Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To Build A Wall

To Build A Wall
 This was an interesting topic that arose under "Selectmen's Comments"

Selectmen Morrison opened the discussion with surprise and dismay that there was construction of a Wall in the selectmen's office. The wall would partition off a portion of the selectmen's office to create a small office space for the veteran's agent; the veteran's agent already has an office in the building.

At issue, was the lack of prior discussion or knowledge of this project by some members of the board of selectmen. The question arose- "Where is the plan ? " The plan for building improvements to the Town Hall? Or as it is being to referred to - The Pauly Cosentino, Sr. Town Hall?

One concept for this plan is to move the veteran's agent to the small and possibly sound-proof office within the Selectmen's office. The treasurer would then move into the Veteran's Agent former office space. This would possibly achieve confidentiality for both the Veteran's agent and the treasurer/collector.

The project has already begun construction. 

Seems there is a lack of communication somewhere.

Should all of the selectmen be informed and aware of the expenditure of public money?


  1. Are we supposed to believe this story, or is it so Ms. Ass. Adm. can keep a eye on our Veterans Agent. I have never seen anyone trying to listen in on a private conservation, have you ? This move smells, and their unofficial move should be stopped. There are plenty of other things that can be done to improve the building besides this. Wait until winter when no heat gets into the space where the Vet. Agent will go. I know this is a problem in Markel's office. So then what ? By the way, where is the money coming from for this project ?? Did it go out to bid ? I'll bet it didn't.

  2. I know there is not enough money to run the Town as it is. This wasteful behavior will only drain the coffers sooner rather than later. What little money we have, should go for important projects. I hope Mr. Veteran's Agent understands what is done this coming fiscal year will be on him. All of the bad guys are not on the battle field. It would be wise for him to guard his rear flank.
