Wednesday, May 1, 2013

from TGN 5/1/2013

Here's the Article from the Gardner News - I would like to add on big THANK YOU to the CERT Members who did an outstanding job controlling the traffic and parking at the polls.  

5/1/2013 7:20:00 AM
Robinson, Morrison win in Templeton
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Town voters elected Kenn Robinson and Doug Morrison to the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday

Mr. Robinson received 1,115 votes based on unofficial results, while Mr. Morrison received 853. Paul Cosentino and Gerald Skelton received 725 and 635 votes, respectively. There were two available seats on the board in this year’s election.

Having recently moved to town and having no prior involvement in the community, Mr. Robinson said he is grateful for the support he received.

“I would like to thank the residents of Templeton for putting their faith and trust in me,” he said. “I can’t promise that I’ll always make the right decision, but I can promise that that faith and trust was not put in me in vain and I will always remember that and do my best to serve the best interest of the town.”

Mr. Morrison, who also serves on the Senior Center Building Committee, said he is looking forward to his new role.

“I’m pleased with the results,” he said. “I’m looking forward to getting in and getting started and seeing how we can move forward.”

Voters on Tuesday also elected Elizabeth Crocker to the Board of Health over Randy Lawrence by a 928-860 margin, and re-elected Gregg Edwards to the Light and Water Commission. Mr. Edwards received 895 votes, with challengers David Smart and Franklin Moschetti receiving 606 and 262, respectively.

Of the town’s 5,039 registered voters, 1,799 — roughly 36 percent — cast ballots on Tuesday.

And HAPPY MAY DAY! -- Pauly


  1. The CERT Team did an amazing job at the election. It was very clear where to park and they were very friendly yet professional directing traffic and answering questions--especially with so many activities besides the election going on at the school. I hope in the future that the elections can be held someplace else besides the school (new town hall at ET and new senior center possibly?). I am very happy to see Mr. Robinson and Mr. Morrison join the BOS. This will be the beginning of (hopefully) a very balanced board for the first time I have seen since living here. Mr. Robinson will be good at straightening out the school budget issues and offer educated legal opinions. Mr. Morrison will continue to support the issues that face the seniors in our community and offer solid business and financial opinions. Mrs. Farrell and Mr. Bennett will continue to make sure the rules and bylaws are followed as well as provide transparency to the citizens. I hope Mrs. Wilder will find working with the rest of the board a pleasant experience and that she will find her own voice instead of taking direction from her dear friends who only want her to support their special interests. I feel she really wants to be a good selectman. So, here's her opportunity to participate in a new way that will benefit everyone. The next BOS meeting will be very interesting to observe. With Mr. Ritter, new accountant, new treasurer, a dedicated Advisory Board and now a new BOS, I feel confident that better days are in Templeton's near future.

    1. I agree with 7:48, 100%. Ms. Wilder needs to step up and work for the people in our Town, not the special interest of her "dear friends." She also needs to be aware that bullying will not be tolerated. Being a selectman gives you a voice, one out of five. It does not make you the queen, with the authority to beat up on the people who work for the town. Once she gets these things straight, she can decide if she can do the job, knowing that we will be watching. As they say, the ball is in her court. This will be the best BOS, the town has had in a long time. They have a monumental task, but they can do it. My opinion, Bev
