Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How come Templeton?

 In my opinion which is explained in the next few pages, I have a hard time understanding some things. “Meet Virginia Wilder”, two pages that I took off the recall coming website say she (Virginia) over the past few months has watched and listened carefully to our town government in action and it was a big concern to her. She is talking about the majority of the Board of Selectmen, Julie, Bob M, Jeff Bennett have put the town in jeopardy, financial and legally. And she “Virginia” has talked to many other individuals, who felt the same way. Well, Virginia, how many of these individuals that you talked to even knew what you were talking about other than “Please sign the recall sheet for 2 selectmen Julie and Bob M. That in my opinion and 100’s of other taxpayers, think they are cleaning up a big mess created by appointed and elected people, while the rest of the taxpayers were trying to keep their heads above water and depending on these people to be “above board” and keep us taxpayers informed about town business NOT SO  For the past 8 to 10 years and yes “Virginia” it’s not been a few months that I have been watching and listening to our town government, it’s been several years. Yes “Virginia” years and years and above all you have been a witness. You knew what was going on in town better than myself, because you were part of it. Being on the Advisory Board for 9 years. Did you not observe some “not” so above board activities going on in town? Speak up “Virginia” why you said you are running for selectmen? You speak along the lines of many of us taxpayers, parents and grandparents, for the good

Of all of us in Templeton, taxpayers and all residents which will become voters someday.  I am not worried about the “future”, I am worried about the past 10 years and the present “2012”. That’s why I have been making the so called complaints about, yes dozens of them, and from the year 2004. Yes 2004 this is not a typographical error, it’s the truth and I have the paper work to prove it. Just ask and you will receive. This “Obstruction of Justice” has been stopped with the “boogie man” unjust election involving Jeff Bennett and Jerry Skelton. I want answers and I am going to get answers. So if you become a selectman I will refer to these “meet Virginia” two page notes from your website “recall coming” committee. I will not argue with the rest of your letter except one sentence you mentioned your career was primarily in management with a focus on loss control. Please please Virginia – practice what you preach, “loss control” Thank you Virginia for reading this blog so far. – end of “meet Virginia’” story.
Now let’s get back to why you recall people are picking on Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell constantly, if you “all” from the recall group know so much about what’s going on at 690 Patriots Road. Why in heaven’s name haven’t you started a recall on PHC, Sr. after all I am the lonely senile old man that started the investigation about wrong doings and misuse of municipal funds and cover up and collusion and conspiracy. And I am not forgetting obstruction of justice people, they can’t say they were not warned about this federal offense.

I can just visualize what“the recall Pauly’s Templeton Watch” would look like on those big red lettered white signs that can be seen about town. Please please RECALL Pauly’s Templeton Watch before most of us “meaning the guilty ones” end up in jail or the “house of correction” get it? House of Correction – hee hee hee.

I started this (in my opinion) as a short letter but look what happened. I am sad that I have not got any “flack” from the majority of the recall group. I hope I have not been talking to myself . 

 WOW – Election Day – Feb. 6, 2012 is only 21 days away, I hope we, as in “registered voters” show more concern than the attendance of the town meeting that approved to buy that building at 252 Baldinville Road, That was the third night of the annual Town Meeting in May of 2010 at 10:24PM – How many of the 118 that showed up that night where still there at 10:24PM. Everyone was tired and a lot of people went home before Article 64 was vote. My brother Patrick and myself voted NO as I know some other people that were there did – how could it have passed as “unanimous” as it is “certified” by the Town Clerk. See the Annual Town Report book for 2010, page 180.   Were you there with myself and my brother? Is this how the Municipal Building Committee – Gerald Skelton, Bob Columbus, Chris Stewart, Dennis O’Brien got the article to pass to purchase that horrible building at 252 Baldwinville Road. Less than 100 people made the decision for the whole town of Templeton????

Why doesn’t someone in town help me and my blog explain to the registered voters the intimidation that went on at the next Town Meeting? In other words if my memory failed me the annual report must have failed me and you, too! “The truth is out there Templeton” yes Julie – the truth is out there and we are getting it all, a little at a time. I still am looking for how and by how many votes that article 64 on May 17, 2010 at 10”24PM passed. Why does the Annual Town Report say “unanimous” when myself and my brother and I believe Sharon Manty voted NO on the article. That is just to name a few what happened – do we need a new town moderator – Rob Hubbard – David Bergeron – we miss you!!! Jeff Kovach you can’t hold a candle to them!! In my opinion of course!

Are there minutes of that article in question and how the vote in numbers went? I keep hearing that “you” people voted for it – (quote Jerry Skelton) the town office building – yes they – “not me” voted for it. But not to give the Building Committee a blank check to do as they wish. I can never understand why a committee or commission can’t conduct their business honestly and on paper –so we the taxpayer can review them from time to time again – and really know what the vote is about – Are they still trying to hide something?

Trying to hide things from the truth is a way of life for some people, but when you get caught, is all you hear is “prove it”. And I can prove it.

I also got Pat Mullins’ page from the recall coming website. Well Patrick – I don’t think you will have to represent me on the Board of Selectmen, but if sh—happens, it happens. But can you as an old friend imagine me hammering on you as a selectman? Hee hee. Also when you wander away from the issues and listen to people that want to sway you from the real world, and believe me Patrick, it has happened in the past few years. Remember this when you have breakfast every morning at the Turtle with Gerald Skelton.  But good luck anyway -  

I PHC, Sr am always waiting for comments from anyone, good or bad. SO get with it - people sound off – and please read Jeff Bennett’s letter to the editor – Gardner News – Monday, January 16, 2012. If you don’t read it as a good honest letter to all of us taxpayers – smarten up. You are not going to get many more chances. Thanks again – Jeff Bennett.

Remember – my opinion – Pauly

1 comment:

  1. Paul, keep up the good work, I read your blog faithfully as do many others. Having many posts with no responses tells me that most all agree with what your writing so no need to add to it. It seems prrrreeeeettttty quiet on the other site lately. Maybe they jumped ship and are listening to the truth now.
