Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Templeton's woes fall on selectmen shoulders

Templeton's woes fall on selectmen shoulders

To The Editor: 2/5/2014
Robert Columbus

To The Editor:

I would like to make some comments and present additional information in regards to the Letter To The Editor published on Jan. 15 entitled “Separating fact from fiction in Templeton.”

A subject raised was the setting of the town’s tax rate. The letter writes, “It appears Mr. Columbus had a part in artificially keeping the tax rate in Templeton low over the years, yet questions how and why Templeton is in its current predicament.”

I believe one of the most important duties of the selectmen is setting the town’s tax rate in a timely fashion, so the citizen’s can receive their tax bills and pay them on time so Templeton has money coming in to pay its bills and not have to call an emergency meeting to vote to borrow money — costing taxpayers interest on that borrowed amount.

Under the current Select Board Chairmanship, the tax rate has not been set in Templeton this fiscal year, nor was last fiscal years tax rate set by Jan. 1. In addition, it took an outside consultant to find a $505,000 budget shortfall five months into this fiscal year.

To date, Templeton has not closed its books for FY2013, resulting in the town’s free cash not being approved. I’ve heard mentioned that the present Board of Selectmen may use the town’s free cash this fiscal year to made up part of the shortfall. If so, this action will be a first to my knowledge of hearing the town’s free cash being used to balance its budget in the same fiscal year. We can debate if it’s appropriate or not whether to use free cash to balance the town’s budget.

Each board over the years faces the same issues of costs rising dramatically, little or no growth, revenues remaining level and the number of homes left vacant due to a bad economy.

I feel it is important that our leaders appoint well qualified employees versed in all areas of government, so as to avoid what the town currently faces financially.

Proclaiming open and transparent governance while holding four hour selectmen’s meetings does not, in my opinion, translate to a balanced budget or decisions being made in the best interest of the taxpayers.

Citizens who want the town to be run properly according to local and state bylaws, and have well-qualified employees, can make changes at Annual Town Election’s in May when select board members terms are up.

When this happens, I believe Templeton can move forward towards good government. It’s time the present board stops blaming others for its financial troubles, correct them and move on.

With the selectmen receiving the state Department of Revenues response on what law the Water Department is under, it is time to stop harassing the Light and Water Commissioners and Manager and allow them to operate this department in the best interest of the users and citizens.

Robert Columbus


A  Videography of a former Chairman

Rehire K&P

April 12 2012

Campaign of harassment against highly qualified former treasurer

Handling Employee Complaints

Response to Ethics Witch hunt created while trying to resolve employee harassment complaint

Always consider the source

1 comment:

  1. Bubba would that include a proper PILOT amount and a new formula to calculate it like the DOR review told us years ago?
    Would it be fair to follow the laws like you state and be open about things you state ? My MY the echo hill bunch have had so many stories to tell Templeton voters but the voters are smart enough to see through them. Just click on the blue tabs for the actual FACTS and see with your own eyes,again!
    I think it is time to replace the chairman of the L+W commission. Listen for the way the meetings get out of control under the shedding some light heading to the left!
    Why would the former,chairman,a former selectmen Quiter/recaller need to hide for the old guard? It a known fact part of the lie no matter what is part of the games they are playing with the voters. When the new computers start to track all the money trails soon we will have the answers as to who got what.Raises,kickbacks? we know of some things in the past and must be more we don't know of. Thanks Uncle Paul for the blog that has opened the eyes in Templeton for the changes need to be seen and if it wern't for you pushing the issues of pay raises and other things they would still be haveing their way with Templeton. I think you and this blog kept Templeton from a bankruptcy slide.
    I think the only one's that should stop harrassing is the old chairman and his Quiter friend. When will we hear from the red barn instead of the pauns put up to do the many coverups.
