Sunday, February 23, 2014

HEROIN UPDATE: 60 overdoses, 5 deaths

Also on Feb. 24, in the western part of the state, a second conference called “Heroin: A community response to a community crisis” will take place at Greenfield Community College at 1 p.m. It is free and open to the public.


HEROIN UPDATE: 60 overdoses, 5 deaths bring national officials to Taunton for talks

Katie Landeck
News Staff Writer

REGION — Following record levels of opiate induced overdoses in the region, both local and national officials are slated to meet in Taunton on Monday morning to discuss the region’s alarming uptick in substance abuse.

In the past month and a half, more than 60 people have overdosed in Taunton alone, resulting in five fatalities. The numbers have left the city reeling as it tries to cope with figures that  double overdose statistics reported as recently as 2007.

As a result, Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, will be traveling to the area in order to discuss ways to reduce overdose deaths, including expanding access to drug treatment and advocating for the use of naloxone, according to a press release.

Mr. Kerlikowske has become a champion for naloxone, an antidote for overdoses that is successful in blocking the effects of opiates found in heroin and painkillers. At a press conference last week, he advocated for all first responders to start carrying the highly effective drug.

His announcement came on the heals of Department of Health and Human Services reports stating heroin use has gone up nearly 80 percent in the last six years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010 approximately 16,600 people died in the U.S. from prescription pain killers and another 3,000 died from heroin.

Based on these numbers, an  average of 100 opiate related deaths occur in the nation each day.

Also speaking at the meeting will be Senator Edward Markey, D-Mass, Mass. Commissioner of Public Health Cheryl Bartlett, R.N., Taunton Mayor Tom Hoye, Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter, Taunton Police Chief Edward James Walsh and State Senator Marc Pacheco.

The meeting will be held at 11:45 p.m. at the  Taunton Central Fire Station, 50 School St.

Also on Feb. 24, in the western part of the state, a second conference called “Heroin: A community response to a community crisis” will take place at Greenfield Community College at 1 p.m. It is free and open to the public.

The conference will address what organizers consider to be a community-wide epidemic.

Congressman James McGovern is slated to speak along with several other public officials.


  1. The Cult of Isis, dredged up in modern format, was the official ideology of leading British politicians, financiers, and literary figures during the previous century. The Isis cult also formed the core of Lord Palmerston's Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Its great public exponent was the colonial secretary during the Second Opium War, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the author of The Last Days of Pompeii, which first popularized the Isis cult, and the mentor of Cecil Rhodes's whole generation of British imperialists.
    The Royal Institute for International Affairs was the "secret society" called for in Rhodes's will and is the body that provides the command structure for the drug trade. But the Royal Institute itself was founded by and even more secret group: the "Circle of Initiates....devoted to the extension of the British Empire,"in the description of one of its historians. The Circle of Initiates included Lord Milner; Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Britain's African mining empire; future prime minister Arthur Balfour; Albert Grey; and Lord Rothschild.
    All these men celebrated forms of the Isis cult. Their worldview was largely designed by Bulwer-Lytton and his protege John Ruskin. Britain's high priest of Isis, Bulwer-Lytton, was also the British government's chief drug-runner.
    What does all this mean? It is possible that the men at the top of the Freemasonry, have been involved with the movement and sale of Heroin for some time, it also appears that segments of our own government,have joined the Cult of Isis.

  2. It is interesting you mention the Royal Institute for International Affairs as I was just reading about how our Counsel on Foreign Relations is related to that organization. Here is the link if anyone is interested.
    Could you tell me where you got your information Mr. Morgan?

  3. All I know is, too many of our kids are getting mixed up in this crap, and we need to figure out how to stop it. Heroin is very cheap, and to easy to get. Once a person is addicted, it is very hard to get out of their system. The very worse thing about this is you never can tell what you are getting. One batch is stronger than the other, or mixed with something it shouldn't be, and that is the end of a life. How do we stop it?? I don't have a answer for that, though I wish I did. For awhile drug dealing was going on at night and when people were not around at the Fish and Game, down by the beach. I would call dispatch, or go by real slow, and they would leave. Funny thing is, there were no arrests or anyone else watching to see what was going on. Something seems very wrong with that. Bev.

  4. A fair amount od this can be caused by the parents not locking up the oxycodone pills and the kids have a dealer who doesn't charge at all. Parents need to lock up and protect their kids from the monster in the bathroom of a average house. Oxy is made from the opiate family and are very hard to get off. As anyone who has had a pain to much to bare the relief these powerful drugs give is the only way to survive. I know from the broken sternum i had it was the only relief i could find for the 3 months as it started to heal up.
    Don't kid yourself lock up the pills or it's on you what happens to your kids after the pills get them.
    You may want to take a look at the flouride issue also!

  5. Down hear on the Lower Forty I remember a fella sayin that them big Colleges Yale and Harvard were started with money from the opium trade back when it was only immoral to get everybody hooked on the stuff.
