Tuesday, February 4, 2014

East Templeton project walk highlights key problems

East Templeton project walk highlights key problems

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON  — East Templeton village is one step closer to getting a much needed infrastructure overhaul, as the Board of Selectmen approved this year’s Community Development Block Grant application.

The joint-application with Hubbardston was drafted by Boston-based Community Opportunities Group and requests $811,728 for an East Templeton infrastructure master plan, the continuation of housing rehab programs in Templeton and Hubbardston, as well as Council on Aging outreach workers for both towns.

“There’s been a lot of talk that once Back Bay is done we should move the target area for a new development project,” explained Mike Pingpank, Senior Project Manager with Community Opportunities Group. “East Templeton has been at the top of that list for a few years now.”

A meeting held Saturday morning at the intersection of Patriots Road and South Main Street gave Mr. Pingpank an opportunity to look at the proposed site firsthand and identify potential improvements.  According to Mr. Pingpank, residents in the area are most concerned about safety at that intersection, which has a reputation for being especially dangerous.

“The people who came up to us said the thing what will make the biggest difference in the area is pedestrian safety,” he said. “Everyone has a story about an accident.”

Originally proposed as a site walk, Mr. Pingpank, accompanied by Selectmen and members of the Highway and Water Departments, found that residents were more willing to come speak with them directly about the project and offer concerns and recommendations.

Mr. Pingpank also mailed out surveys early last month to residents in the proposed target area. One survey evaluated interest level in the community and housing rehabilitation needs, and the other is an anonymous income survey. Both need an almost 100% return rate to give accurate results and are vital to the project’s success.

“Those surveys are very important for people to return,” Mr. Pingpank said. “We’re still a little short, but there’s plenty of time left.”

Also included on the application this year is the continuation of the Baldwinville housing rehabilitation program.

“We still have an extensive waiting list there of roughly 30 houses,” explained Mr. Pingpank at the last Board of Selectmen meeting. “I don’t want to just cut it cold turkey.”

The program will remain active for one more year and the CDBG application covers approximately 15 to 30 units of housing rehabilitation which would allow the town to finish the waiting list.

Templeton has historically done well with the CDBG grants, netting a $538,000 reward last year. However, due to new restrictions, towns may only receive a maximum of $1.35 million over two years, limiting this year’s request. A partnership with Hubbardston will work in both towns’ favor, as regional applications generally score better upon review. Any surveys or letters of support must be submitted before the Feb. 14 deadline.


  1. Unfortunately, there were not enough surveys returned so the master plan part of the grant application will need to wait for another year.

  2. What happened to the Feb. 14th deadline

  3. The surveys needed to be submitted before Feb 14th. The article is incorrect. The completed grant has to be filed by February 14th. The data from the surveys has to be compiled to see if the responses fit the criteria for the grant. That takes time.
