Sunday, March 23, 2014

Light Department donates clothes to students in need

Light Department donates clothes to students in need

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

News  photo by STEVE NYBERG

Members of the Templeton Municipal Light & Water Department recently collected donated coats to the Narragansett Regional School District at their location on Bridge Street. From left to right, Safety Coordinator Ray Gouley, Light & Water manager John Driscoll, Narragansett Guidance Councilor Kris Ann Stancombe, Chelsea Martin, Superintendent Ruth Miller and Baldwinville Elementary Principal John Graziano.

TEMPLETON — Templeton’s Municipal Light and Water Department as well as Safety Coordinator Ray Gouley donated clothing and winter jackets Thursday morning to aid needy families and students of Narragansett Regional District schools.

“A lot of people think about (donating) around the holidays,” said Chelsea Martin, Narragansett’s homeless representative. “But it’s a year-round thing.”

According to Ms. Martin, 40 percent of Narragansett students receive free or reduced meals. She said the schools need donations throughout the year to help those in need as much as possible.

The clothing was donated from several department stores to Mr. Gouley’s company — the Ray F. Gouley Co. — who in turn, gave the items to the local department to distribute in town. Mr. Gouley’s company also coordinates several electrical safety outreach programs throughout the year for Templeton residents and elementary school students, and hosts the plant’s senior citizen electrical safety seminar.

Ms. Martin’s main focus is getting children who come from homeless or struggling families to school, where they are guaranteed a meal and a warm, stable learning environment.

“We do everything we can to get them here,” she explained.

However, once the students are at school, they may struggle socially or be set apart from their peers because of clothing or technology that may be unaffordable to them. Ms. Martin said that a few pieces of nice clothing goes a long way towards making these students more comfortable and confident — helping them fit in and excel academically.

The donations will be given to nurses, teachers and guidance counselors, who work with students on a personal basis and often have a good idea of who is struggling.  Students will receive the clothing discreetly and behind closed doors so as not to attract unwanted attention.

Narragansett holds several clothing drives throughout the year, as well as food drives around the holidays for needy local families.


  1. Good stuff ! Class Act by the light and water dept.

    1. Nice but don't overreact. Do you know that EVERY surrounding town is eligible for a $1700-$1900. Rebate on a heating system change by their utility company. Fact, I personally have a copy right in front of me.

    2. Mass save check it out !!!wait it is not for people in templeton

  2. Whats this taking a lesson for hearts and mind campaign ?? thoughtfulness but, source is form other people? This really does send the message, While living in our homes with no heat We should dress for winter really need to desolve Templeton{{{{ Municipal}}}}_________flat line and privatize the Light & Water Department to private company
    please sell it NOW

  3. Certainly a nice thing to do but something strikes me odd with the whole idea of our Light and Water running this program. While these students are nice and warm in their overcoats should the house that they are living in not pay the light or water bill, the same thoughtful people who provided the nice coats are now the same nice people shutting off the electricity or water. Either way these coats should come in handy.

  4. Looks To Me Like A Select Hand Full Of People Cleaned Out Their Closets.. For Nothing But A Photo Op....I Have Questions About This ....Did They Allow Other Town Depts. To Participate and If Not Why Not ? And Where Are These So Called Homeless People Living. Are They Living In Tents Somewhere ? Are They Living In Empty Houses.. Closed Up Factory's Like In Gardner And Fitchburg...Because If They Are Maybe The School Personel Should Notify The State.! Not give them winter Coats in the Spring Time.

    1. peace in templeton,

      For your information, the homeless are often doubled up living with friends or relatives. They may be teens "couch surfing," staying with a different friend every few nights. Homeless does not just refer to those on the streets or in tents. It refers to those living in unstable housing. Schools are required to report students who are considered homeless and statistics are available if you are interested. If there are concerns about abuse or neglect, schools are mandated reporters and do in fact file reports to the Department of Children and Families when indicated. As far as giving winter coats in spring time, it sure still feels like winter to me. I cannot believe that people are bashing the gift of coats. I know I work in a school and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate any donations of coats or clothes to give to my students. I, along with many other faculty members, often go out and buy coats, sneakers, socks, etc... for students in need. I once gave2 packages of new socks my husband had received for Christmas to one of my students because his were so crusted and full of holes. I found it nice to read something positive in the newspaper for once. A shout out to Mr. Gouley and his company and to L&W for helping out!

    2. Not So Many Years Ago... I Had To Move In With Relatives.. With My Children.,They Went To Templeton. And East Templeton. Schools Went on To Gansette. And Both Attended M.W.C.C.. And Not One Day Of Their Lives Where They Homeless. ..And Not One Day Did The Schools In Templeton Deem them Homeless... they Had A home with heat and running water. And Nothing Was Given To them For Free....and if you know students in " Unstable Housing'' You should notify the Building Inspector.. and the Board of Health and the Department of Children's Service. Shame On You If You Don't

    3. Ya Know .....Back n The day Had day......Life Was A Bitch...My LittlenO)ne Had Three Allsare

      My Kids Are Champs.......

