Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2/10/14 BOS meeting… and movie

2/10/14 BOS meeting…
and movie

Part 1 of 5   Templeton BOS Meeting  2/10/14

Part 2 of 5   Templeton BOS Meeting  2/10/14

Part 3 of 5   Templeton BOS Meeting  2/10/14

Part 4 of 5   Templeton BOS Meeting  2/10/14

Part 5 of 5   Templeton BOS Meeting  2/10/14

This BOS meeting enters the record books for duration.

Ruth Miller-
After the approval of the minutes and the reading of the agenda, Supt. Miller spoke on behalf of the NRSD regarding the budget, elementary schools and the Templeton Elementary School Building (TESBC) project. There was discussion whether this project was a town project or a school project; also another override will be necessary to get the project to schematic design.

Due to an increase in student population, the district may ask the town to install a modular classroom on the Templeton Elementary School. How many elementary students attend through school choice?

There was some discussion about curriculum and franchise fees. One issue was televising the TESBC meetings as well as the School committee meetings. Apparently this issue has been resolved without $50,000 from Templeton’s Cable franchise fees.

Tax Title Auction –
Bill Cowin from Tallage LLC reviewed the necessary steps for the Town of Templeton to collect on back taxes. Estimates range from $700,000 - $1,000,000 that is owed to the Town. This item was not voted upon.

Cemetery/Parks Supt. Alan Mayo
came in to discuss grant applications for Templeton Center playground and to repair a Civil war monument  of Franklin Jackson. These applications were approved by the BOS.

The lack of valid surveys form East Templeton residents has changed the focus of the FY 14 CDBG grant for Templeton and Hubbardston. We can only hope there will be a better survey response rate next year.

Reno’s Pizza-
Another business may be opening as soon as Monday, February 17th in East Templeton.  The BOS approved a Common Victualler’s License for Reno’s Pizza.

Crow Hill Motorsports-
After discussion and input from abutters, the BOS approved the recreation track permit for Crow Hill Motor Sports Park. The same hours of operation were approved and up to 10 events. There will be 8 events this year.

Regionalization with Gardner –
After much discussion, no action was taken by the BOS regarding regionalizing dispatch with Gardner. Chief Whitaker presented different figures than those from the study. Statements were made that the E911Grant has been “kind to the town”. One possibility would be for Templeton’s regional dispatch to add a community.

PILOT program letter –
After discussion, the BOS voted to have the Town Administrator begin discussions with TMLWP regarding the PILOT payments and the issue of processing their own payroll and vendor warrants.

TMLWP Late charge-
The TMLWP submitted an invoice to cover late fees incurred by their department because of a late town vendor warrant. Yet another reason for TMLWP to process their own vendor warrants and payroll.

Disband/abolish committees –
There was discussion about the number of town committees and the necessity for all of these committees. This topic will be revisited.

Inclement Weather Policy-
The snowstorm on February 5, 2012 created a bit of excitement and some confusion regarding the inclement weather policy within the Personnel Policy. The incorrect version of the inclement weather policy was posted to the Town’s webpage. The chairman’s decision to remain open on February 5th was based on that outdated policy. The Personnel Policy has been changed on the website to the current version.

The discussion concerning the policy should clarify future issues regarding Inclement Weather …like the storm on Thursday.

Open Meeting Law Violation of the BOS-
The chairman has filed an Open Meeting Law (OML) complaint against vice chair Kenn Robinson, selectmen Diane Haley Brooks and selectman Doug Morrison. The OML was based on the following email thread:

Snowstorm email thread – read fro the bottom up.

Vice Chair Kenn Robinson requested an opinion from Town Counsel based on the “irrationality” of posting an emergency meeting during a snowstorm.

Selectman Farrell sent out an email regarding “States of Emergency”. Mr. Robinson has determined that that email is also a violation of the OML. Selectman Farrell disagrees and awaits an OML complaint.

Town Counsel responded to Vice Chairman Kenn Robinson’s request for an opinion:

The potential spending of hundreds of dollars in legal fees to defend the board against the false accusations of the chair when it is the chair who overstepped his legal authority should be addressed by the board in open meeting, and for this reason I request the agenda item.

Town Counsel’s response includes a determination by the AG’s office of a similar situation in Freetown. Yup. OML violation.

The response to the OML complaint is that the BOS did violate the Open Meeting law and will take the training that is available on the AG’s website. The BOS response will be forwarded to the AG’s office.

Town Administrator search committee
There were three applicants who applied to participate in the search committee for a new town administrator. One application was submitted late. The BOS voted to appoint Virginia Wilder, John Columbus and Bev Bartolomeo to this search committee.

The discussion on the annual report will wait until the next regular BOS meeting. The BOS decided to have a meeting on Feb 18th to discuss posting the warrant for the STM on March 8, 2014.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. I would suggest that the town adopt a policy that says "We're open for business, but you are responsible for your own safety. If you feel the need to be absent from work, you are free to take earned time off (sick time, vacation time or "personal" time)."

