Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday's Selectmen's Meeting

I attended the Selectmen’s meeting last Monday – there were a lot of “recall supporters” there.  There big saying is “let the people speak” well … A Mr Sparks and his neighbors had some complaints about the Candlelite. Well whether you agree with the residents or you side with the candlelite is not the issue.  These “recall” people say let the people speak yet as Mr Sparks and his neighbors left the meeting they were laughed at by the recall supporters.  
I guess the people” can speak” as long as they are mocking certain members of the BOS – Julie – Bob M – Jeff. 

Then came the agenda were Mr. Bennett brought up the employees that take town vehicles home and the fact that there seemed to be some inconsistencies with who is allowed and who is not.  He brought up the fact that we had just gone to town meeting to transfer $15,000. to the gas and diesel account because there was concern about it running short.  Well the fact that the animal control officer takes the vehicle home to Gardner every day was brought up. Well the Chief (Whittakker) jumped to her defense as did Paul Q – “she is on call – she has to respond to emergencies at all hours” yeh right. As everyone knows she doesn’t respond to calls,  not during her off hours.  She is paid for 8 hours a week to be on call yet ???? Ask for her time sheets – I did – you will be surprised!!  But the recall people didn’t want Mr Bennett to talk about something they didn’t want to hear or was it just that he is trying to stop the waste.  So lets see Kent Songer was told by then Selectmen G Skelton that he could not take the sewer Dept vehicle home.  The former BOH agent, despite her board giving her permission to take the BOH vehicle to her home so she could leave from her house the following morning to attend a seminar that was closer to her home than the office was told by the then selectmen that she could take the vehicle home.  And just a note Paul Q – Bud was told he could not take the highway vehicle home, only after Pat Dunlavey argued for him was he allowed to take the vehicle home only from Nov thru March.
But it’s ok for the ACO to be seen picking up young  kids in the town vehicle during work hour in Gardner.  (Thank you to the resident that observed this and let me know)

Watch out - Templeton has eyes!!!
So I guess the Recall people support - let the people speak as long as they  are knocking Julie, Bob M and Jeff but if the people want to bring up their opinions or other issues – the recall people heckle – laugh and mock the taxpayers – nice.

Ps –nice shirt - Eddie!

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