Friday, January 6, 2017

Drink Up!

Drink Up!


  1. On the bottom of this notice you will see the quality of the staff we employ at the Water dept.
    This notice dated as seen above 1-6-2016 1 year ago?
    So how could they have predicted this violation.
    Do we have the same quality employees monitoring the fluoride systems that release the toxic chemicals and the amounts we gamble with?
    As other things at the TMLWP they are not as they seem.
    So when did the water fountains at the schools get tested and what were the results.
    Do your kids get the required dose of lead as well as fluoride?
    God only knows,I would bet none of you called to find out.
    Poor kids!

  2. How the **** does the Water Department not do what I would imagine is their basic job duty.

  3. With all that management layers and layers it's hard to see the workers and what they do.
    Can't fault them for the extra help and contractors they use. It's how big business keeps the inflated budgets they concoct.
    They did say they run it like a business. Or should i say a monopoly!

  4. bob, because they are inept!!! and we keep them !!!