    That is the policy that private industry usually holds. Hourly employees (non-exempt) must take charged time off or they must work in order to be paid. No reason for the town to pay office workers to go home while highway crews, police, fire must work in order to get paid. It's a cultural problem only. Once people get used to the rules, they won't start worrying about when they can leave early. If they want to stay home, take a vacation day. If they don't want to take vaca or sick time off, go to work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. another over override?? seriously??? yup, like that's gonna fly with the residents of Templeton, NOT! and regarding all the above controversy regarding the snow storm... I'm a firm believer that all employers whether it be State, Town or Private should always put the safety of their employees first and foremost... in closing I would like to say that all you Selectman need to really learn to play nice together all this infighting amongst yourselves is never going to get this town moving forward in a positive direction. If this continues you all may have to assume responsibility for the Town of Templeton's inevitable demise! Work together not against each other! there are a lot peoples livelihoods at stake here!

    1. That sure was a long meeting...but some things got straightened out. People need to remember there are new board members that need to learn the ropes. I must say, it sure would help if everyone had a way to know which policy was the one in effect, seeing the town changes policy every other year. People really do need to figure what they want from the town we live in. For to many years, and I mean a lot of years, the town has lived with the illusion that we could afford the things we rely on, but that is really not the case. We have hit the fiscal wall, it is big and it will not move, so adjustments will have to be made. Everyone will need to figure out what they wish to support, and what they will be able to live with out. This is not going to be easy, but it needs to happen. When I worked at Simplex people were pretty much expected to show up, and I know of people who were fired for being late too many times, even though the person who was late got their pay docked. I am glad this discussion was held because it looks like we are going to get slammed Thursday. Now I pretty much think Thursday will be the kind of storm that people should stay home for.. Bev.

  4. Down hear on the lower forty were thinkin that having a town administrator will finally give everyone a place to point the finger on policy decisions. Seems like having a captain of the ship and giving him the stuff he needs to keep it sailing should work out better for our town. Things don't work out he may have to walk the plank.

    1. Lowerforty, you are right about the good a Town Administrator will do. Having a person in that position can't come soon enough. I think it is ironic that Ms. Miller wants to put a addition on to a grammar school because of over crowding, after she turned the E.T. building over to the town. It does not sound like good planning to me, and it seems she should have seen the number of children going into these grades before she made such a big change. Looking for more money for a schematic design is a bit over the top seeing people may not be very happy sinking more money into a project that is iffy as it stands today. I do hope people will make their feelings known, in favor or not. I went to Leominster with Bart on Monday, and we went past the grammar school he attended when he was a kid. I asked him how old it is, he thinks it may be a hundred years old, because it was old when he went there. Bart will be 76 this month. The city is still using the Priest Street school the one he went to, and the Lincoln School is still in use. It would be good if Ms, Miller put the energy into using what she has, until a vote is taken by the people in town to make changes. I did not see Ms. Miller offering to kick in any money to make changes to the recording equipment that our Cable Committee is in charge of. If this is going to help with the curriculum at the school, I feel the Town Of Phillipston and the school should split the cost with the Town Of Templeton. I am willing to bet the Town of Phillipston and the school have as much money as we do, for this type of thing. I still feel it is up to the Cable Committee to make this determination. . Ok, all you critics sitting in front of your computers. Please tell me why we could not get more than three people to be on the committee to help pick a new town administrator??? Do you guys need a golden invitation?? I will do my best to pick out people who will treat the people who work for the town and it's residents fairly. In the end it will not be up to us, but it would have been nice to see more people interested. Bev..

  5. Looks like another puffing up by the king guess he didn't like be over ruled by 3 selectmen that thought of public safety and the safety of the town workers. Funny how the Governor wanted people to stay off the roads and stay home, you think state workers are more important than town workers? Its a shame that our chairman believes he is king and if you go against me I will retaliate with OML violations. Guess he is not gentlemanly enough to privately discuss with his fellow selectmen that they should not have done that. But if Julie would have done the same thing it would have been ok. Double standards on our own BOS go figure.

    1. It was more a discussion of policy, not the safety of anyone. Now the policy has been agreed on, things will work out well, just in time for Thursday's storm. I do not think the world should stop spinning because we get a couple of inches of snow. There is a difference between a snow storm and a blizzard and some people can not afford to take a day off. This is a new board with people who have different opinions. They will work things out. Bev.

    2. dumnb enough to fall for it-

      FYI - Julie did NOT violate the OML. Therefore a double standard can not exist.

      If you take the time to read Town counsel's explanation, you will see that some members of the BOS did deliberate via email. Julie Farrell did NOT deiberate by email. The request for a determination by town counsel came from the vice chairman of the BOS. The determination by town counsel is that the OML is still in effect during snow storms. The taxpayers paid good money for that opinion.

