation from the state. I believe it was more than 5 people who went to town meeting and passed that warrant article. I believe 0 people stood up to protest the warrant article passing. All I can say to you is I hope you haven't had your hands in any funny business in town politics over the past decade because more than 5 people will be laughing if you rear is dragged into court to answer to your actions. Now come on...respond with some more insults in order to keep us entertained. Are we stupid? Are we ugly? Wanna say something about our momma? Give us your best arrogant comment. We're waiting...

  18. I guess the extra bold print proves the point that the proof reader is not blind but just unable to do the job.
    Waite a minute, I'm mixed up, he has blinders on sometimes and then just blind others, care to clear it up!
    Gnoos is welcome to post here as well as all other are!
    Dave Smart

  19. A803 A now that you think you know where you are, do Templeton a favor and stand on you head and open you eyes , Take a look around and see what shape the town is now in and let me friend know what is so good you speek about! It's upside down isn't it, stupid knows stupid! Look in a mirror and maybe you will believe yourself!
    Sorry i didn't tell you to stand up 1st,my bad!
    But your getting old and well you know Anonymously predictable,WTF is that "With True Facts" that have yours in a bunch?
    If only 5 than we need only 5 more at the next meeting at L+W to get the attention we need to have meetings at Selectmen office and put it on camera for the public to get to see it all!
    Thanks for the effort you don't give to help your town!
    Dave Smart

  20. I think they call that,getting CONTROL......
    Dave Smart

  21. Oooo. 3 posts in twenty minutes! Did i hit a nerve? Should they lay off people from the highway? Its a pretty fat operation over there considering these fiscal times! You want to save money i know where to start!

    1. Swing and a miss...try again...

  22. Again this morning the fat opeation was called in to help the good people of Templeton and the team got up and did just that!
    While you were wondering what happened! We were doing what needed to be done!
    The team takes 3.5-4 hrs to treat the roads for the safety of the good people of Templeton and others to pass thru town on. I was doing my taxes for the business i've failed at and saw what you call comments "spineless" of course. Any boo will do. "A854" said it well, keep it up your a great help to a GROWING cause!
    Your comments are inspiring for me as well!
    Hope to see you at THE L+W meeting,when will you post it so I can spread the word and get a "FEW" there.
    I'll be sure to bring my video for your pleasure!
    And the Questions about the "budget" will be "special".
    You know the budget that did not get in the annual report last time! Funny thing how that happened, Hideing something never works when people start to look. And don't pick on Buds belly anymore you fake, were a lean operation and we prove it time and time again!
    Look at the life the trucks have given the town,10 wheeler frame change and other repairs never done before, not sent out, have saved the town plenty! You only know one thing, your on the ship thats got no dock to pull up to, People in Templeton have had all that they can take and are now shareholders in the future changes, glad your not one of them!
    Dave Smart

  23. Anonymous 8:59A, You have put into words what many people are thinking. When people are threatened they are prone to act out in one way or the other. Our ETF friend, has been very verbal. What is this person afraid of? The loosing of control of Water and Light? All that Dave has said is true! When someone is on a commission for too long or even on a board for too long, they cease to be effective. When they refuse to go along with suggestions and changes, it is time for a replacement. In this case changes will have to be made, because their behavior is creating problems for the town, that the town does not need, and there is no way to make things better as long as the Light Commissioners refuse to cooperate with the Selectmen. This is my opinion, Bev.

  24. I guess that was a homerun dave

  25. A803 facts are facts yours are way off
    pay for the year 2012 was 35,039.38 gross!
    Just so people know the truth, it's out there for the good people of Templeton to see, all budgets are in the annual report, I forgot the electric one was just a copy of the year before? and not posted as it should have been.WTF "WHERES THE FACTS"JD.

  26. OK question: why didn't i ask selectmen if they wanted to be in charge of the light and water befoe i started the petition? Well i guess i thought 2 were ok with it for sure,1 is a commissioner and 1 was a commissioner,1 surely can do it. that makes 3 and we vote to give selectmen the will of the people. So get the control you should have and take care of Templeton business,if you can't then quit and let someone that "can" handle it! Templeton can't wait for you to figure it out, it needs to happen now! Selectmen wilder you need to be part of the solution or your part of the problem still.The talk we had at the sewer meeting tonight tells me you have the ability to be the part that can help control it,working for a common goal! Templetons future changes. I think/know I'm doing the correct thing,alot of people thank me for doing this petition. The people of Templeton will step up to help,we're there when you look up,let us help you help our town! Do you work for us?
    Dave Smart

    1. Well said, Dave and thank you for caring about your town enough to get up and do SOMETHING. Too many people sit and complain but never get up and try to help find a solution. We all aren't going to agree and all of our solutions may not be the right answer. We need to embrace the art of debate and be respectful of one another. Leave our ego at the door and be able to admit when we're wrong or applaud a good idea even if its from a person we don't care for personally. This petition will at least bring the issue to the floor to be discussed. If someone else has a better idea, then they should bring it forward instead of trying to insult you and tear you down. We need far more Dave Smarts in town than we do of any person who simply hurls insults and offers nothing else.

