Tuesday, January 28, 2014

BOS Meeting January 27, 2014

BOS Meeting January 27, 2014

Busy night! Long meeting!

CDBG Grant Application-
The BOS approved the FY 14 CDBG grant application, which will be a joint effort with the Town of Hubbardston. The BOS awarded the construction contract for the last phase in Back Bay – Memorial St.

There will be a site walk in East Templeton on Saturday at 10:00 a.m., which is part of the CDBG application process. Please fill out those surveys and return them!

Town Administrator-
Robert Markel was present at the meeting and was introduced. The BOS voted to fill the town administrator position on an interim basis. The BOS then went into Executive session under MGL c30A, Sec. 21(2) to negotiate with non-union personnel.The BOS reconvened in open session. Mr. Markel will begin his employment as interim town administrator on Monday, February 3rd!

Templeton is fortunate to have an experienced town administrator at the helm.

Gilman Waite Septic System-
On the recommendation of the cemetery/parks superintendent, the BOS awarded the bid for the installation of the Gilman Waite septic tank to Frank Moschetti for a price of $34,500. There is $59,000 left in the Pajaari fund. After the septic tank installation, there will be $25,000 left to complete the work at Gilman Waite.

Town Administrator search-
After discussion, the BOS voted to form the search committee for the Town Administrator and delay posting the job description pending review by Bob Markel. The composition of the search committee was debated for a while. The final composition agreed upon was 1 member from the Advisory Board with tow community members to form the screening/search committee. Bob Markel will advise the search committee. If you are interested in filling a community member spot on the search committee, please submit a letter of interest by noon on February 10th.

March 8th STM -
The BOS voted to open the STM warrant for the Saturday, March 8, 2014 STM. The warrant will close at noon on February 10th.

Letters from DOR and TMLWP

The BOS discussed the letters from Gerard Perry (DOR) and John Driscoll.

Gerard Perry determined that the water department is an enterprise fund under c164 not c44 of the MGL.

Mr. Driscoll “respectfully requests that the water department’s fiscal operating budget be removed forthwith from the annual town meeting warrant as an article.”

The BOS will discuss the water department PILOT  payment at a future meeting.

Garry MacEwen Cable TV request for funding

Chuck Kolbenson asked the Templeton BOS to approve a letter allowing the residents of Phillipston to access Channel 8. There is no cost to the town nor is there any liability. The BOS voted unanimously to approve.

After lengthy discussion the BOS tabled the request for $50,000 for a robotic studio and equipment at the high school pending more information from Mr. MacEwen.

Relocating out of 690Patriots Rd.

Selectman Morrison requested this agenda item. Te town has a 1 year lease for the space at 690 Patriots Rd. If the lease is renewed, the landlord will want an increase as well as a three year commitment from the town.

Possible alternatives include using East Templeton; the basement of the senior center or using the existing buildings we own. The problem is we can’t afford to stay at 690 Patriots Rd nor can we afford to take on more debt.

CPC Application for East Templeton School-

The BOS voted to file a CPC application for repairs to the building in East Templeton.

Appointments –

The BOS voted to appoint John Davis to the COA board as well as appoint Mark DesBois to the cable TV Advisory Board.

Abolish Common improvement Committee –

The BOS received a letter from the Planning Board to abolish the current Common Improvement Committee.

Departments downsizing/reduce budgets

The BOS voted to direct department heads to submit a 5% budget cut and impact analysis from FY 14 budgets for review by the BOS February meeting.

Snow & Ice-

The BOS voted under Chapter 44 section 31D to request deficit spending for snow & ice in the amount of $75,000 from the Advisory Board.

Selectman Comments –

There will be the last chance for public input on sewer rate increases at the Sewer Commission meeting on Monday February 3, 2014 at 4:30 pm.

Chairman Bennett provided the public with a very detailed and concise rebuttal to a letter to the editor that appeared in the Gardner News. The chairman also wondered why a double standard is in effect regarding the Gardner News policy of publishing letters to the editor.

Welcome aboard Mr. Markel!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. This was a very busy night, but a lot was accomplished. I am looking forward to the now Town Administrator, Mr. Markle getting on board. He doesn't have any ax to grind so he can put his experience to good use and help us get on firm footing. I was bothered by Mr. MacEwen coming before the board looking for a good size chunk of money for cameras and other video equipment from money the town of Templeton has from Comcast. I did not hear of any money coming from Phillipston, as they are a partner with us in the school district, and I think it would be just as important for the school to kick in their fair share. Before any of this was even discussed I really do think the Cable Commission should have been included, because these are the people who have had the control of these funds, and I am sure they have plans for the use of the money in the not to distant future. As for moving from 690 Patriots Road, this needs to be done the sooner the better. We have dumped too much money into rent as it is, and the rent is going up. I do not think the owner of the building is going to fool around with us putting him off again. I think we should make one move and get it over with, because it is going to cost us too much to move more than once. We will see how that goes, but crunch time is coming. Chairman Jeff Bennett clearly has presented to us, the residents of the town of Templeton how the town got to the point we are in, as far as where our short fall came from. This should clear up any mysteries that have been in the works, at least for a short time. I agree with Jeff about the double standard the Gardner News seems to have when it comes to printing information about the town's business. If Jeff has to prove what he writes is true, why does anyone else get to print information that is not the truth, and has no basis at all ? I was really hoping that we had finally gotten past this kind of behavior with the Gardner News, but things once again seem to be a rerun of the past. I just hope this was a fluke, and things will straighten out. Bev.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would like to thank the blog and its posters for the info on our budget about the shortfall of funds,misscalculations and facts to back it up!
    Unlike other people who are allowed to put in false items for LTE here the facts stand out and are where the people in templeton are not given the spin. For the record i would like to say what you read in the LTE gardner news are not all checked like others are. I for one have had to show proof to be allowed the print to happen. Our chairman has also been required to do so. One would have to say the requirements vary with the authors names. This isn't about this side or that side! It's about what is correct and whats obtuse lies! Henie should write a correction forthwith!!!
    I will continute to use the LTE for future items but as i always have have the proof and facts to back mine up.
    Thanks again for the info provided for the best interests of TEMPLETON.
    Click the links above and draw your own conclutions. These are the facts,you should all know about.
    If an overide is needed to fix this town for the future i will support it and also try to educate as many as possible.
    Watch the meeting and see the part where the money amounts have come from and how the amount now came about.
