Sunday, February 23, 2014

Open Meeting Law Violation

CIA's 'Facebook' Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs? 

From FaceBook:

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
February 5
This morning I learned that our town does not have a policy on snow/inclement weather days or early release for inclement weather for non-essential town employees.

I, along with the other Selectman, received an email early this morning from our Administrative Assistant asking what the plan was for our employees as the storm was going to continue getting worse and Harvard Town Offices were already closed. I have to say I was surprised they were even there as the schools were closed, the Governor asked for people to not be on the roads if they didn't have to be and our roads were sloppy. I saw the emails along with a reply about an hour after it was sent.

It was decided by one Selectman that they would continue to work as Gardner City Hall was open.

That was a completely unacceptable response in my humble opinion so I promptly call the Administrative Assistant and asked what the policy was ... NONE. We had a brief conversation and I told her I was sending a reply to formally request they be sent home sooner and not later for their safety and I would imagine that our town personnel that keep our roads safe and clear would also appreciate that.

Two other Selectman replied in response and the call was made at 10am to close all offices in the interest of the safety of our employees, non-safety personnel should be permitted to leave immediately. Thank you to the others that also spoke up to have this decision be made.

An item regarding snow/inclement weather has been requested to be placed as an agenda item sooner rather than later.

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman :
I don't think the employees who came in today should have. We knew what it was going to be like and that call could have been made. If the schools call it off part way through the day then I think we should also. I have seen the "no flakes" and that the weathermen are wrong. I think there should be a way town employees can get work done from home also. Other folks do that in the private sector and we should see how that could also work.
Like · Reply · 1 · February 5 at 4:03pm

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman :
It was brought up by one of the Selectman that closing should have been decided last night and he was right. If the schools close, the offices close. That is my opinion.
Like · Reply · 1 · February 5 at 3:03pm

Jeanne Comee Evans :
Well the one selectman that told them to stay open obviously doesn't care about their safety. Its not like there will be alot of towns people out to those offices on a day like today. But closure for the safety of the employees is the best road to go. Good for you Diane Haley Brooks for being the smart one.
Like · Reply · 2 · February 5 at 3:23pm

Kristi Dave:
 This is wonderful! A great step forward. The town employees are valued and need to know that. Their safety is important
Like · Reply · 2 · February 5 at 3:02pm

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman :
Mary, you are right. Today was an example. We should have a policy though.
Like · Reply · February 5 at 3:59pm

Cindy Voutila :
I distinctly remember this issue being talked about at a previous select board meeting as I watch them all on our cable network. I believe it was last year. No decision was made and a lot of talking took place. It was taken under advisement to continue to study it and see what to do about it. Once again then no real leadership ever took place. (through no fault at all of yours Diane)
Like · Reply · 1 · February 5 at 4:15pm

Mary Curtis:
 Diane I do not think it should be based on the school closing, they have to take into consideration the length of time the kids will be at school etc. When my kids were in school it was policy not to cancel half way through the day because many parents were not at home. I do feel, however, that if and when the Governor requests that people be sent home and cars should stay off the roads the Town has a duty to follow his request with all non-essential employees!
Like · Reply · 1 · February 5 at 3:36pm

Wayne Courtemanche :
You are so right Diane.
Like · Reply · 1 · February 5 at 3:22pm

Mary Curtis :
There are days when school is closed because it is predicted to be bad at school closing time and not a flake has fallen until 11 or even noon. That is at least a half day that town employees could work.
Like · Reply · February 5 at 3:39pm


  1. If employees aregoing to be sent home or tokd not to come i would hope like in the private sector it would be unpaid. If most private sector employees go home or dont go in at all it is usually unpaid.

  2. don't we live in new england it snows learn how to drive in it .last big storm we had Boston got rain and little snow and we got buried the Governor didn't send anybody home but if Boston gets 6 in he sending everybody home even if we just get a few inches here ...if you go home i hope you dont expect to get paid .i would not if if i went home !!!

  3. Just so the facts are in place, I am the selectmen who answered the question, what is the plan? my reply was the plan is to work, which is what I hope employees are prepared to do when they report to work. I never said any employee had to stay at work nor did I tell any employees to go home. There was a weather forecast and all town employees have vacation time and personal days and any employee could have taken that route to stay at home. When I stated that Gardner city hall was open, that was a response to the employee writing in their email that the town offices in Harvard are closed. So a town down near FT Devens is closed and a municipal office in a bordering city was open. On the other hand, if employees are told to go home or stay home, it is a paid day off and the employee does not use their time or vacation day. If I worked for someone, I am not sure if I would want to be classified as a non-essential employee. Also after a memo went out that in case of bad weather, as in snow storm, any employee can take a vacation or personal day. When the next storm hit, most employees showed up for work with no emails on what the plan was.

  4. So if we have 5 days in a row of snow there is no payroll for the school?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yea.... That was pretty mean spirited, glad you deleted it. Maybe you should lead by example.

  6. In reference to the CIA facebook article...You do realize that "The Onion" is NOT a real news agency, don't you??? It's purely satire.

    Just sayin

  7. I wondered how long it would take for someone to pick up on that.

    I love the Onion as well as Funny Times

  8. Huff, you mean I should yell out at a selectmen meeting that I want that to happen by Friday! I think that is one selectmen directing town employees and wasn't that the reason for all the hype back on February 5, 2014. I distinctly recall a selectmen accusing me of overstepping bounds by directing town employees. So it was not mean spirited, it was the truth but it just would have resulted in days and days and who knows how many blog posts which would take attention away from the important issue, the district superintendent coming before the BOS stating another 500 thousand is needed to do something that was suppose to be accomplished by the first 550 thousand dollars. So how do you feel on that issue Huff?

    1. Oh Jeff, that was before !! That does not count anymore. I thought the OPM that they had, you know the guy that took the money, where did he go?? I thought he was going to do some work as a freebie ?? You know, to take the sting off the new improved rules of how to build a school...I don't know, but maybe it is time to have the state come in ??

    2. Is your short term memory that bad Jeff? I just answered that question. However, the important issue is, when will FY13 books be closed & how many cuts will take place due to the missing 505, not an override That'll never happen

  9. Puffy,
    Speaking of short term memory -
    Please define minimum contribution. Please define "target share".

    1. Again, your a librarian, look it up if the words are too big for you.

  10. Again, Puffy,
    Your condescending bitchiness is getting tiresome. Please define the minimum contribution. Please define target share.

  11. At least try to be original. Every thing you say is someone else's thoughts

  12. Again, Puffy,
    Your condescending bitchiness is getting tiresome. Please define the minimum contribution. Please define target share.

    1. I pretty sure nobody wants an elected official, SC or BOS to need the simple things defined for them. After all, your a librarian, look it up. Remember, as an elected official, you answer to me, not the other way around.

  13. does one "answer to" to a alias like huff and puff?
    Your condescending bitchiness is getting tiresome. Please define the minimum contribution. Please define target share.
