Thursday, February 28, 2013


Gerald Skelton Just took out papers for Selectman. 

Your thoughts please


  1. Hey Pauly I heard you took out papers too.

    1. Oh, you have to be kidding! Ok guys, he asks for it, he will get it. We have found more dirt on him than was moved to make Rt.2. Boy this man has a ego so big, its lucky he can get in the door. I will be dammed if I will let this selfish bastard come back and undo everything we have worked for. Bev.

  2. Can you say boondoggle?

    Can you say 252 Baldwinville Road?

    Can you say unauthorized 1.9 million USDA loan?

    Can you say Casella settlement agreement?

    Can you say Chapter 93 Acts of 2000?

    Can you say employee harassment?

    Can you say flawed and failed Personnel Policy?

    Can you say interference in the WWTP lawsuit?

    Can you say Skelton lawsuits against the Town?

    Can you say refusal to accept DOR report?

    and...there's ...more!

    1. I am sure the "more" is what he is afraid, we will find. He has to be very afraid of us for a reason. How he can have the ba--s to run is unbelievable. He can not dig the whole we are in any deeper, we are so close to bottom now. This is the time for every honest, hard working taxpayer, to stand up and say, "HELL NO!!", we have had enough of you and the dishonest way you do business. The people of this town need to understand the debt we have, because of him and his 40yr. loans. Every department he has touched, has problems. You want low electric rates? Not going to get them with our light company. We are locked in for 40 years to nucular, and you can't get out. That means we can't buy natural gas, which is cheap, and plentiful. Did I say it is going to be a very interesting spring??LOL, Bev.

    2. can you say padding you paycheck so your retirement is more.
      can you say trying to stop the senior center and elementary school so your boondoggle 252 Baldwinville rd would happen first.
      and yes can you say sueing the town, three lawsuits total, your wife sued back in the 90's then in 2012 and lets not forget Jerry's famous lawsuit, sueing the town of Templeton for loss of his wife's affections.

  3. Guess the Love shack is a sham. He probably just wants to get away from his wife.

  4. Gerry Skelton running for Selectman is like Bernie Madeoff running for President.

    Not only has this man cost our town millions, he has been thrown off 2 committees (Municipal Building Committee and Elementary School Building Committee). Plus, he has a history of being volatile and harassing. Does this sounds like a man you would put in charge of your money and your town? I'd say that I'd like to hear how he answers questions from citizens at Candidates Night, but I doubt he'll show his face there, much like Columbus was a no show last year. I guess we'll have to see where the cards fall. I hope he realizes that Templeton is in a new place now. He does not possess the power he once had and will find a roadblock to any funny business at every turn. No longer will he be able to bully his way around town. I really hope this is some type of crazy joke. If it is not, the man is way out of touch with reality.

  5. Lets be careful. Burton Gould kept getting elected in winchendon even with all his shenanigans

  6. History has shown that Heaven is not going to help our town. Well informed voters who share their facts and views and show up to town meeting are a much better bet. Eternal vigilance.

  7. he is no longer a selectman because of ill health !!! the voters got sick of him !!!!!!!! we NEED to repeat !!!!!!!

    1. Burton Gould had a problem, he may have been a little unbalanced, Skelton has no excuse, he just always takes care of him self! If you gave Bernie Madoff and Jerry Skelton money, who would make it disappear first? The only difference is, one is in jail and the other has not made it there yet. Neither one has a conscience. I am waiting for him to stand up and tell the elderly what a deal he has for them! Hee, Hee, Bev.

  8. Remember, he lost to Jeff Bennett and tried to fix the outcome. He lost before because of his own reputation. Jeff Bennett is a way better selectman and has done so much for this town. Damn, the man is fighting in a war across the world and is more engaged in current issues and "present" than a couple of sitting selectmen are currently. From what I hear, Skelton will have some tough competition from people who CARE about the overall well being of the whole town, not just their personal agenda. It should be an interesting couple of months, for sure.

    1. Did I hear right? Someone saw Bubba coming out of the Town Clerk's office with a lot of papers. Could he be running for Selectman too? Bubba has as much baggage as GS. Anyone know?

    2. maybe it was for citizen petitions for the right of elected officials to harrass employees, right Jerry, Bubba, Ginny, Scappy?

  9. I believe Skeleton took papers out last time too but never returned them, Lets not get to hung up on this issue until the papers are actually turned in by the deadline.

  10. Can you say Psycho? Liar? Theif?

  11. the following is aimed more at the current federal condition, but also says a lot for gerry trying again.!! ineptocracy--(in-ep-toc-ra-cy) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capale of producing, and where members of the society least likely to sustain themselves or suceed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.....!! we need to remember why we voted him out before and do it again !!!!gerry wants to do "TOO" us, not "FOR" us !!!!!!

  12. The Dread Pirate Skelton is back on the poop deck!! Time for more rape, pillage and plunder!! You''ve got my support Mr. Skelton, welcome back!!

    1. Sounds like you have been drinking too much kool aid !! If you really mean this you are one sick puppy. Bev.

    2. First of all people in Templeton should be ashamed of the way they are attacking the reputation of so nobel an individual. Mr. Gerald P. Skelton has given his life and reputation to the thankless denizens who inhabit this area. I for one intend to contribute in any way that I can for his election to office and hope other like minded individuals will do the same. I will not hide behind a cloak of secrecy and will gladly sign my name to my diatribe. Yours truly, Jack the Ripper.

    3. Hit the road Jack!
      And don't you come back here no more!

      Nice joke. I feel the connection between Jack the Ripper and Gerry the Ripper-Offer!

    4. If Gerald P Skelton feels he's given so much of his life to us "thankless denizens", then maybe he should move to where people will appreciate him and his greatness. Because I can tell you, his presence is not wanted here.

    5. There must be something to the claim that fluoride lowers your IQ if there are actually people who still believe Mr. Skelton should be allowed to touch anything in town government ever again. 3 lawsuits against the town, thrown off 2 boards, wasted $700k on 252 Boondoggle, claims of interfering in lawsuits, multiple harassment cases...ya, that sounds like a positive fellow who will bring people together and manage your tax money properly.

  13. Let's not forget about the golf course he tried to have the town buy when he was selectman. The town didn't go for it but he still managed to get the town to waste $5,000. for an appraisal on it.

    1. with no ethics violation...hmmm.

  14. doesn't him echo hill land abut the golf course

  15. Gerry's gonna kick some Citizens4Templeton ass. Its our way or the highway. paybacks a bitch. The rest of the town is to busy sleeping to make a difference. Gerry's the best candidate of them all with the most experience.

    1. Experience???? in what. Embezzlement, Harrassment, Dishonesty, Decietfulness, Lying, Cheating, etc. etc. etc.

    2. Hi JP! Having fun?

    3. anon 2 :42 and "jacktheripper", you, if you plan onstaying in town, are two very sick people!!!!!! gerry has done more to hurt this town than anyone/thing!!!!!!!

  16. Mr. Skelton has the the same rights as anybody else. If you donot like him then donot vote for him

  17. Wonder what Gerry will look like in orange coveralls, WHITETY;BERNIE THEY ALL

  18. or maybe the $100,000 fine Tim Cahill was fined by ethics. better hop for a real good blueberry crop.

