Friday, November 25, 2011

Hello Friends

I just got the Gardner News and read the Town Clerks report on the recall effort by TGN reporter Mark Harranas. He said that the town clerk verified the needed 900 signatures on both petitions. The town clerk said she certified 900 signatures on each petition, I hope I can see those signatures myself because I am a hand writing specialist.

If I could have been on the election board May 2, 2011 we may not have had a recount and Jeff Bennett losing $ 4000.00 to hire outside lawyers.
I am just calling a spade a spade. I know all about human error, but in a case like the May 2, 2011 election everything was a big secret to the taxpayers until Jeff Bennett asked for a recount I said to Jeff Bennett with a pat on the shoulder, I’m glad you decided to ask for a recount. If you won, you won, if you lost, you lost. Let’s have a beer and continue to expose the dishonest deeds that are going on at 690 Patriots Road “Town Hall” in Templeton. The speaker of the house in Washington DC thought he was above the law, well eight years in Federal Prison says it like it is. And in my opinion it should happen here in Templeton if the law prevails and in time I am sure it will. And again today a taxpayer asked me how come more people don’t make written complaints. My answer was this --- a lot of people made written complaints about the same people that I am talking about but somehow they got misplaced or were handled in executive session and nobody will ever know the outcome. I am well versed in     that rule, can’t talk about it until it’s released by the body that asked for the executive session, right Grimley?  It took me 13 months to get the truth and I am still dealing with a higher authority – and I will prevail.

During the recall effort I didn’t realize how many 2 faced people there are here in Templeton, Baldwinville, Otter River and East Templeton. I am talking about 1 person in particular in East TempletonThat has a big "Recall" sign on her front lawn, that allowed the powers that “were” to not give her own daughter an interview for the secretary job at 690 Patriots Road. And I know for a fact she is very very qualified for that particular job. Also another well qualified applicant from town was not even considered for an interview. How come?  Dealer’s Choice? Other words if you don’t play by my rules you can’t play.
I do not believe that Julie Farrell or Bob Mitchell even knew who applied for the job. In my opinion the town coordinator did not allow ALL the selectmen to know who all the applicants were. And guess who kept them out of the loop – because in my opinion the town coordinator was always influenced by others. Not Julie F or Bob M. her job description was to advise all  the selectmen on all issues and events, not just advise Bob C, Chris S and Dennis O. in my opinion the coordinator allowed a lot of things like my many complaints for 2 ½ years to be “misplaced” or swept under the rug. So you people with Recall Coming signs on your lawns, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you think you have been Bulls----d again. Did you readers notice I do all my blogs in layman’s language but I must swear a little to please Jo-Ann B, (concom)

My legal adviser told me to tell all my readers that are offended by my layman’s language to block their eyes and have an adult read the blog to them. I am surprised that I haven’t gotten more “flack” from the recall effort people against Farrell and Mitchell. I am surprised that Mark Harranas did not mention the Robert’s rule on meeting, you must get permission to speak – and if you are so ignorant that you want to hang 3 horses for stealing a man. So be it. Incidentally that was done in Butte Montana in 1871 by a sheriff. How do you like that one – Red T.?  But here in Templeton the posse wants to hang 2 or maybe 3 selectmen for being honest and working for the taxpayers and are sick of the way the town has been run for the past 50 or so years, ask Charlie Perkins. That might help the people that want to sit on  both sides of the fence, being a cowboy. But a friend told one selectmen – real cowboys don’t sit on both sides of the fence. If you don’t hear from me for a couple of days don’t worry. I’ll be down in West Boylston checking for a few rooms.

Thanks for reading - Pauly

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