Thursday, June 16, 2016

Police bust drug operation

Police bust drug operation
Suspect said he knew he would be caught

Courtesy photo The drugs and cash police seized on Friday when raiding Michael J. Smith’s Templeton property.
+ click to enlarge
Courtesy photo The drugs and cash police seized on Friday when raiding Michael J. Smith’s Templeton property.
Police photo Michael Smith
+ click to enlarge
Police photo Michael Smith
Damien Fisher
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON  A man claiming to suffer from dementia is charged with being a major drug dealer after police seized a plethora of drugs from his Otter River home; everything from morphine and heroin to crack cocaine and hundreds of prescription narcotics.

Michael J. Smith, 59, of 7 Morse Ave., Baldwinville, is being held on $2,500 cash bail after he was arraigned Wednesday in the Winchendon District Court in Gardner on numerous counts of possession to distribute Class A, B, C, D, and E drugs, among other charges.

Smith reportedly had marijuana, LSD, morphine, heroin, powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and a wide variety of pills for sale in his home when police busted him over the weekend.

“Michael stated that he knew it was stupid and he knew that he was going to get caught,” Templeton Police Detective Eric Smith wrote in his report.

“He stated that he was waiting for the day that we were going to come.” Police report that Smith’s drug operation had become “big and busy,” with people coming and going at all hours day and night to the Morse Avenue home to buy drugs.

On Friday, Templeton officers, along with members of the North Worcester County Regional Drug Task Force executed two search warrants at Smith’s home.

Police found Smith and two other men on the property.

Both of the other men rented rooms on Smith’s property and they were not charged, according to the police report.

Searching through the home, investigators found more than 1,000 prescription pills, though about 300 of those pills turned out to belong to Smith.

Smith told detectives he suffers from dementia, anxiety, and depression. Smith was arrested and held over the weekend.

During his arraignment on Wednesday, he was ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation to determine his ability to stand trial.


  1. If anyone took half the stuff this guy has, you would suffer from dementia too. Good job, Templeton Police. Lets hope who ever has been giving this guy prescriptions for all his drugs, smartens up.

  2. Serves him right.I'm thrilled beyond belief that cowboy finally got arrested for being a disgusting, drug dealing, lying, cheating, threatening loser who sucks at life. Someone needs to contact his wife and tell her to get tested for stds because he's been cheating on her with prostitutes. His poor wife could be very sick and not know it because he's been taking part in high risk sexual acts. I know for a fact that what I am saying is 100% true. Please if anyone knows her phone number....reach out to her so she doesn't have to possibly die for his disgusting choices

  3. To Mr.Roger Cormier of the Gardner police department......from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making the streets safer than they were before and for also taking the time to listen and care.

  4. Cowboy doesn't suffer from mental illness nor dose he suffer from neurological issues.....just poor judgement and pure stupidity. Lock him up and throw away the key. He's been lying to his doctors by pretending to require medication for conditions that he doesn't even have.....he's a total Bullshit artist who has no reguard for his own life or the lives of anyone else. All he cares about is getting high and selling drugs. There's a special place in hell for dirtbags like him and I pray that he rots in hell for all of eternity. Karmas a bitch cowboy and you finally got what you deserve. Dementia, hell I wish you really were suffering from that because if anyone deserves to have such a horrible's you!!!!
