Friday, January 20, 2012

kudos to some local businesses

Recently we had a family get together. Here's  "my junkyard" in a cake created by Bev Colella/Cakes For All Occasions in East Templeton. fantastic job, Bev and delicious cake. Everybody thought is was amazing!
Carl LaPlante  of Otter River Road provided some great oldies music - real oldies 40's - 50's-  60's
and of course a big thank you to Tom and Luanne Royer / Kamaloht - the food and everything was PERFECT! 

And yes I took a break from my blog - but only because Sue made me!!!
and speaking of Tom Royer and Kamaloht - Tom is putting Candidates night on - January 24th Tuesday at 6:00PM at Kamaloht. - at his own expense, so you all can meet the the current selectmen that some people  are trying to recall (Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell) and the other  candidates, Patrick Mullins and Virginia Wilder. 
SEE YOU THERE!!!!!     

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