Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Election, Election, Election

To my friends and bloggers and anyone else that wants to chip in for the re-election of Julie Farrell. I am confident that I would win the race for Selectman. But I decided at the last minute not run. Here is why, as a selectmen you can either be popular with the taxpayers or be part of a hatefull group. Get it, a hateful group. I would rather be with the taxpayers group of 4500 taxpayer "voters" then be on a 3 to 2 vote to wreck Templeton and ruin our children and grandchildren's future.
Try to use this explanation, you as taxpayers and parents buy a nice new car for one of your kids, this is in layman's terms, then one of the kids wreck the car before you put insurance on it, now that worthless car must be paid for before anyone in the household can buy a car, no difference as the board of selectmen make a bad deal. It may be decades before the town can recover from their bad 3 to 2 vote, as you all are witnessing what has been going on in Templeton for the past 10 years. 252 Baldwinville Rd., the sewer commission, the planning board planner issue, the con com agent issue, the $1400 issue, the Treasurer issue, the Board of Health issue, the landfill issue and so on and so on. Now for the question of issues about not going back just forward. I am sorry that some think that way, but on my blog every word is allowed. Now let's say Bev was riding her bike down South road towards the general store and she had $100 in her pocket of her blue jeans, about halfway to the store she notices her 100 bucks was missing, now "listen up" would Bev continued to the store and check her pocket again or would she go back and try to find her hundred dollars before it was say "forgotten"? Good question or what? That's why I say - going forward hides a lot of wrongdoings and I for one don't want to go forward until we clean up behind us. I mean wasting the taxpayers money by overpaying appointed officials and creating jobs that were not needed. Making appointed and elected officials pay back the dollars for wrongdoings and kick them, yes kick them out of our municipal appointed or elected positions. When one person lies and their friend swears to it, means 2 liars. Am I right? Soooo, how many bona fide liars do we have on board? I mean in layman's terms and in my opinion, how many proven liars have we so far? Just look at them, you know who and say - are you a liar to a subject, if the person stutters and turns blush red and starts sweating in 40° weather and looks all four ways like an owl, then you got your answer, hee hee he! Most of you people that attended selectmen's meetings know exactly what I mean right? And to the one that called us taxpayers stupid, must certainly be stupid, to say a thing like that about himself "oh I'm sorry" and Pete Kasper you are wrong about that sinkhole at 252 Baldwinville Rd. That is a "pot of gold hole" get it? There was some kind of a sinkhole inside the building, but it was covered up, get it Pete, covered up? Yes Isteach, I am watching about Templeton, I rented a vehicle today so I can ride incognito. Too many people, "not my friends" know all my vehicles. I often take my vehicles "for sale" for short ride around town and of course I always carry my field glasses with the built-in camera, yes, spy glasses by Bushnell, with the built-in camera. My son got them for me for Christmas about five years ago and I use them all the time around town. I have a stack of pictures 2 1/2 inches high, from stray cats to stray elected and appointed officials. In color with the date and the time pretty good huh? This is like a 007 scene. I got one picture of a bear on Hubbardston Rd a couple of years ago-Steve LaPrise thought I was imagining things. Let Steve tell you what happened in his yard a couple of days later, hee hee he. So I don't have to make excuses for the info I have gathered throughout the years. These field glasses cost my son about $500, so someone should buy a pair and keep the town safe. Other words 2 pictures are worth 2000 words. Right?

Well I see the Athol daily news still can't get a story right see March 20, 2012 front page, race for Templeton selectmen, I did not turn in my fully signed papers because I want Julie to get my 4500 votes. I feel I can do more good for Templeton taxpayers right here on my blog. I'll still be working real hard with Bob Mitchell on the legal stuff that did happen in town. The registered letters went out to the proper authorities let's see what happens. Does the town of Winchendon have a problem? What I mean is who runs Winchendon, Kreidler and the board of selectmen or board of selectmen and Kreidler? The big secret in Winchendon is out and circulating around Templeton about their labor and employee problems. Our chief of police asked our selectmen to join an organization to extend their authority outside the Templeton boundaries, other words if you're being followed in Winchendon from Templeton, the Templeton police can go over the line and hold you until the Winchendon policeman can arrest you. Well that sounds like an honest idea get it, honest idea. Well what about a Winchendon resident/police chief (in a neighboring town) knowing a person doing a criminal act and does not follow that person into Templeton to notify our Templeton police of that person’s criminal activity. So he can be arrested, nope, the alleged criminal act made it into Templeton. End of story. Is that what it sounds like to you the Templeton taxpayers? Other words if the person involved in criminal activity in Winchendon makes it to the town line, he safe. Is that the way it works or is it a plan on one particular individual. Other words there is no obstruction of justice in this case it's just a natural way of a new legal system being carried out. Now what about Mr. Kreidler, the Winchendon town manager, don't you think he should be obligated to Templeton and let this town know about wrongdoings. But now listen carefully, maybe Mr. Kreidler feels sorry for Templeton because we have so many wrong doings here and doesn't want to add any more. That is my opinion, let's look at the law in these cases. This issue is against the law in Winchendon, but it's okay in Templeton? Is that the way it goes Mr. Kreidler? It's all out in the open here in Templeton and not because of Pauly’s blog. But the trust the people of Winchendon have lost in you and the trust of the Templeton people for the town of Winchendon, in my opinion, it sounds like the border wars with Mexico and United States. This reminds me of a news report of the capture of bin Laden in a nice cozy fort a half-mile from the city's police station and our military people are being murdered every day protecting that country and the people that said, we didn't know bin Laden was hiding so close. God bless our military in a country like that, other words Winchendon, don't tell Templeton about the issue, let us find out for ourselves about the big dollar problem you had for a number of years until an honest person put a stop to the illegal activities. And I am led to believe it was not a policeman, it was a retired citizen and taxpayer, am I right?