      To suggest that the chairman have a private conversation with his fellow selectmen is to suggest that the chairman violate the OML so that he can inform the BOS members that they violated the OML. Fantastic advice!

    3. I think the Chairman should pay the legal fee, after all, it was his mistake in the first place that caused the problem. Thankfully, some members were actually concerned about the town workers safety.

    4. Puffy,
      The problem was created when 3 selectmen deliberated by e-mail.

      Stay warm!

    5. The problem was created when our town workers didn't know what to do, due to a lack of leadership

    6. What the hell was there not to know, They are grown-ups not kids waiting for school to be called off. Being an adult comes with responsibility, If you are too scared to drive in the snow, STAY HOME and don't get paid. It is getting pretty ridiculous how many need to be babysat.

    7. Not sure where u work, idiot, but most people can't just walk out of work without the boss telling them to. Nor can one call in for weather. Get a clue.

  6. Unreal. It was a snowstorm not a major blizzard, man up and drive to work like the rest of the working class.
    You CANNOT follow what Boston does. It is a city and it gets gridlocked quite easily. That is why they recommend to stay off roads. If you can't drive safely turn in you license.
    It going to snow tomorrow. You want to cancel work now so you can plan your day off.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Huff, can you explain that one please? Why is there a legal bill to begin with? Answer, I filed an open meeting law complaint because 3 selectmen were deliberating via e-mail. One of those selectmen decided to seek out a legal opinion on that issue. The legal opinion is those email deliberations constituted an OML violation. The lesson is, don't deliberate via e-mail, there will be no OML complaints and there will be no need for a legal opinion on the subject. So your logic is if the chairman had simply agreed via e-mail with the other 3 selectmen, there would have been no problem? Oh wait, there still would have been an open meeting law violation. So my other question to you Huff is this, do you support elected boards making decisions via e-mail? Oh by the way, how does this work? One selectmen states another selectmen overstepped his bounds by doing this, then turns around and does the exact same thing. So, to recap, Huff thinks when a selectmen does something and it is a violation of the Open meeting law, then checks with a lawyer and is told it is indeed a violation, someone else should pay the bill. I like how you think Huff.

    1. No, I think if YOU had followed proper policy in the first place, & not put our town workers safety in jeopardy, then the newest members would never had had to try to figure out what to do when town workers were calling them! You put the entire town in a bad position by making the wrong decision.

  9. Can you people stop the childish behavior.. And start running the town.. Templeton needs competent people... Why are all the W2 tax forms inaccurate? This is a mess and the town should covet the added expense

  10. Me. Bennett a real leader does not file a complaint against the whole board.. Only a fool would do that.. You need to undrerstand YOU are responsible for the culture as the leader of the board. You have failed miserably in this area... All truth

  11. Bennett try keep the town in line not fight against other people chosen by the people.... this really hole scenario brings one question to the front of people minds .. Do we have confidence in the boards chair....... Certainly not! A truth for the truth by the truth. Let the truth prevail!! Haha

    1. The truth is that Mr. Bennett and the rest of the BOS have been to busy cleaning up the mess left over from previous BOS. I would rather have problems worked out in public, than behind closed doors and we have new board members who really do not understand the job. That is not a put down, because it takes time for new people to work as a group, because even though everyone has their own agenda when they get on the board, working together is the only way things get done. The truth, who placed two inadequate people in the position of treasurer ?? I don't hear you bragging about that move !! Come to think of it, maybe that was done on purpose to undermine the BOS and the town. Bev..

  12. How can the town screw up all the tax forms??? Politicians stop wth the TMLWP and start worrying about the offices which need it! Truth

  13. The cold hard truth Huff, is I made the unpopular call, that is all. Now if I ignored the OML violation and people found about it, I believe it would be a big cover up scream being heard right now. So it looks like huffin n puffin thinks policy decisions should be made without the public watching. Truth, if you are on the treasurer's e-mail list, you may wish to re-read the email.

    1. Hmmm, the way it read is that you based your bad decision based on an outdated policy, because you didn't know about the updated one.

  14. Huff, how did the answer to the question, "what is the plan" force anyone to stay at work? How did being at work during the worst part of the storm put town workers safety at risk? How did that decision justify violating the open meeting law? Would you prefer the OML violation be swept under the rug? Lastly, employees have 3 personal days a year so no one had to come to work last Wednesday if they thought it that bad. If you have no personal days left, you may use a vacation day to stay at home during a storm. Now, yesterday, a number of employees came into work when a memo had already gone out saying it was up to the employees to come in or not and if you wish to stay out, use a personal or vacation day. And the way the legal opinion given read is you cannot make decisions through e-mail. So again, if I made the popular decision, you would not care what was used to base it on, but because the unpopular decision was made, you have a problem with it and that is the cold hard truth. o huff, how do feel on the suggestion of the district superintendent proposing or suggesting a tax override for design of a new school? Do you think that will pass?

