Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Town Meeting Warrant


for MAY 14th 7:00 pm Narragansett Regional Middle School Auditorium 


  1. I hope David will allow some discussion on the citizen petitions. One of our Selectmen gave what I thought was a very unfair version of these articles, in the Gsnoos. They need to be discussed, so that people have a good understanding, of what they mean. Bev.

  2. Pre-town continues tonight in the Kiva! It is being recorded so it may be available for viewing on Channel 8. I will try to obtain a dvd to upload to Youtube.

  3. I see there is an article for the school override. I was told that if it passes at TM there will be a special election in the fall for the override. It was mentioned that the Advisory Board had gone over the school budgets (2013 and 2014 ) that were posted on the blog and had found some interesting things - like the comment that was made that there are no raises but only "steps" (steps are raises they are increases)
    also something about the increase (rather large ) in admin. cost. The only way we can make informed decisions is to put this all in layman's language and on paper. - could a advisory board member share their insight?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. An override requires town meeting vote and a ballot question, it has to pass on both accounts to take affect. The ballot question has already failed so the article should be passed over. If the article passes at town meeting and the school asks for a special election, then perhaps we should have another selectmen election so the people who were not happy with that outcome can have another chance too. It is the same principle. Now if you may recall, this same situation came up before, the school requested a special election for a ballot question and they paid for the election, perhaps they should use that money for their budget and simply live with the results of the ballot outcome as everyone else does. We are trying to get an elementary school built and I think the school committee should show some good faith and cut their budget at the administrative end and we can spend the next year coming up with some compromise and plan together for next year. Build rather than tear apart the town, of which the school is part of.

    1. Jeff, I wish you were home. It has been good to have you on the blog. You offer up a lot of information, and good insight. Get your butt back here, ASAP We need you. Bev.

  6. Pauly can you put in laymen's terms (or anyone else reading this) what Article 35 is asking for? It's very long and hard to follow. One question I have is why would this article put a building inspector in charge of enforcing this? Shouldn't that be the Con Comm or health dept's role? As I said, I'm confused and would like to understand it better so I can make an informed vote on this at town meeting. Thanks!

    1. Artical 35 in laymans term is this . At this time about 3/4 of templeton is listed as potential watershed protection zone for the protection of our drinking water . After years of testing the groundwater and the direction it flows underground to our drinking water wells , it has been determined that only a very small area around our wells are actually the source of our water . therefore we are shrinking the zones down to the size that they need to be ,and clarifying the language for there protection . I hope this helps you understand

  7. Since it was submitted by the Planning Board I'll defer ti Kirk M - How about it Kirk - layman's terms please.

  8. To Templetonian, The water dept. only gets involved in town well and water supply protection when there is building going on, (Senior Center) The water dept has since moved on to town governance along with the light dept. The BOH only gets involved with water protection if you wish to remove pesticide from your drinking water. So when you wish to shrink the protection area around your drinking water supply area, you call the planning Board and enforce it with the building inspector, when he is in his office and not in say Hubbardston. It all makes sense.
