Sunday, January 8, 2017

Master Plan Meeting January 10, 2017

Forum on January 10,  2017

264 pages of everything you wanted to know about Templeton


  1. This is a important document. It is important for you to suggest changes before it is etched in stone. I hope that the officials use this plan in the future, but if the Town continues to be poor, it does not matter what any plan calls for, because without money nothing gets done. Bev.

  2. I see where this plan could be vital, but from what I've read it app[ears to be a serious waste of time and money.

    Why make a Master Plan and absolutely go 100% against it. What do I mean, well look at all the writing about preserving the towns Historic look and feel of Templeton. Then look to Build a 93,000 sq ft behemoth in the center. A "local historic district bylaw for Templeton Center and Baldwinville??? Like limiting mega buildings??? Duh!

    #11 in Mid Term goals lists "regionalization of services and consolidation"
    #12 in MID TERM goals is "revisit 2009 DOR recommendations"

    The Mid Term goals listed are the things we are doing now, huh?

    My feeling is simple.

    Short Term..............Get finances straight
    Mid-term................ Change governmental structure of town
    Long Term...............Hold management responsible

    1. I have found that a lot has changed in the past 50 years. I did not always agree with DanaPutnam, and he probably felt the same about me, but I knew he would not do anything to hurt the Town. I guess you could say we respected each other. Obviously I do not feel the same way about some of our elected officials. Someone stopped the investigation the Town voted for !! Now that takes balls. Part of our problem is we, (the voters) let people come into our Town and let them change how things are done. For 250 plus years, we did a line item by line item budget. That changed last year. We would not be in this mess if we had done things the "old" way ! People could have asked questions. A government is only as good as the people who have the positions. We have had good selectmen and some very bad ones. We have had people who sat there year after year, not contributing a thing, but going along with the group ! We have had very bad Advisory Boards, and some good ones. We have had AB that could not get people to attend meetings. We happen to have a good one now. We have a good reporter from the TGN right now. For a number of years we had one sided reporting. This reporter writes what happens at a meeting, meaning she does her job. The biggest problem is having elected people who have no clue as to why things are the way they are, and make the same mistakes that have been made, time and time again. All it would take is, the ability to listen, then they would be more prepared to make decisions. I guess it is a toss up ! Bev.
