Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ruth Less

Update on the Ruthless Wonder

Dear School Committee, Teachers and the town of Templeton,

First of all I would like to say how sorry I am for all you have been thru  with Ruth Miller. For the parents who suffered so much pain with the memorial , I can't begin to tell you how heartless this is , or why someone could be so cruel. I truly am sorry .

I want you all to understand why I am writing to you today . I am a parent of two students at PVRS. They  are great  kids , very active in sports, chorus and honor roll kids.  My children , like yours are suffering , what  was once a joy to go to school is now a challenge , and not just for my children , but all of them . They now  have to face  losing there beloved principal Mike Duprey . This is a man  who shows kids he cares and believes in them , and in turn they  learn to believe in themselves and that they are capable of achieving  there dreams. He is NOT  resigning because of the kids , he is leaving because of Ruth Miller and what  she is doing to our school. He loves the kids and he loves this school. She has taken our spirit  and  what we once believed in and broken us. For a parent this is so hard to watch as I am sure it was for you.

I have read the destruction she did not  only to your school but also your town. So for the life of me , I have to ask  why would you  misrepresent yourselves  to our school when  we came to talk  to you about her ?  Why would you not speak up of the destruction she did to ALL of you ?  Why did you just NOT  renew her contract? Why did your school board not fire her ? Why would you do this to another school, knowing what she was capable of?

I am now asking you, to please come forward and tell the truth. She can no longer hurt you, but she can hurt our children, teachers and schools. Just since she has been here we lost our Principal 3 days before Christmas. No explanation , except to speak to her and guess what? We received no answers. We have had 4 Administrators, all admired and love , suddenly up and leave, and again no answers. Teachers leaving . These are children who are being hurt by these actions and  YOU could of stopped this .

So , I am respectfully  asking you to please come forward . Do the right thing and help these teachers and kids. Its not to late to speak the truth. I get you wanted her gone, we do too , and with your help a wrong can  be made right for all. 

Thank you for your time,
PVRSD School Committee - May 26, 2016 from BNCTV on Vimeo.


  1. Please if you know of anything that would help Deb to do a Ruth removal so her school system can overcome the anguish create like we use to have here email her or comment on her Blog or email to ttyson3@hotmail.com http://pvrsconcernsandissues.blogspot.com/
    I have found time to help her with information i have and stories i know of but i know there are many many more. As she states above ruthless "can't" hurt us anymore.
    As with any animal stray we would look to help or call for it in some way.
    If we see abuse we call it out and don't bury our heads in the sand.
    I don't see why we would not help Pioneer school system with this life altering issue as we know the destruction first hand. As School Committee members of NRHS read this think back and wonder why we didn't try to stop her from going. If you think Ruth was good for the town and honest about the budgets issues also email Deb and explain your sides for us.
    He who fails to help is truly helpless.
    I know you're not. Please take 5 minutes and write a email about you opinions and any information to help them out. They need our help.
    Thank you!

  2. David, thank you , and for those of you who step forward, I want to thank you . Just please know she cannot hurt you anymore, but she is hurting us deeply . You know the truth and teachers and school committee, you really know . How can you claim to care for children and turn your backs on them, knowing if you come forward you can stop there hurt ? None of our children or teachers did anything to hurt or betray you , Ruth Miller did, and by you stating lies to our school committee, you not only hurt the innocent but you have hurt yourselves.Sooner or later that lie will come back to haunt you , like it is now .Please for the kids do the right thing. We have a School Committee meeting June 23 at 7 pm at PVRS,97 F Sumner Turner Dr, Northfield, MA 01360.. Go into the main door and Library is straight ahead.You can help us and right a wrong . Thank you everyone. I know what I am asking is hard ,but these are kids we are fighting for who deserve to be happy in there school and feel safe in their environment, and they don't.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Do you can contact her direct for your comment.
    The first comment will provide the email needed

  5. In 2013-2014 PVRS had a high ranking in Mass, what do you think we will be now ?
    All rankings:

    badge #2274 in
    National Rankings
    badge #69 in
    Massachusetts High Schools


    This was yours

    Teachers and students worked hard for this. Where do you think we will be when its redone ?

  6. I wanted to share with you one of our very special teachers with you .. This is our Chorus teacher ..


    She was always so happy and positive .. now you no longer see the same spirit . Or with the kids ..

    This is what you are allowing to happen to our school and teachers by remaining silent .

  7. So who told who to not say anything negative when being asked about the former superintendent? Why was our administration forced to neglect the Pioneer school system
    the truth. Was it right for our administration to modify and not allow honest answers to questions when asked. Was their freedom of speech a reason to get involved here.
    This town needs to right a wrong weather it hurts or not. Do we teach our kids this is how we do things?
    If so i would guess that's a good case for home schooling.
    I would hope after the large amount of money we spend to educate the kids they turn out better than this.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