    1. I never said it justified the OML. I said, if you hadn't put them in that position. The decision should be made at the top, either we're open or closed, not, "ah well its up to you".

      As for another override, not a chance. Not for the school or the $505,000. Speaking of which, I'm assuming that's all taken care of now since nobody is addressing it. We found the 505, closed the books, & everyone's job & tax rate are all set, right???

  15. The point is mr Bennett ur public bickering only makes the town more hostile..again as a leader ur job is for guidance and direction. Cold hard truth is you are lacking significantly in this area .. A direction templeton needs desperately

    1. Hey KW -
      Hope you're not blogging on company time. It must be very taxing for you to keep putting Mr. Bennett down. Hope your W2 issue is resolved.

      Mr. Bennett - Keep up the good work! You know you did the right thing when "the truth" attacks you.

  16. truth fairy..nice try but you need help with your detective work....seems like you are taking a page from mr. smart's book...hahahahhahahahaha.... keep guessing while the truth knows the truth da truth fairy can keep looking for the truth....ha truth is wicked smart.....

    1. It is to the point that nothing Jeff or Julie does is going to make some people happy. Jeff depended on policy that is in print, so why wouldn't he think that was the right policy to go by ?? Changes happen so fast, it is hard for most people to keep up, and changes were made when he was in the sand box. If we had the staff someone could update our printed policies, but that does not look like it will happen anytime in the future. Decisions made in past years have caused worse problems so why don't I hear "the truth" cry about them. Could it be she or he, "the truth" had a hand in making some of these policies ?? In ten or twelve years, a person in the selectman's seat has a lot of time to pick people who are like minded. Was that good for the town ?? We all know the answer to that !! If the worse thing that is done by this board is a argument about policy, that will be wonderful. Jeff has a job to do and he will do it, the best way he can. That is what he was elected to do. Bev.

    2. Bev. I agree on plenty with Jeff. However, I'm this case, your argument just proves my point. A chairman should be up to date on ALL policies & procedures. He's the top dog! And are you really going to argue that its OK because he was absent?? Just a few months ago you were arguing the exact opposite, that he was completely up to date via email during the school debate. So which is it? Can a selectman spend months away & keep up to date or not? It seems to me, that no matter what Jeff/Julie do, you blindly agree.

  17. so Huffy, you write the decision should be made at the top and then you write Jeff is the top dog but when I make a call, you say it is the wrong call, which proves my point, it was the unpopular call and not the easy wanted call by some. If you look up leadership, you might find it includes making decisions and not always the easy ones nor the popular ones. You simply can't have it both ways. As for the override for the new school or anything else, I don't think the taxpayers will pass one. I know where there should be $170,000.00 dollars available to transfer from, if the information given at a recent selectmen meeting is correct. We shall see.

    1. Its not a popularity contest. But you made the wrong call, not the unpopular one. I don't want both ways, I just want leadership that is present & up to date on town policy & procedure. I would also like a fiscal plan, but that seems like too much to ask for. 170000 doesn't equal 505000

  18. Funny thing the Truth keeps deflecting from the L+W and false claims of othe rissues will be of no help.
    What would Jay Webster think about that and where the hell did he go?
    Only one day and he poof was gone?
    Could he have been the victim of identity theft?
    Could that be verified?
    Any one have his number,MOM call and have him post.
    Better yet have him email me @
    wicked quick like!
    That won't happen either!!!

  19. Identity theft is a crime and if it was used here it could be as bad as any other type. If Jay Webster was used by someone other than him it can be the thing to expose the theft and who it was doing it!
    Would the thief be as bold to use it again?
    Contacting Jay has not been possible yet but i'm still looking for his number and want to have a little talk about this issue.
    As i point out it was only on one blog it was used and if it was him GREAT if not a court order can be provided to get records to track it down. Thing about the internet it's here for life and can be found out!
    If this blog requires a membership status id to comment than we will all know who is who and the public won't be lied to by no names who i think are just out to discredit this Blog and the people who try to inform others on it. keeping things the way they are is asking for more outrageous behavior and Identity theft that should never be alllowed to happen. This issue should define the morals that should govern the better people who play by the rules and don't slander willy nilly as they have in the past here!
    If anyone has something to say feel free and speek your piece. The days of an ID are everywhere and just needed time to catch up to the internet Blogs!
    People who caused it are the people who have the most to hide from. Easy to slander behind a stage name or should i say someone elses name!!!!
    No one would want to look here and see anything posted under their name by someone not them. It's up to the Blog to control it if we know it has been happening. A ID membership is the only to control it for everyone safe being.
    Freedom of speech is all of our's if it is used properly.
