Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Templeton and Hubbardston to seek funding

Templeton and Hubbardston to seek funding

To The Editor: 2/11/2014
Community Development Advisory Committee

To The Editor:

We applaud the decision by the Templeton Board of Selectmen, in conjunction with the town of Hubbardston, to once again pursue Community Development Block Grant funding from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development.

These grant funds will provide a welcome boost to the region’s low- and moderate-income residents.

After seeing Baldwinville’s multi-year Back Bay project through to a successful completion, the Templeton selectmen have expanded the reach of grant-funded work by including the new East Templeton Target Area in the application. The time is right to begin the transition of grant work from Baldwinville to East Templeton, by opting to fund both target areas for this year, the town is looking to make this shift as smooth as possible — particularly for those residents still on the housing rehabilitation program waiting list in Baldwinville.

Teaming up with Hubbardston on, not only a housing rehabilitation program but also a new emergency fuel assistance program, will streamline the administration of the grant and direct more funds to those in need. The region’s low- and moderate-income residents will surely benefit from these two programs.

The news that the grant will also continue the funding of an Outreach Worker position at the Templeton Council on Aging is also welcomed in a town with over 67-percent of its elderly residents living on limited income. Templeton’s senior citizens have numerous social services available to them but are often unable to capitalize on these benefits – the Outreach Worker will help close the gap.

The decision to temporarily table the East Templeton Infrastructure Master Plan was the right call. The support from residents was strong but inclusion of this project in the application before a mandatory survey was finalized would have jeopardized the entire funding request.

Projects of this scale take time and care to develop. A continued effort from town officials and most importantly, residents, can bring this project to the forefront in time for next year’s application round.

Targeting grant funds to these worthwhile projects to build upon the notable success of recent grants is another step in the right direction for Templeton and Hubbardston. This work will help maintain the delicate fabric of our communities through trying economic times.

The Templeton/Hubbardston Community Development Advisory Committee enthusiastically supports the efforts of both towns to seek CDBG funding for FY 2014 and urges the state to approve a joint grant award for Templeton and Hubbardston.

Community Development
Advisory Committee


  1. Baldwinville residents had a golden egg drop in their precinct do to the large amount of work done because of Community Development Block Grant Funding. It is now time for another precinct to get their share. It is unfortunate that East Templeton residents did not respond in a bigger number, because I know there are some things that need attention to prevent people from getting hurt. I am speaking about the intersection of 2A, North and South Main Streets and Rt.101. I hope by the next time this grant is open, more people will respond. Bev.

  2. Our grandchildren will pay for that golden egg.

    1. Like I have said before, the money is there and if we do not use it, someone else will. The town has no money to make the improvements that the grant paid for, so we need to grab what is available before the money goes some place else. We will pay, or our grand children will pay but I would rather have something to show for our money. Grants we used to rely on disappear and are gone. One thing I do know is, I do not think chapter 90 money should not go into replacing water lines. That money is for fixing our roads and there is not a road in town that does not need fixing. Bev.

  3. And like I have said before, grants are a very thing. They are bestowed as largesse from the "kings" to us peons. The kings make all sorts of rules in order to hand us our grankids' money. I would prefer that all grants ceased. Saying if we don't use it, someone else will is not fixing anything. The country has unsustainable debt, and God help this country should the dollar ever cease to be the principal reserve currency.
