Saturday, January 25, 2014

Templeton to hold special meeting

Templeton to hold special meeting
Issue of free cash ties up budget resolution
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Town officials have selected March 8 for a Special Town Meeting where the Board of Selectmen will present their plan to combat a $505,000 budget shortfall.

Residents have expressed frustration for the board’s lack of direction during the budget crisis, although Chairman Jeffrey Bennett explained a concrete plan was hinging on the amount of certified free cash the town has at its disposal — a number which still remains a mystery, even to board members.

Mr. Bennett indicated he made several requests about the certified free cash amount to the Town Accountant, however, the accountant, he said, was reluctant to provide any figure until it was finalized. The free cash amount will not be known until the Fiscal Year 2013 books are closed, which officials said should occur by the end of this month. If, however, the information is delayed until after the town meeting, the board will be left with fewer choices. 

“We would have to present our other options,” said Mr. Bennett.

The remaining options to balance the budget are requesting a Proposition 2 1/2 override and budget cuts. The board has already asked all department heads to make an initial 2-percent cut to their operating budgets, but the town meeting could result in an even deeper slash.

The town could be left with a potentially difficult situation should it fail an override at either the ballot or town election. If an override passes at the ballot, the town election is not until May 6, and the town could be left in limbo until then.

If voters pass the override at the election, but it fails at the ballot, the select board could decide to have another ballot election.

“It’s like a rock and a hard place,” Mr. Bennett explained. “If it fails, we cut the budget unless the free cash comes in.”

According to Selectwoman Julie Farrell, it takes 65 days to post for an override election — but without the free cash number — they would be unsure of how much to ask for. Board member Kenn Robinson suggested they develop an alternate plan should the override fail in order to eliminate the need for further special town meetings.

“We should make it very clear — if an override passes this is what we’ll do, if not, this is what we’ll cut,” he said. “(Voters) know what the consequences are.”

While the board voted on the date and time of the meeting, they decided not to open the warrant right away. The delay allows for the board to easily cancel the meeting should it become unnecessary, and also gives the board time to gather more information.


  1. I think the voters also deserve an answer as to why the FY2013 books aren't closed and what will change to make sure that the books are closed sooner into the coming FY. This is a terrible way to run a town! Maybe we need a completely new select board? You want more money out of the towns people and yet you can't keep up with the books to know what we have in the bucket. What the heck! So many inept people trying to run a town. I truly hope a override is voted down you have already asked the towns people for enough money this year the select board, advisory board and all other town entities need to get their act together and run a fiscally responsible budget all around.

    1. Good idea...
      Why don't you run if you are so adept?

  2. Not dumb enough, perhaps you can come to a selectmen meeting, introduce your self and then propose your ideas to us. I notice in Littleton, Massachusetts that contrary to what the DOR told Templeton about our light & Water with regards to c164, the water enterprise fund in Littleton still goes on the annual town meeting warrant and their budget still gets approved at town meeting. I guess DOR has one set of rules for Templeton and one set of rules for Littleton even though both Gerald Skelton and John Driscoll had careers in Littleton as managers before they came to Templeton. Then again, maybe it is the commission here in Templeton or perhaps it is the reasons behind the c93 acts of 2000 that is the culprit.

    1. I am beginning to think the woman from the DOR was blinded by her loyalty to Scott Sawyer that helped get us in this mess. Again, the problems the town has run up against have E.H. finger prints all over them. Do not underestimate the power that comes with money, contributions to people running for office, and long term relationships with a large important people from EEMWIC. All those people have the ability to pull strings and maybe, even stop investigations!! I think you get the picture. We can not forget the pull Atty. Kopelman has in Boston because he has a lot of influence there and around the state. NOt dumb enough, first of all the selectmen are doing the best they can. They did not create these conditions, they were inherited from our good friends that had been in office for at least ten years. That means there are more than a couple of years worth of of numbers to figure out. It did not help that two people were put into positions they were not qualified for, by people in office, with loyalities to E.C. In short this is a major clean up, is not going to be done overnight. No one on the present BOS wanted the town to be put int the position it is in today. It was a error when the budget was presented to the town after the override, it is as simple as that. I do not understand why the accountant did not clear that up when he went to the select board meeting. My guess is that to him it was a error in the process, nothing more, so he did not elaborate. One of the changes in the budget, was a large increase in what the town pays for retirement along with a couple more increases in other departments. It makes more sense for the selectmen to git it right, that to over or under react and create a whole set of new problems. One thing is for sure, the town has been living beyond their means and needs to stop, and figure out what it does need and what it can do with out. These are my opinions, nothing more or less. Bev.

