Sunday, June 29, 2014

Meetings 6/30 – 7/3/14

Meetings 6/30 – 7/3/14

Monday 6/30/14

BOS                           Kamaloht                6:30 pm
Tomb Restoration      Burial Ground         7:00 pm

Tuesday 7/1/14
Cultural Council         Scout Hall               4:00 pm

Wednesday 7/2/14
Elementary School      Kiva                      6:00 pm
Adv. Board                  Scout Hall             6:30 pm
BOH                            School St.             7:00 pm

Thursday 7/3/14
CPC                                                               6:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. When did we get a Tomb Restoration committee ?? I know Alan has been working on this, but somehow I missed that. It is a good thing Alan has done this, otherwise it would never have been done. One of the things people I have talked with are upset about, is the way Alan has been treated by the lay off. I think he works in a more direct way with the public, so he is more visible than most other workers. We need to get the way we do business straightened out, so we do not go down this path again. Bev.
