Paul working for you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Information for concerned citizens

I will start by saying I am one person who raised concerns about the capacity of the conference room at 690 Patriots Road. This was not the first time it was over capacity but people are starting to pay attention and attend meetings and it is not fair to them to have to stand in a hallway unable to see or hear what is going on in a public meeting. It is also a violation of the law to not allow people to attend public meetings. To Virginia Wilder, I would suggest you may wish to look into the mirror when talking about people who profess to care about the town but are destroying its operation. Just who went to a nursing home to obtain signatures for a political petition?
Was it the people who ranted, raved and went door to door telling people there are five selectmen but only three of them know what is going on, why do we fire effective venders and we need to stop the personal vendettas and move forward and stop looking backwards. Well Virginia, you and you group along with columbus and mullins have been looking backwards since you were sworn in so how do you like being on the receiving end? It is my opinion, your group is trying to maintain/bring back the status quo and keep a certain group in control and time is running out, read the May 7 election right around the corner. In my opinion, your group should have left well enough alone and you should be asking questions of where is all the paper work for 252 Baldwinville road. A $400,000.00 purchase of a building with someone else's money and no appraisal or building inspection seems to exist. No apparent real 21E (environmental) inspection of the site was done. Yes the taxpayers shelled out $1800.00 bucks for a paperwork shuffle, but as the OPM for that project pointed out at a meeting of the municiple building committee, there is information in that report that has nothing to do "with our site" That would be a reference to a diesel oil spill at the town garage and another one at the bell atlantic garage, so my question is if they have nothing to do with "our site" what is it doing in a report about 252 Baldwinville road? See Virginia, if you really cared about the town, in my opinion, you would be asking these questions. There are already about 8 legal opinions in the office of the board of selectmen, and I would like to know who requested them and why? Taxpayers will end up paying for them unless Len Kopelman is working for free these days, because he has fond memories of Templeton. I am told bob columbus gave our town coordinator a document that is essentially proposing that Mr. Ritter sign it and sign away all his rights and take 2 weeks severance pay and go away quietly. Who wrote that document, whose authority did it come from and why did it not come before the board of selectmen first. You know Virginia, in the business world, that would result in you being fired. I was very happy to see so many people attend a meeting of the board of selectmen and I hope it continues. So Virginia, before you go popping of about conspiracies, perhaps you might consider this; is it a conspiracy when reasonable people agree on basic principles and chose to work together for those principles? In my opinion, you three selectmen, columbus, mullins and yourself crossed that invisible line when you fired town council and refused to listen/consider the views of town residents. You may wish to think about all the things your recall group complained about, told people as you had your meetings and see that you are doing the exact same thing you were yelling about. That is my opinion and I am hard pressed to think anything else. My opinion is if you continue to move backwards, you may a very short tenure on the board because people are paying attention and are beginning to see someone is trying to play them and the people are not dumb. We do have business to attend to and bringing back the former town coordinator is and should not be part of that business. We, the board of selectmen gave our word (read that the taxpayers word)to a law firm and an employee through a written contract/agreement and you three should have stood by it. You could have waited a few months but you chose to awake the sleeping dog on the porch, the taxpayers and now you must contend with them. A while back, Shaun Grimley stated in a newspaper letter that Mr. Bennett should volunteer and get involved rather than complain about everything and Kirk Moschetti wrote that if I got off the couch, I might find the plate full at the Planning Board. I sometimes wonder if my becoming a selectman was what they had in mind. The point of this is very simple, the taxpayers are watching and some people don't like it, in my opinion. My hope is if we move the meetings to the KIVA, the taxpayers will pack that room as well. Remind us that you care and you are watching! Thank you for your support. Jeff Bennett


  1. Here is a reminder of Ms. Wilder's own words copied directly from Let the people speak's Facebook page.

    Virginia Wilder - so much for the open and honest government that we were promised. This has become a dictatorship. No longer what the people want. It is now only what the three rogues want.

  2. Shame on every board member that did not speak up. More shame on the chairman of the board, what about the chief didn't he realize there was a fire code violation? Nothing that was on the agenda was important enough to risk safety. Maybe the board should reschedule all future meetings for a larger room because I see more people getting involved. I for one do not like the fact that people were lied to in order to get signatures for a petition and votes at the polls. The supporters of the recall should come forward and confront the liars and when the next election comes maybe vote in one of the recalled selectmen.
