Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fox news on veteran services.sent by a blogger

Here's an interesting news story than ran last night on Veterans' Services on Fox25. A couple of interesting points: 
Mike Beaudet was able to obtain the very historical data (number of cases per 
year for a town based on population) from any town he chose that Julie tried to 
ask for from McGuirk. 
MA gives the most benefits to their veterans in the whole country.
New guidelines published in 2011 that towns are supposed to follow.
Not sure if anyone could use this for any reason, but I do find it interesting 
that a news reporter can obtain info so easily as a public record but the man who is working for the town will not willingly give it to the town when it is 
requested by the town. That alone is an interesting point.
 Thanks Olive


  1. Good to hear from you, its been awhile. Glad to see that someone can get information when they need it. We need to deal with this McGuirk guy, after the STM. So much to do, and not a lot of time left, but we have not forgotten him. Bev.

  2. If you watch the video of Mr. McGuirk addressing the Board again, you will hear him say he would never give out that information and his boss and board would never give out that information. Funny how that information is public record and can be obtained by a public record request. See, this is a perfect example of what is frustrating so many people in town...the lack of professionalism. There are certain boards and committees that are refusing to be transparent with financial information and other requested information. I do believe that all town boards and committees need a refresher course in open meeting laws, public records, ethics, conflict of interest, and the duties and responsibilities they possess as a municipal entity. The lines seemed to have been blurred over the past decade. None of the citizen's requests have anything to do with personalities or revenge or any "high school" type of drama. It all stems from finding out that our town has not been run properly. Our finances have been greatly affected. And we want professionalism and accountability moving forward in our investment in this town as property owners and residents. If anyone is looking for more funding for their particular group (i.e. school department) they need to understand the financial situation of the entire town. It is all linked together. And, in this case with the VA rep, he needs to be forthcoming with historical data in order for the town to review their responsibilities and obligations. Simple business practice.

    1. Sounds like a good idea to have every one go to a workshop on a Saturday morning. The open meeting law and ethics could be covered. Maybe Mr. Ritter could run it. Bev.

  3. All I ever wanted was the historical data on the number of veterans served in Templeton and the cost of providing that service. If it costs $27,000/year in overhead (i.e.: McGuirk's salary) to provide $35,000 in benefits to veterans, it just seems to me there has be a less expensive way to deliver those services to veterans. That ratio is whacked.

  4. You are not the only town who has a problem with this vet agent. My dad went to see him recently in Athol at his office and the guy never put his newspaper down while speaking to him. He also told my dad to go to the library and "google" the forms he needed.
