Thursday, June 16, 2016

Barre selectmen vote to extend police chief's contract two months

  • Barre selectmen vote to extend police chief's contract two months

  • Barre Police Chief Erik J. Demetropoulos. T&G File Photo
    Barre Police Chief Erik J. Demetropoulos. T&G File Photo
  • By James F. Russell

    Posted Jun. 15, 2016 at 1:41 PM
    Updated Jun 15, 2016 at 5:16 PM

    BARRE – Selectmen unanimously voted this week to extend police Chief Erik J. Demetropoulos’ contract for another two months, until Aug. 31.
    The board had voted to terminate his contract, effective June 30, in a controversial vote back in November. The termination was supported by former Selectmen Kathlyn Inman and Richard P. Jankauskas.
    “We extend the police chief’s contract for two months; at which time there will be a new chief in place; if he does not accept, Sgt. (James) Sabourin” would serve as interim police chief,” said Lief Ericson, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, in his motion at Monday's meeting.
    Selectman Charles Chase agreed, and the two men voted to extend the Demetropoulos contract, approving the Ericson motion.
    Mrs. Inman, who voted not to renew his contract, was defeated by Mr. Chase during the April election.
    The board currently has only two members instead of three.
    Mr. Jankauskas was removed from office last month via a recall election. He had also voted not to renewed the chief’s contract.
    The recall effort was organized by Greg O’Sullivan, who has said that Mr. Jankauskas has undermined public safety in town.
    Contacted Wednesday, Chief Demetropoulos said he would let the board know by noontime on Thursday if he plans to continue to serve as the town’s police chief.
    Selectmen appointed a police chief search committee earlier this year, and at their initial meeting last month, the panel said 19 people applied for the chief’s job.
    “Chief Demetropoulos is one of the applicants for the job; he will be in the mix, also,” Mr. Ericson said at Monday’s meeting.
    The chairman, however, did not disclose the identities of the other 18 who applied. To date, the search committee has not disclosed the names of the applicants.
    The Board of Selectmen chairman said his motion to extend the current chief’s contract was necessitated by the fact that the search panel would not be done vetting the candidates by June 30, when Chief Demetropoulos’ contract ends.
    Mr. Ericson said time constraints now prevent the board from being able to deliberate on a police chief appointment, as the vetting process is not finished.
    After the selectmen's vote to extend Chief Demetropoulos’ contract, Barre Police Officer William Recos addressed the board.
    He said the police union last year had voted “no confidence” in their chief, “unanimously.”
    Officer Recos also shared his opinion about the police chief controversy.
    He told the board that: “The media in general has taken this - and it’s come on with a life of its own ... and inject(ed) the town with poor information, and whatnot.”
    Officer Recos stated: “One thing I would like to say ... we look forward to working under a new chief, and, we are willing to make that work, no matter how people decide that will go, we are willing to make it work.
    “We look forward to it, and building a relationship of truth, something that has been lacking on this department for many years,” he said.
    The police officer did not elaborate on, nor provide specifics, related to his remark about a lack of truth in the Barre Police Department.
    Officer Recos also said that Officer Christopher Snow, who is also the police union president – and the individual who signed the no-confidence petition against the chief - has been unfairly targeted.
    Officer Recos did not say who had targeted him, nor did he describe the nature of the alleged attacks.
    “A lot of blame has come onto union president Christopher Snow,” the officer told selectmen.
    “He is not responsible for any of this. No one person is responsible. We collectively decided this. He’s been slandered pretty bad,” Officer Recos stated.
    “I know it’s been tough for him, as it has been for all of us. But the people who are blaming one officer for this are way off base,” Officer Recos said. “It was a unanimous agreement among officers ... related to an issue that has gone on for years.”
    The officer then extended public thanks to previous and current board members, as well as Town Administrator Heather Lemieux and her assistant, Faye Zukowski.
    Mr. Ericson then spoke, saying personnel decisions are difficult matters, sometimes controversial, but that the town has survived them.

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