  27. Join me and fill the room for the meeting and see what goes on/or doesn't go on!
    ask questions and demand answers about our money and how they spent it!
    Why all new vehicles,No Audit, No web site, no annual report and no info in the DOR report?
    Bring a friend better yet call and tell a friend to bring a friend!
    Shareholder rule!
    Dave Smart

  28. Hey! Dumb dumb Dave, ya you! They have new vehicles over there because they have something called fleet rotation. It works ya know and is proven to be less expensive in the long run than fixing junk all the time! But you wouldnt know anything about common sense would you now. It is what happens when a buisness is run properly. Should the town be looking forwrard to a half ass light and water department if the selctman get it? I think so! couldnt even spend the storm funds properly and now we need a special meeting to set the damn tax rate! Real good job over there on Patriots rd huh! Wtf! Dont attack the good things we have because our elected leaders cant lead a own! Nut jobs i say! Get a grip and get a life! Damn!

    1. Hey IDIOT, the problems over there on Patriots Rd. are ALL because of the leadership that morons like you supoorted and still support. These problems did not just happen, ALL people involved now are trying to fix the MESS that was created. So YOU are the one that really needs to get a grip on life. signed, A Former Skelton supporter who WOKE UP.

  29. If once again you only could think,The old / K+P laywers,old coordinator,quit acountant,were the ones that did the job for us,shareholders,But the light dept has the money that they don't pay in lue of taxes that they should to buy the new vehicles now don't they!
    They paid for the new bucket truck with the rebate check from seabrook maintenance!
    If a business is run properly it has a thing called a profit margin and a gross margin,Light should be a easy thing to get the profit from your a monopoly. It's tough to pay your fair share to the owners when you spend every dime you collect from the poor people too! Unwilling to help the sick and poor will bite your ass every time,I'll see to that.
    This is one more reason to sign my petition!
    I think what you mean is the good things you have!
    Maybe they will sell it and cut our future losses?
    If the uninsured turbine fails/again whats the light department going to do drive the new explorrer up to check it out, call someone to fix it, gearbox fails in princeton 500,000.00. That could be Templeton!
    Guess the $23,783.00 margin won't cover that will it!
    Or what just take it out of the $7,377,068.00 nice kitty.
    your insults are a boost for me please keep it up!
    We'll call you just ANON Predickedable!
    Come out prove me wrong and I'll think differently!
    Until then my friend may you "someday" wake up,look around and try to help out! Not just help yourself! the trucks fall apart due to no care! Just buy a new one! We play with electricity, Do the men have the stirups to help from dieing from "Suspension Trama" you fool! No they don't do they, But got new trucks,and suvs,furniture,office equipment.They can't repair it anyway,mathiews bill over 6,000.00 to fix one truck? Rotation $$$ from one bank to another our money again great job over 6,000.00 one truck!
    They spend every dime they can with no oversite and little idea of what goes on in town,you just proved that with the comment about the vote being boched by the previous "pros" we had. Things will change in templeton for us all not just the new fleeters!
    Sleep well! Damner
    Dave Smart
    Who's dumber?
    Cant lead a own?

  30. Hey dumb dumb anonymous 4:03 and why is the town where its at - Bubba Columbus Carol Skelton and K & P duh! oh yeah and Jerry leadership ha. and if you paid attention - the town dept have to all go to town meeting and get voted by the people. hummm time to change things at the L&W i think. Time to put the "municipal" back in light and water. you are a town owned entity get it, dumb dumb.

  31. Just another lefty saying its all Bushes fault! Bahahahahahaha! Lets hold the current relhm responsible and move forward! I dont believe this can happen if all you people listen about proper business practices from a man that has FAILED at running his own! Just my opinion though. Hee hee

  32. After we unweave the mess you put us in? When the table gets changed we will move forward and away from the secrets and featherbeding we see now!
    Why is the pension almost 1/2 million for 2011?
    what is the total liability for the pension now?
    My business hasn't failed,I chose to streamline what i do and better my overall outlook!
    2 things lead to that, broken bones and the economy both had a part in the downsize still make good money and have many happy customers and pay my share of "taxes"! Do you?
    Dave Smart

  33. The broken bones were my Sternum x2 +/rib.6 months healing up. FYI
    When your done with the licks, show "us" what makes you tick!
    Or are you finished,need help?
    It will all come out in the end,It always does.
    Say "16" years worth, or so!
    Dave Smart