    2. Bev you keep going on and blame the past, but I haven't seen anything the present has done to fix anything only to make a bad situation worse. Go ahead blame the school, blame the water department and blame E.C. but sooner or later the present needs to fix it and stop complaining about the past. Get your head out of their asses and look around and see. The present board has not fixed anything. The present board spends all their time trying to bring down the Light and Water, put some of that energy into the present problem. Good luck trying to get the town to pass another override when it has not direction what so ever.

    3. well said NDETFFI.... the problem the only thing these people know what to do is try to harass the's very clear this is their agenda. and it is very clear to many this group has grudge against these people for doing their job.. very sad

    4. Hi Jay,
      Welcome to the blog.

      Asking that TMLWP management follow the law is not harassment nor is it a grudge. It has been very difficult to get any kind of accountability from TMLWP management from public records requests to following the OML requirements. Again these problems are with the management of TMLWP.

      Consider the 23% increase in the water rate without public input.
      Repaving Baldwinville Rd. without replacing 60 year old mains
      The months long delay in getting some type of explanation for the 14 water main breaks in 1 day
      Lack of cooperation in procuring budget information
      Cost certification for the wind turbine
      The procedure for borrowing 3.8 million dollars for the wind turbine…just minor details that impact the Town of Templeton.

      You may consider asking for accountability on the part of TMLWP management to be harassment, if so it is the same type of harassment the BOS is subjected to when we are asked for a plan to deal with the fiscal shortfall. The difference is the BOS meetings are posted and televised so people who can't make the meetings can view them and form their own opinions. As a selectman, I don't feel it is harassment to be held accountable - it's part of the job.

      Again, welcome to the blog and have a great day.

  3. Getting a town owned entity to follow the chapter 164 laws and answer simple questions is hardly harrassment and if they did would not require more questions of the deflections we always are faced with. From the start the facts have been posted and are only facts! No one has to wonder how the debt in Tempelton has come to bite our ass,thats fact also. We would be in worse shape if the 252 project was on too! Part of our short fall is the money we pay out for the purchase of the dump we paid top dollar for. 165k for 5 years ? Why look at that? It's part of the way the past leadership drove us in the ditch we're in.
    Take time to get involved and come to meetings and start a movement to "fix" our town not "bitch" our town. It just would be fitting a webster would think that. I've only been at 1 maybe 2 meeting when Cathy Webster was there. I would think the business manager could be there to clear up any missunderstandings! But she may be able to point out who is correct.
    I'm sure the commission would have a problem with the truth. Would they have to ask the 375.00 per hour lawyer first?
    I think he has told them they are not above the law and now must answer questions.
    Why the water has no PILOT?
    Why the formula for the Light PILOT has yet to be developed?
    When do the assessors figure the true assessed value to tax them as a corp should be?
    The town pays 1/3 of a million light bill should we discount their tax bill?
    If getting them to operate fairly and legally is an agenda,YOU BETCHA!!!
    You are all welcome for the 1.00 off every month grudge. Clearly overcharging is ok to Mr. Webster.
    I would hope to others is't not. Templeton has been overcharged for so long now we think it's the normal way things are.
    It is our Business! Ask their auditors they should know!
    It's not normal to overcharge us and we don't have to put up with it.

    1. Our going to the Templeton Municipal Light and Water Department to ask for help because the town was in trouble has nothing to do with the guys who work on the lines or the people who work in the office. I have said that from the very beginning, and I will say it again for good measure. There are some big problems the town needs to face, and it has plenty to do with how the town has been treated by the commissioners and their manager. It will all come out in the wash, and trust me the water is going to be pretty dirty. Years of doing their own thing, with people not watching what was going on, again too much trust in a few, has landed the town behind the eight ball. This is going to be a very interesting story, told by the historical facts, will give people something to think about. Bev.

    2. dave I don't know what you are talking about...Or what my opinion has to do with the office manager. I am not bitching just stating my opinion. But when people do voice their opinion they get attacked and their family. Does not make sense. A leader has a responsibility to create a culture for their group they are leading. I have nothing against you, but I do know a true leader does not act or talk the way you have to anyone regardless of their political views.

    3. also dave please don't put words in my mouth that I have not said...thank you for your concern on this matter..have a great week


  4. Maybe some of you missed these statements made by the DOR -

    The state Department of Revenue has ruled that the water department’s budget does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen and is therefore not subject to their approval or a town vote.

    As explained in the state’s letter — under Massachusetts General Law c. 164 — light plants have “independent budgetary authority” and their department expenses are subject only to the approval of the Light Board and Commissioner.