    4. Oh peace, I guess I did not explain clearly enough. I was not using "unstable" to refer to actual building structure, though I guess it should be included. I was referencing a living situation that is unstable. For example if you are living with friends temporarily and could be kicked out at any time. As far as DCF goes, I am extremely familiar with the agency, and have filed numerous child abuse and neglect reports. I don't think a week goes by that I have not spoken, either in person or on the phone, with someone from that agency. Unfortunately it is a very different world we live in. There are additional and different mandates and rules to be followed. Some very helpful...others not so helpful, but still to be abided by.


  5. Learn more

    all this you dont get!!


    Energy-efficient appliances can provide years of energy and cost savings. Learn how to make the smart choice before you buy.
    ■ Clothes Dryer
    ■ Clothes Washers
    ■ Dehumidifiers
    ■ Dishwashers
    ■ Programmable Thermostats
    ■ Refrigerators and Freezers
    ■ Room Air Cleaners
    ■ Room Air Conditioners
    ■ School Fundraiser
    ■ Seasonal Saving Tips
    ■ Stoves


    Learn how to save energy when you buy and install equipment and tools that run automatically or on timers.
    ■ Pool Pumps

    Home Electronics

    Most TVs, computers, and audio systems use power 24 hours a day. Some simple steps can reduce “phantom” energy costs.
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    ■ Audio Products
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    ■ Electronics Recycling
    ■ Televisions


    Changing to ENERGY STAR® qualified lighting is a cost-effective way to start saving energy and money right away.
    ■ Compact Fluorescent Lamps - Español
    ■ Light Bulbs
    ■ Light Fixtures

  6. you dont get any of these

    Lighting and Appliances
    $200 rebate on qualified high efficiency clothes dryers
    $25 Instant Rebate on Select ENERGY STAR® Certified Room Air Conditioners
    Discounted pricing on advanced power strips
    $40 ENERGY STAR certified room air cleaner rebate
    Special pricing on ENERGY STAR® certified CFLs and LED bulbs
    Special pricing on ENERGY STAR certified light fixtures
    Do you “Like to Save” Energy and Money?
    $200 rebate available on ENERGY STAR® certified swimming pool pumps
    Receive $50 when you recycle your second refrigerator or freezer
    Home MPG
    Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate
    Home Energy Assessments
    Up to $75 on ENERGY STAR® certified refrigerators and freezers

    Heating and Cooling
    National Grid Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Incentives
    Major Renovations Program
    Receive a Weatherization Incentive of 75% up to $2000
    Home MPG
    Central Air Conditioner or Heat Pump rebates and incentives
    Mass Save HEAT Loan 0% Interest Financing for 2014
    Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate
    Home Energy Assessments
    High-Efficiency Oil and Propane Heating System Rebate
    Residential High-Efficiency Oil or Propane Indirect Water Heater Rebate
    Weather Responsive Controls for Oil or Propane Forced Hot Water Heating Systems
    Programmable and Wi-Fi Thermostats
    Residential High-Efficiency Heating Equipment Rebate Program

    Building a House or Addition
    Major Renovations Program
    Home MPG
    Massachusetts Residential New Construction
    Central Air Conditioner or Heat Pump rebates and incentives
    Home Energy Assessments
    Residential High-Efficiency Heating Equipment Rebate Program

  7. When we asked the commission about the rebates offered by other power companies we were told if they offered the rebates they would have to raise our rates,low income discounts would mean they would raise your rates.After checking and some purchases it was evident they were clueless to what we had available to us. Energy audits and light fixtures LED type at a higher cost compared to Home depot and lowes. Instead of grants to replace our street lights and school fixtures we pay for these things with the inflated rates.Rates lower than the other power suppliers but not without the risk involved with the nuclear deals were in. When asked for the contract we have on the nuclear reactors with MMWEC we were told the contracts are not at the Bridge street office and are kept at the MMWEC headquarters. Why we don't have the contracts of 5,000 or more is a reason to ask for change alone. We don't have a copy of a contract? Million's of dollars,no contracts?
    Are we on the hook for a meltdown cleanup,chapter 164 spells it out. You sure are. Thats just the start PETE!
    Dana knows the contracts should be there and has looked the other way to long its time for change and we need a commission who will have the towns back not the General managers back. The town is more important to me than a general manager will ever be.

    1. Yes, this is your Electric Company working for you !! OOPS, I got that wrong !! If you listen to the last ten minutes of the Light and Water meeting recorded by Dave, with the approval of the Light Chairman you could hear all of the Echo Hill followers telling us that we are not the owners of the Light and Water Department any longer. Yes, David is right ! Mr. Driscoll said to give us benefits, they would have to take more money out of our pockets, in order to give it back to us dressed as rebates. Nothing is going to come out of their pockets. They pay themselves first, and have no real plan to give the town a fair PIOT. They have a schedule of equipment replacement that no real business could maintain, alas the bright shinny yellow trucks. Any way to spend the money that comes in, as fast as it comes in !! Help the town ??? Hell no !! that is not their problem. "They do things right !" just ask Dana. Bev.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