Thanks for reading my opinions and some thoughts.-Pauly


  1. Maybe not this time Pauly, but, you know where you stand for a future election!!!!! We all need patience right now.

  2. Could it be part of the "deal" Mullins made is that he can't resign from the Templeton BOS until Jeff Ritter is fired? Maybe if Mullins resigns before Ritter is gone then Mullins will be prosecuted for alleged misdeeds and actions may be taken against his wife? Maybe it's all the "art of the deal"...

    Probably more than one deal going down and Templeton taxpayers footing the bill.

  3. Oh yes, you can bet your bottom dollar there is more than one "dirty" deal going on in this town. Why do you think the LTPS group are scurrying so to get as much done for themselves as possible before the May election!! That is my opinion!!

  4. I like it.Keep up the full court press.Just a matter of time.Before they turn the ball over.Saw Jerry and his kid Pat leaving the turtle around 9:00am Pat must have banking hours.I got to get me some of those sunglasses.With the camera built into them.townwatch007

  5. Glad you are doing the incognito thing, Pauly. You are someone we good people of this town have needed for a LONG time. If we all work together & help quell the fear by being present in large numbers then we can maybe one day soon beat those scummy dirty dealing folks who don't give a darn about anybody but themselves!! Just look at what citizens of Bell, California did a few years back when they were being taken for a ride by their town officials!! And boy, have a few ripped us off royally, too, without any major consequences yet. But that day is coming thanks to Pauly & this blogspot & all who have taken the time to contribute here. Hopefully those unethical folks will be doing KP duty soon instead of K&P duty. LOL ...Thank you to everyone who shares their opinion. It is helping get the word out & getting an idea of how far these shennanigans have gone. It is really encouraging to see how many people are starting to understand all the wrongdoings that have been done against the decent, trusting, hardworking residents & taxpayers of Templeton. In my opinion, I believe there is tons of stuff that has been done "chiefly" off the radar screen that they are hoping doesn't get "dumped" in their laps or come to "light" if you get my drift :)

  6. My husband grew up here and when we got married we moved out of town. We just moved back less than a year ago. I have been trying to get eduçated on what is going on in town and feel confused. What have the Skeltons done, what has Mr Mullins done, if the people said no to 252 Baldwinville Rd why do they keep trying for it, do we really need a new school,etc. I have been reading the blogs and watching meetings on TV but just seem I may be missing information. I want get as much information as possible but do not know who to believe or talk to.

  7. Hello & welcome back Kimber, I also grew up here many many years ago (pre-skeltons) & was always confident that our elected or appointed officials would do what's best for the town as a whole for the most part. I do not have all the answers but can say from what I have observed in recent town meetings (due to the recall group) & going back (last approx 10 years) that things started to go terribly wrong. It seems more & more decisions were being made for a select few regardless of what the majority of the town wanted...Temporarily the town began to turn around to becoming more fiscally sound due to the very honest & brave actions of newer selectmen Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell, Jeff Bennett. They were doing a terrific job of addressing the concerns of possible bankruptcy for the town, tending to some employees & others who had complaints against the skeltons that were always allegedly swept under the rug by skelton board, it seems. How can complaints against the very people they were filed against be the ones to handle them?? They lost power (due to these newly elected officials just mentioned) & in my opinion didn't like it & were going to try everything they could to get back that power. (just an observation & thought) I believe that is why the "let the people speak" & groups were formed. I think they were all a front to the real reason recall papers were taken out against Farrell & Mitchell (In my humble opinion, I say believe those 2, if you believe anybody in this, as well as Bennett & Pauly) Then Pauly started this blog because the Gardner News was only printing one side of the story (skeltons side it seems) My opinion from what I have read there & here & I also have some insight from a personal incident. People were afraid to speak out because they were threatened (I can attest to that) There is way too much going on for me to list it all here but I can lament that we did lose 2 wonderful selectmen (Farrell & Mitchell) because those 2 groups I mentioned lied to the townspeople to get them to sign their petitions. Now, people are beginning to see that they were lied to & are quite ANGRY, as they should be. Please go to or watch the meetings on the local channel 8 station to get a better understanding & form your own opinion. Thanks for asking these very good questions. I understand how you would be very confused just getting back here. I hope I have helped get you started in your own "investigation" as to what is going on here. Even those of us who blog on this site are not absolutely positive as to everything that is going on but know something is extremely wrong in Templeton that needs to be fixed. Hope you will enjoy being back in town once some of this gets settled. Keep checking Pauly's blog, too, because you will only get a very biased view from the newspapers. All the best to you & yours.

  8. Thank you for the information.
