Monday, January 27, 2014

Meetings 1/27/14 - 1/31/14

Meetings 1/27/14 - 1/31/14

Monday 1/27/14

BOS                            690 Patriots Rd                      6:30 pm

Tuesday 1/28/14

Capital Planning       690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm

Planning Board       690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm

MRPC                     Fitchburg                            7:00 pm

Wednesday 1/29/14

NRSD Facility Committee      Central Office    5:30 pm

Advisory Board       690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm

Thursday 1/30/14

Senior Center              Scout Hall                            6:30 pm

1 comment:

  1. Congressman Lynch introduces bipartisan House Resolution seeking declassification of 9-11 documents
    Dec 3, 2013

    WASHINGTON, DC—Last night, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch and Republican Congressman Walter B. Jones of North Carolina jointly introduced a bipartisan House Resolution, H. Res. 428, designed to shed additional light on continuing questions about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    This House Resolution urges the President to declassify 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001. This portion has remained classified since the Inquiry’s findings were first released in December 2002. Congressman Lynch recently had the opportunity to review the 28 pages and believes they should be made public.

    “Twelve years after the horrific September 11 attacks, unanswered questions still remain. These pages contain information that is vital to a full understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding this tragedy. The families of the victims and the American people deserve better; they deserve answers, they deserve a full accounting, and that has not happened yet.”

    “I am very pleased to be working with my friend and colleague Congressman Jones to ensure these pages see the light of day. I strongly encourage my colleagues to review this classified section of the Inquiry, and to work with me and Congressman Jones to get it declassified.”
