Monday, March 24, 2014

Meetings 3/24/14 – 3/29/14

Meetings  3/24/14 – 3/29/14

Monday 3/24/14

BOS                            690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm

Tuesday 3/25/14

MART                          Fitchburg                           10:30 am
Planning                       690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm
Senior Center               Scout Hall                            6:30 pm
MRPC                          Fitchburg                            7:00 pm

Wednesday 3/26/14

NRSD Budget                 KIVA                                   5:00 pm

Thursday 3/27/14

Adv Board                    690 Patriots Rd                     6:30 pm

Saturday 3/29/14

Special Town Meeting       MS Auditorium       10:00 am


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Pauly and Templeton residents,

    I am Susannah Whipps Lee, candidate for State Representative of the 2nd Franklin District. I will be hosting a campaign kick-off on Monday March 31st at 7:00 PM at the King Phillip Restaurant.

    My special guests include State Representatives Keiko Orrall, Kim Ferguson and Betty Poirier. Please come out to meet these ladies who are working for us at the State House.

    One of the promises I will make during my campaign is that I am not just going to Beacon Hill, I will bring Beacon Hill to the 2nd Franklin District. Monday night is a great opportunity to have your voices heard.

    When elected, my focus will be increasing local aid (let's be honest, it's not aid, it is our money that we send to Boston which isn't returned to help our communities.) Since 2009, state aid has decreased nearly 40% throughout our state, although the state budget has increase by billions of dollars. When state aid is cut, it affects public safety, schools and public works. It is time that we tell the folks in Boston that we can no longer allow them to balance the state budget on the backs of our small towns.

    I will also fight for more transparency in government. As a selectmen, I am charged to uphold Open Meeting Law. The folks on Beacon Hill should be just as accountable. Please take a few moments to attend my Kick-off or reach out to me at if you have any questions. My home phone number is (978) 249-4342

    Thank you,

    1. Hello Ms. Whipps Lee and thank you for taking the time to come on Pauly's blog. There is currently a Statewide effort to end fluoridation in the State of Massachusetts. Do you have a position on the subject of water fluoridation? Experts agree if fluoride works at all it works topically so drinking fluoridated water does little to no good for your teeth. Fluoride is a drug that is dispensed without a doctor to everyone who has fluoridated water regardless of individual differences. Thanks again for giving us your views. Pete Farrell

  3. Susannah,
    Quick search turned up nothing for party affiliation. R, D, or I? 2a supporter? For or Against everything Obama?

  4. I have been a selectman in Athol for 8 years and have been president of the Athol Historical Society since 2003. Some on my other activities include being a charter member and past president of Friends of Athol Council on Aging, Town of Athol Personnel Board, Charter Review Committee, and secretary of Vacant & Abandoned Building Committee. I also sit on the board of directors of Montachusett Regional Planning Commission and chair Heywood Hospital’s Community Investment Committee.
    Ardent 2 A supporter and Class A license holder.
    I'm a business owner in Athol and I feel we have been poorly represented in that past several years. Since 2009, municipal aid in the Commonwealth has decreased by nearly 40%. This is essentially our money that we send to Boston which never seems to make its way back to the people who have earned it. Cuts in municipal aid affect our schools, public safety and public works and increases our property taxes. The 2nd Franklin District deserves a representative that will insist that the state budget not be balanced on the backs of our small towns. I know that Templeton is experiencing a budget crisis and I believe that the cuts in municipal aid is one of the major factors.

    1. Who' Care's If Your are from ATHOL.... This Is Templeton,,,Tell Us How You You Are Going Tell Help Us.,,

    2. Hello Peace,
      All of the towns in the 2nd Franklin have had their municipal aid cut. I would fight for it to be restored. In 2009 Templeton received 1.7 million, in 2012 you received 1.28 million. $420,000+ reduction. That is one heck of a cut for any town. I am not just going to Beacon Hill to help Athol, I am going to be a voice for all of the towns.

  5. peace in templeton....... seriously?? no wonder why nobody wants to help templeton! Is there no grace in templeton anymore? straight to the truth

    1. Ya,, It Is No Wonder..go pick a fight with some else..

    2. Don't worry truth, I don't blame Peace for being angry. I am angry. My property taxes have also gone up because of the cuts to local aid. It's time we say enough! The people of this district deserve attention. We have subsidized many projects east of 128. It's time we have a voice.
      Believe me, the only special interest I have is the 2nd Franklin District.

