Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Town Office is Opening!

New Town Office is Opening!

From the Town Website:

Thanks to the hard work of countless community volunteers, Town employees (including a few laid off Town employees), Board & committee members and the donations of time, labor and materials from area businesses, the New Town Hall, located at 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton (the former East Templeton School) is opening on Monday, June 30, 2014!

The Treasurer & Collector will be at 690 Patriots Road on Monday (available at their current phone numbers)and will be moved over to Town Hall on Tuesday morning . The Planning Office will be re-opening at Town Hall on Tuesday, July 1, with CDBG joining them in the Land Use office. The majority of the Town workers that were laid off in May will be back on July 1, including the Board of Health and Building Department.

The hours for the new Town Hall will be Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and Tuesdays from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  The Selectmen's Office & Finance Office will have these hours with the Land Use office having different, part-time hours which will be listed on their website page and the office door.

The new phone number for Town Hall, which will have options to reach all town offices, is 978-894-2800. 

Please be patient with us as we move everyone over and get settled and ready for business as usual.

The Town would like to thank:

The Community Preservation Committee & Town residents for the money needed to make this building ready to be Town Hall;

Birdhill Design for all of the countless hours of cleaning, scraping, painting, hard work & creativity;

Aubochon Hardware for donating 45 gallons of paint and supplies & primer for the building;

Mailman's Carpet Cleaning for donating the cleaning of all carpets in the building;

C.M. Chartier for donating the time and labor to build the Town Administrator's Office;

Kamaloht for donating the use of their box truck for moving and Tom's labor for moving & lunch for the entire moving crew.

Templeton Development Center for donating the use of their box truck for moving;

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office community service program, who donated two weeks of assistance where the crew of 4-5 men helped with painting and moving;

Templeton Municipal Light & Water for donating the water testing;

Reno's Pizza & Baldwinville Station, who donated lunches for the work crews;

A.J. from Serendipity Salon donated lunch for the work crew along with several of our selectmen;

Many anonymous donors that brought food & beverages for volunteers, and supplies & labor.

It has been such a cooperative community effort and the transformation of the former school is proof that Templeton, its villages and its residents truly care for their community!


  1. I can truly say the people who donated their time and effort to make this a success, did it so the Town of Templeton can start a new chapter in it's history. The Town Office Building did not cost us two million dollars, did not cause the taxpayers to be saddled with payments for forty years, and does not look like a Wal Mart. So sorry, there is no marble hallway, and is not a tribute to Echo Hill, who worked so hard to stop this from happening. It is updated with a fresh coat of paint, and paid for with the sweat of the people who cared enough to make this happen. I want to thank Kenny Case for standing up at town meeting, to give honest reasons why 252 should not be our Town Hall. The biggest being the building deterioration, and the fact that there was no way in hell we could afford it. The other person who was the driving force behind saving this building is Will Spring. Will, Dave Smart and Jeff Bennett worked to put the tarp on the building, so it would make it through another winter. Where was Dana Blais and his crew of volunteers when they were needed ?? MIA unless money could be made it seems. Ten points for Dianna Morrisson who defused a situation skillfully, so that it did not become worse than it was. Did it seem too good to be true, when Bob Columbus and Mr. Brehio offered to cook hot dogs for the prisoners that were working at the Town Office Building ?? Things went well until these two "gentlemen" started making comments about the men, that were not kind, but insulting, and demeaning. No one wants to be called a loser, or anything else when they have done their time, and hope to get back on their feet. All of this was done with in ear shot of the guard and the men and thankfully Dianna got Bob and Steve to move down the hall. I think it was a way to undermine the efforts of the people who have worked to make the building a success. Maybe if they created enough of a problem, the prisoners would not come back to help any longer. Thankfully Dianna smoothes things over, apologizing to the guard and the men. Good job Dianna !! Bev.

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  3. That kind of thing from Mr. Columbus & Mr. Brehio should not be surprising to anyone. Back in 2011 after carol Skelton was fired, a non profit corporation for political advertising was formed & registered with the secretary of the commonwealth, Let the People Speak was formed to be gin a massive recall effort and a very good political assault on selectmen Farrell & Mitchell. The principle office for that corporation was listed at 245 Hubbardston Road & the 2011 Templeton street listing has that as the home of Steve & Darlene Brehio. Linda Columbus, wife of Mr. Columbus was listed as President & director of the corporation. Of course after the recall with Mr. Columbus as chairman of the BOS, people were allowed to do anything but speak, with Virginia Wilder once telling a police officer to throw that entire section out over there. So, the above mentioned action in my opinion is just another example of a group who do not wish to see anything good happen in Templeton unless they put it forth to start with and those two are part of a group who were very opposed to the locating of Templeton town offices being located at the former school house in E. Templeton. Fortunately there are many more good people who care and will ensure that the change and progress that began in 2011 will continue moving forward.
