Monday, November 25, 2013

To: The good folks in Templeton,

To: The good folks in Templeton,

     I was recently notified that there were a number of derogatory and insulting remarks regarding my character being posted on this site and that I should look into it. I have not been to the site for some time as I have very little use for the likes of “huff and puff” and “the truth” that cannot get their facts straight and are so cowardly they cover up their lying BS by hiding behind an alias. As far as I can tell these are the same folks that lied about the recall as it was not because they wanted to “let the people speak”. In fact it became quite clear after the recall that it was in support of cronyism and ridiculous legal bills when the recall crew drained the accounts to return their “dear friend” the past coordinator and lawyers, while the chairman of the BOS decided the board should take votes without letting the people speak at all. There you go folks, I “huff and puff” and now some of “the truth” is out regarding the recall.

            My sincere thanks to Mr. Barrieau for posting the true numbers regarding the votes and meetings. I would also like to thank him for having the fortitude and integrity to post them under his real name. It has always been my opinion that huffing and puffing does not change the true facts and that real truth does not need to hide behind an alias.

            In response to “the truth” who doesn’t seem to understand the part about “The whole truth”, please try not to be such a dirt bag with your comments. Mr. Farrell and I have been friends for many years and remain friends even when we disagree, and since Mr. Farrell was the usher at our wedding my wife also enjoys his company. Perhaps you can put your mind back in the gutter now, and see if you can insinuate some dirt over that. I am also disgusted with your hang up on the letter to the Governor, as you once again could only get it half right and couldn’t tell the whole truth which would have included at least some of the contents and the fact that as a result of my efforts and that letter we now have a liaison with the ethics commission.  

            Since the opening in the letter seems to be the only concern the truth has, and since it is obvious the truth never seems to want the whole truth I have included the letter below.  As you will see, I certainly did not address Mr. Patrick as Dear as I really do not like the man and can only figure the inappropriate opening and misspelling was a subconscious manifestation of my disgust with his administration. Of course it could also just have been that I was in a hurry and didn’t have anyone available to proof read the letter for me. At any rate I know for a fact that we now have a liaison with the ethics commission who is doing his best to see that our elected and appointed officials understand the open meeting and conflict of interest laws and comply with the state mandates to review and sign off on these. I know this because I was recently appointed to the town building committee and promptly received an email with web sites and helpful instructions from our Emergency management director and would like to take a moment to thank Mr. Curtis for his help and for taking on what is generally a thankless job. Hopefully you will continue on past my error in addressing the governor and get to the whole truth as I truly believe Mr. Curtis is providing a vital service to this town which may have prevented a whole lot of grief that is now water over the dam.


Robert C Mitchell

Selectman candidate

March 12, 2012

Office of the Governor

Room 280

Boston MA 02133

To: Governor Duval,

Enclosed is documentation that has been sent and received by registered mail to our state ethics commission and the Attorney General’s office.  I certainly hope you will take an interest in how well your administration and our state government is working for us out here in central Mass. While I understand that you do not control the attorney general I do believe the ethics commission may be under your influence and wonder if you could get them to enforce their own mandate 268: 29.  It appears that this mandate was established so towns like Templeton would not have to go through the kind of turmoil created by the unethical behaviors indicated in the complaint/violations.

Attached to this letter is a February 29, 2012 copy of the local paper which indicates the need for expediency on this issue. On the top right hand side you will see Mr. Mullins (Involved in the complaint /violation) has resigned in Winchendon for what most folks in Templeton now believe to be some very unethical actions to say the least. Midway down on the left side you will see the article Chief: FBI had “urgent concerns” over alleged threats”. I think there is a major concern when there are “alleged” threats at a supposedly open meeting and hope you will ask the ethics commission and attorney general to investigate this situation forthwith.

Below that in order is the letter to the Attorney General’s office and the two ethics complaints at the ethics commission and their response. It is the response and the phone conversation with the Attorney General’s office that has me asking you to review this situation as it is your administration we expect to make sure our state officers and commissions work for the citizens of this state.

 Please note that the response from the Ethics Commission is stamped confidential and I am asking your office to find out why this is so as soon as possible. I believe that citizens should know what response they can expect from their commission and do not intend to keep it confidential long without a rational and substantive directive from your office to do so. I am also concerned with the conversation with the Attorney general’s office when I was told their hands were tied on the open meeting law violation for thirty days as this certainly does not address the fact that the consequences and ramifications of these violations begin immediately after they occur and tend to become worse with each passing day.

Please note: I do not consider this a confidential correspondence and will be sending it to the papers. It will also surely make it on the Templeton web sites or where you can find more facts and most of the information and videos that were sent to these offices.

While I am not happy with the response in investigating I am happy with the ethics commission response (5 days) to my FOIA request for the list of towns in compliance with 268: 29, although I find the results of that information dismaying as it provided the following results. The legal counsel (Kopleman and Paige) representing 117of 341 cities and towns in the commonwealth and a significant cause and participant in the issues of Templeton, only had 57 of the cities and towns they represent in compliance with 268:29, and Winchendon and Templeton are not one of them.  I think that speaks volumes as to why you should act expediently as we cannot and will not have open and civil government until we rectify the unethical behavior that prohibits it.

I do not believe there is any greater service that a Governor can perform for the citizens than to make our state and local governments more ethical, open and civil and certainly hope you will endeavor to make this a part of your legacy.

Sincerely Yours

Robert C. Mitchell


  1. Vote Mitchell for selectman!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  2. As someone who has filed a few complaints with the Ethics commission and they do respond with "Confidential" stamped on the letter of response. When a letter comes to me at my address, I would hope they understand that I can do with my mail as I please as it s mine! I recently sent a letter of complaint to the state Ethics Commission concerning former select board member Gerald Skelton about him signing off on pay increases for his wife, former town coordinator Carol Skelton. I sent the letter in August 28, 2013 and received a response letter dated September 17, 2013 stating the issue does not warrant a public resolution or the imposition of formal sanctions. It is odd that a complaint I filed on Dennis O'Brien took over a year to hear a reply back from the commission. What I take from this is there should be no issues with any other selectmen signing off on the weekly payroll warrant if a spouse or in-law is on the payroll. It looks to me like the commission has said this is ok by their action or lack there of in this matter. Apparently it is not ok to sign off on the town buying land across from your residence but it is ok to sign off on something that directly benefits you or your immediate family. Just another irregularity within our state government.

  3. Enough is Enough

    Enough said.

    Sure Enough

    1. Sounds like a political move to cover Mr. Skelton's backside, but that may not work if the powers that are in charge in the big city feel pressure to do the job that they are paid to do, because of the people in this town that will not take a snow job for a answer. Sorry Bennett you can't plow the snow they try to cover tracks with. and it will melt given enough pressure. Could be it is more important for the officials to cover their butt, than go out on a limb for someone else !! Time will tell, and it is up to us to put on the pressure. After all, we are stubborn New Englanders' and it will come out in the wash. Bev..