  5. Their ability to borrow is limited to a vote of the town for approval!
    The treatment at the last meeting has us wondering why so harsh about a law and information thats public!
    The commission has a long road ahead of it and has to earn respect if they won't show any!
    Jay Webster if you came back to this blog please email me at i have some very important info to share.
    If i don't hear from you i will assume you are just another new stage name for the VW who had the letter.
    hard to hold it in when the thought process has flaws. As the TRUTH get the axe and taken out of the comments i think the stage name just changes and the habits remain!
    syntax and short thought is one way to identify this type of comment. I could be wrong but if you contact me i will surprised. This tactic has been used before to provoke the blogers who look to help Templeton. The Select few who have their eyes open for the good of the town and are not in this for anything but!
    Jay again the Email is [] prove to me who you are.
    It may be you are who the stage name says you are? Or as i stated it's someones tactic to provoke!
    You can clear it up/or not. To be taken seriously it needs to happen!
    Be a shareholder and help our efforts to get Templetons feet back on the ground.

  6. dear mr. are a day late and a dollar short.. perhaps if this blog was posted instead of the ridiculous post above I may have give you the opportunity to have my time and attention. Unfortunately you have continued on much of the same nonsense you have conducted in the past. Let me clear up a few points for you. One, at no time do I ever have to prove anything to you PERIOD. you are a town resident registered voter and DPW worker, I hate to knock you off your cloud but this does not make you any better than anyone else in templeton. I have nothing against the DPW people they work hard and do a great job but this position is certainly not a "know it all" position. Two you are never in a position to tell me what I NEED to do. I realize your perception of yourself is very high and that is fine. Im not sure why you think it is appropriate to talk to people they way you do. I am not concerned with your specific info. what I am concerned with is the double standard on this blog and the culture this blog and certain individuals create in templeton. Three for you to assume anything is inappropriate ..... Time and time again the people have been told this blog is for information and facts.. To those people who read the blog like Tom J and follow it closely it is very clear this is completely false. example look at the post above when you completely bash my name and family's name for simply voicing my opinion. I understand my opinion may differ from yours, does not give you the right to bash anyone and only takes away from your own credibility. Just because you perceive something to be true does not make it a fact! This blog especially you and bev consistently contradict yourself. In order to be a good leader you need to be consistent clear and in control for ALL individuals not just those who agree with you or articles that meet your needs. that's all for now good luck

  7. JAY sorry to bring your mom into this but as you say to me you can look in the mirror and see the same!
    Good enough,well said! you just sound so much as others who provoke i can only respond with the fact as they are!
    To simply email me would prove the point who you are and not a hijacked name.
    It would not surprise me if you are not sending and it would show me the most likely answer is you are not jay.
    When a poster gets shut down or deleted for being foul,they return with another name. If the blog is to continue with allowing comments it may be with only verifiable posters. The blog is to important to allow the few who post in many names ruin the positive results this blog has given our town!
    Information that hurts people is always herd for them to deal with and most of the past facts hurt the people the people put their trust in. You started the rant about us and our l+w issue and with that you got me to respond.I would only ask have you sat in a meeting at L+W and heard for yourself? Only listen to what you hear,or are told.
    1 email will clear it up otherwise everyone can assume you have the "TRUTH" to hide.[GET IT ?]
    Thats you don't even have to write. But it will prove to me who writes the comments under your name!
    My Guess is you won't and if you do i will write a blog about it.
    Like so many who post here it's easy to hide behind the door opened for you by others.
    To date no contact has been made to me.
    Just statin the FACTS again!

  8. To date no contact has been made to me!
    Just statin the TRUTH again!
    Just statin the FACTS again !
    The old TRUTH can try to hide but the habits she has don't go away.
    VW has the DOR copy and showed her hand.
    You were my second guess.
    Is the TRUTH caught in a lie?
    I'll waite for the email or maybe i can call jay toinght.

  9. No call,no email!
    Judge for yourself!
    Who is the person behind the jay webster stage name?
    VW/the truth would be fitting,the habits provide many clues!
    What a rash of crap of a LTE this is.
    Did Hienie help you on it.

  10. Who is behind the Jay Webster posts?
    A former leader would have the tone used and also it has the same type of lazy!
    That was
    I had a VW!!!

  11. 2/6/2014 still no contact has been made and no other posts under jay webster.
    Was it correct the low some would stoop to get a responce for that will soon be known.
    it's not a surprise for the people who hide and are scared of what this blog can expose on them.
    It's only one of the games they will play. LIE , CHEAT, STEAL ARE ONLY A FEW TOOLS THEY USE TO PLAY THE GAMES!
