Friday, March 9, 2012

A Blog from "Anonymous"

On your Blog, I would like you to copy and paste this as I would respectfully request to remain anonomous:
Did you tax payers know you purchased a building on Baldwinville Road using an email as the support in the vendor warrant? Did you know the email was sent to Carol Skelton by K&P and not even a signed settlement statement was put into the warrant for backup? You bought a building using an email for support. Ask to see the warrant it's totally true. Did you know the email was signed off on by B. Columbus, C. Stewart and D. O'Brien?
Did you know the Graves bill the Town is being sued over was not initially pulled by the Town Accountant? Ask the former Treasurer what the circumstances were surrounding the pulling of that bill which now has the Town involved in a lawsuit. Ask the former Treasurer if she ever witnessed Carol pulling a bill from the Selectmens folder when she was advised by her office staff that Julie was on her way in to sign bills.


  1. This was emailed to me requesting it go on the blog - This is an example of the illegal activity that has been going on. So many people know things but are afraid of retaliation. I have had people say they are afraid to speak out for fear of retrobution against them or someone in their family. This is wrong! There is power in numbers - let's all speak up and if they try retaliation lets all protect our fellow taxpayers. We need to protect Jeff Ritter right now - they will get rid of him - Do we really want the Skelton's back??

  2. THAT IS THE TROUBLE in this town. EVERYBODY that "Supposedly" has proof of wrong doing will not come forward, many of you are just as bad for "Enabling" this stuff to continue to happen by turning your heads and not reporting it when it happened/happens. I do not buy that "Afraid of retaliation" crap anymore. If you REALLY cared for the town you would have an attorney and sign affadavits of what you witnessed, these accusations are getting real old with nobody stepping forward with real testimony that CAN BE USED. R.A.

    1. Have you tried to hire an attorney to go after a town for wrong doings - especially a town represented by Len Kopelman? I have called attorneys in Gardner - Leominster Fitchburg - worcester I have the money for an atty they all say the same thing no do you realize this isn't just a lawsuit over the right to develop some land or an arguement with sewer vs septic it is bringing down selectmen and the biggest law firm in Mass.

    2. Find me a lawyer and I will hire him/her.

    3. I also would like to see some proof but not everyone has the $$ to hire an attorney to represent them. It is the town employees that see what's going on and are afraid of coming forward and I can't say as I blame them. I would not like to be a town employee and have to be a whistle blower. You have to be willing to give up your job, your friends(?) and suffer the wrath of the wrongdoers, the liars and theives to come forward. Maybe someone should set up a whistleblowing hotline or post an address where people can unload. Keep up the good work Pauly.

  3. Jeff Bennett
    I do have a copy of that email from sherin everit, lawyer for K&P and it was signed by columbus, O'Brien and stewart, I wrote about that in the gardner news, I have a copy of the so called settlement, I have a copy of paper work with jerry skelton signing off on pay raises for his wife, but until recently people did not seem interested in coming to meetings in force and demanding answers. Alot of things done in Templeton were not criminal but unethical, morally wrong and deceitful and I will sign my name to that. I have asked for quite a while if anyone has proof on paper of anything criminal to pass it to me and I will put it out there, so far, nothing. Len Staples of Ashburnham took on Winchendon and K&P and won!

  4. With all due respect to the person signed R.A....I understand your doubts & wonder where the "proof" is. I can attest to the real fact of retaliation, as I was a victim of it because I did EXACTLY what you say we should do. I was gone after in ways that SHOCKED me!! Once you get burned like that it is very hard to put your hand in the fire again. I also went to Attys & no one would touch this situation. In fact, I am not even sure what the entire situation entails but knew something was & is very wrong here. I wrote to several investigative news agencies, tried to get the Gardner news to print things, & no one would do anything about the regime in power here. I was threatened, I believe someone tried to kill my dog, I was followed & watched closely by authorites here who I first went to, not realizing that they were heavily involved so it seems now the more I read from others....I don't mean this rudely but, I was just as naive as you in thinking that if you just reported this to the "right" people all would be fixed & we would be back to our fairy tale lala land. Well, guess what, that did not happen & I can tell you from what I suffered from I can honestly understand why folks are afraid to come forward or have to write things anonymously. At least those indiviuals are trying still whether they feel they have to do it that way or not. I am even leery about publishing on Pauly's blog, or anywhere for that matter, because some "powers that be" have access to your online activities & don't think they don't. We have a few who are out of control here & have been let to think (for years) that Templeton is theirs for the taking for their own personal gain. They got too big & once something gets Big it is hard to get it back under control of the people who are supposed to have a say in how their town is run. Can't you tell by the blogs that have been written to date that all who have tried to remedy the situation already, that RA suggests be done, have been thwarted or threatened at every turn. I am hesitant to submit this blog because a few things that I have posted have been deleted so am not sure if that is because someone is getting too close to the problem at hand or if it is by accident. Nevertheless, the threats are worse than those who have not been victims of retaliation yet, can even imagine. So, contrary to what one of the above bloggers suggests many of us HAVE TRIED to fix this with no support from attorneys, official agencies or people we believed we could trust, etc. and thought would help us!!!! And were let to know in various ways not to go there again or else!! Please keep blogging anonymously if you have to for now. I am one person who understands why you have to do it this way at this point in time. As Pauly says, there is strength in numbers. I am hopeful the numbers will keep adding up on his side & will increase daily to expose all the wrongdoings that have been let to go on for far too long now. In fact, we need to pray that it is not too late to turn this town around before the State takes us over due to Bankruptsy. While we blindly trusted our officials to put our taxes to work for us they were doing private, dirty deals it appears & now we are at a very critical juncture of being in the real possibilty of no longer being a solvent township who can make decisions on our own because we were failed by others we put in positions of trust. Well, they ABUSED that trust. All of the above is My opinion gleaned from my own perosnal experience in this. Thanks again Pauly for this blogspot.

    1. Thank you isteach we need to hear from people like you - I do not delete anyone posting to this blog and anyone who wishes to remain anonymous may.

    2. Thank you, Pauly, for clearing that up. I didn't think, even for a second, that it was you that would not have published what I had to say because of what your site is all about. I was wondering if it was someone who caused me trouble in the past who might have the power or knowledge of how to intercede & block my internet postings. I was & am suspicious of a certain few that might have sabotaged my ability to send my blogs through. I believe almost anything is possible these days. Especially when someone is attempting to hide something, as it appears that they are trying to do. Why else would that forced recall have happened & everything has to be changed so RAPIDLY!! The election is just less than 2 months away. Why couldn't this bologny let the people speak group have waited until then? What is so critical that in this short period of time could not have waited for this upcoming election to get their selectmen in if that is the only thing they were trying to do? In fact, those recall people are now going to cost us so much more money that we don't have!! And how much did it cost this town for that recall vote when they could have waited a little while. Nevermind the breaches of contract or other legal costs that may be looming over us!! It is obvious from that they do NOT care about us but only themselves & who they are really working for. Thanks for your encouragement to keep posting. You are appreciated for what you are & have been trying to do for so long. Once more, these are my thoughts & opinions. Thanks again for your bravery in coming forth with so much info that many are understandably scared to do!!
