Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday -Well to start the day I spent 1 ½ hours at the Athol State police Barracks. I am not stopping on my quest for a full-fledged investigation at 690 Patriots Road, town offices. I believe I am finally getting action- from the state police because I proved I have enough information to warrant a full investigation of the people involved.
They know who they are and they’re doing everything in their power to unseat Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell and I honestly believe Jeff Bennett is next. Are those scoundrels crazy – six months ago Jeff Bennett paid a lawyers firm $4000.00 to prove that he won the selectman’s seat and some dishonest things have been going on in Templeton. Now he knows what I have been complaining about on paper in other words I have time stamped (by the selectmen’s office) complaints about the wrongdoings by the very people that are the organizers of the recall effort. I witnessed all of these parasites Saturday Nov. 19th. They all knew I was checking on them at each recall booth in my nice warm truck. Gerry Skelton with his truck parked at the post office. Him and another man standing behind it on post office property. A picture is worth a thousand words – right Carol? I have pictures that all you people will give me kudos for when you see them. And the dtes, I have a 2inch bundle but I will only show them if we get to the court house in Worcester. And I’m not the only one with a camera out there. So how do you like me now?
Is it true that 1 selectman was at the Baldwinville Nursing Home getting signatures. My older sister is in the nursing home – I’ll have to ask her. What a cheap shot. Like all the other cheap sh-----
These people pulled on us Templeton Taxpayrers again, when all is said and done I hope they have room in West Boylston Pass the word about my blog I’ll add a good joke once in a while. 
I heard that the recall paper got turned in – I wonder how many questionable signatures will be on them. Remember what happened in Gardner a few months ago

I am going to personally check the signatures myself if the powers that be let me.
The quote from Kathy Matson “people are afraid to sign for fear of retribution “ bull ---- that is a polite way these people telling you organizers that they didn’t want to sign your bull--- You want Julie, Jeff and Bob M out of office because you are running scared of the wrongdoings with your signature on them and may I remind you of Bennett spending $4000to prove he won selectman’s seat  Don’t tell me about crooks  cheats, collusion  mongering bonheads that say they are looking out for the town  

They all got caught in the web starting back in 2003. But they didn’t think that an 8th grade dropout was going to follow all their crooked moves. It’s not going to continue for another 8 years because I finally listened to a friend and went right to the Athol Police Barracks. So all you organizers can stand by because Big Moe has got you all on paper. And don’t forget my 2 inch stack of pictures that my lawyer has in a safe place.. 
Which has cost me a lot of money so far. But it’s not just money I have been saving for years. Many many taxpayers in Templeton do not realize how this bull--- affects their tax bills.  And we are not talking about 2 bucks on these issues with me we are talking about thousands and thousands of dollars.  If any taxpayers want to see it on paper stop and see me and I will show you. Well it’s Tuesday now I must go over to the town clerk office to see about the recall papers. Until next time Pauly’s Templeton Watch will be watch out for the Taxpayers I – including the far left.

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