    3. Not picking a fight... Just a screen name that says peace in templetonay want to take their own advice

  6. Our incumbent representative is not working on issues vital to Templeton or her district. Rep. Andrews champions bills like "An Act Relative to Safe Driving", a cute title. This act will, if passed, give driver's license to "people who are ineligible for Social Security cards." In other words, illegal aliens. She was against some controls on the use of EBT cards. The state collects more and more in taxes, but local aide was reduced. Look at the parts of Gov. Patrick's budget that increase and you'll see who is important to him and to Rep. Andrews.

  7. I agree Mark our reps and senator have left us with a bowl full of nothing and i tend to think it's tiime to change them along with our L+W commissioners.I take that back Senator Brewer got us a piece of land for the school and won't it ge great to some day have the money to build one!

  8. Massachusetts should follow North Dakota and start their own State Banking Institution. Before the Civil War each State had their own bank and was able to control their own destiny to some extent. Until we get control of our finances away from those who promote eternal war, debt, corruption and ignorance we will always be in the same predicament.

  9. Hello Ms. Whipps Lee and thank you for taking the time to come on Pauly's blog. There is currently a Statewide effort to end fluoridation in the State of Massachusetts. Do you have a position on the subject of water fluoridation? Experts agree if fluoride works at all it works topically so drinking fluoridated water does little to no good for your teeth. Fluoride is a drug that is dispensed without a doctor to everyone who has fluoridated water regardless of individual differences. Thanks again for giving us your views. Pete Farrell

    1. Hello Baldwin Templeton,

      I think we have spoken on fluoridation previously, but I am more than willing to discuss again. I have drank fluoridated water in Athol for 45 years. I have very nice teeth (at least that what people tell me) and I don't believe I have any ill effects from fluoridation. In communities where there are so many people at or below the poverty level, I believe the preventive nature of fluoridation is cost effective especially for people who can't afford regular dental visits or who lack dental insurance. This issue comes up every 3 or 4 years at our BOH and BOS meetings and has appeared on town meeting warrants. The vast majority of citizens at town meeting have voted time and time again to continue with fluoridation. As far as my town goes, the people have spoken.

      The American Dental Association and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) an organization I am a member of, believe fluoridation is safe. The Town of Athol often receives recognition for the quality of its drinking water. Also, please be advised that fluoride occurs naturally in most well water and bottled water is not required to test for fluoride.

      On a side note - I was recently asked what would be the first thing I would do once I got to Beacon Hill. I said I would go to the nearest faucet and fill a glass of water. I've always wondered what Quabbin Reservoir tasted like. :)

    2. Thank you Ms Lee for your stand on fluoridation. I too drank the fluoridated cool aid from the ADA and AWWA along with all the other agencies claiming water fluoridation is one of the ten best health movements in the past one hundred years. After researching the topic a little closer, over the past four years, my mind has been changed to no longer supporting water fluoridation. After loosing two siblings to cancer and hearing from our Board of Health Chairman Richard Trifilo that Templeton had a four percent increase in cancer over other communities I was surprised to see that Burk and Yiamiayannis had proved in two courts of law that fluoride causes a four to ten percent increase in cancer rates to communities that have adopted fluoridation. William Marcus head toxicologist for the EPA stated it was his belief that fluoride in doses given during water fluoridation are both carcinogenic and mutagenic, he was fired for bringing this information to his superiors. Fluoride has been shown to cause a significant decrease in IQ for children that have fluoride consumption whether it be natural fluoride or the hazardous material added by most communities. I hope you will take the time to give fluoride another look as it is my belief there is much to learn. I hope you will take the time to click on the sidebar on Pauly's Templeton Watch and give a small amount of time to educate yourself on this issue. There is no doctor to make sure who is getting this drug or what dose the person is receiving. If you look at your tooth paste label you will notice that if you swallow the pea sized amount you are to call poison control, that is the same amount tat is contained in an eight ounce glass of water. Thanks for listening. Pete Farrell

  10. Again - I am happy to answer any questions, here on the blog or you can reach out to me at my home (978) 249-4342 or via email

    If you have an interest to meet me, please come to my kick-off event, Monday night at King Phillip Restaurant at 7 PM
